Beyond the Standard Model Physics
Recent papers in Beyond the Standard Model Physics
The charged quantum geometry of mass-ENERGY-Matter - developed from the foundational postulate that quantised angular momenta of Planck's constant is in fact reflective of an equilateral mass-energy geometry from which all 2d immaterial... more
This work examines the finite temperature properties of the CPT-even and parity-odd electrodynamics of the standard model extension. We start from the partition function written into the functional integral formalism in Ref. . After... more
The Standard Model relies heavily on virtual particles to provide mechanisms via which the four fundamental forces of nature are engendered. Furthermore the existence of virtual particles themselves are totally reliant on the validity of... more
We present the mini-proceedings of the workshop on ``Photoproduction at collider energies: from RHIC and HERA to the LHC'' held at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*, Trento)... more
Dans la théorie du “réseau cosmologique” qui est présentée dans ce livre, le problème de l’unification des théories physiques et de la recherche d’une Théorie du Tout est traité d’une manière radicalement différente des autres approches... more
This paper summarizes how a new approach to the Universe based on the existence of a "crystalline ether", which has recently been detailed in the third versions of two books [1], makes it possible to find a simple, unified and coherent... more
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
Space-based experiments today can uniquely address important questions related to the fundamental laws of Nature. In particular, high-accuracy physics experiments in space can test relativistic gravity and probe the physics beyond the... more
Dans cette brève communication, nous résumons comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers, qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans deux livres, permet de trouver une explication simple, unifiée et cohérente de l’ensemble des théories... more
Ce papier résume comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers basée sur l’existence d’un «éther cristallin», qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans les troisièmes versions de deux livres [1], permet de trouver une explication simple,... more
The problems with the standard model and the current model of gravity , is unambiguously difficult to solve , Many models had an approach for a solution which is consistent with other areas of physics , but many has failed , string theory... more
The most scientific evidence-yet of simple perpetual motion.
This paper presents a low dimensional topological approach to the formation of different Quantum Particles by Geometric Quantization of the energy excited localized harmonic oscillation of the field. Establishing a single function for... more
Starting with mathematics about one-dimensional patterns it was found a model for electric and magnetic fields and photons. The model contains two quanta only and make predicts about clusters from this two quanta. The model explains the... more
My essay is an attempt to answer the following : « Is the data economy, then, destined to benefit only a few elite firms? » Apparently that would be the issue till now. What are available tools to avoid this false target ? Copyright ©... more
The combination of many observations, including galactic rotation curves, gravitational lensing, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and primordial light element abundances, cannot be explained without extending the Standard Model of... more
Ο Στέφανος Τραχανάς, πιστός στο διαφωτιστικό πρόγραμμα των Πανεπιστηµιακών Εκδόσεων Κρήτης που διευθύνει, θέλει µε το «Φάντασµα της Όπερας» να βοηθήσει στη γεφύρωση του χάσματος ανάμεσα στις «δύο κουλτούρες» – αυτή των θετικών... more
In this thesis we discuss some aspects concerning the construction of a 4D effective theory derived from higher dimensional (in particular 6D) models. The first part is devoted to the study of how the heavy Kaluza-Klein modes contribute... more
Solenoid (inner): 2T Toroid (outer):0.5 T EM Calorimeter:
The objective is to find a unified description of physical properties which applies at the small (atomic) scale and at the large (cosmological) scale. The starting point is the General Theory of Relativity. Light is described as a wave... more
Basics of some topics on perturbative and non-perturbative string theory are reviewed.
The nature of gravitational waves is discussed as described by the General Theory of Relativity and only recently observed as a detectable phenomenon. Gravitational waves are a wave disturbance of spacetime propagating at the speed of... more
The electron is not an elementary particle. The Standard Model is wrong “The electron is not an elementary particle, because it is composed of a Photon and a Dark electron” Adrian Ferent “The Standard Model is wrong because the... more
These notes cover (i) electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model (SM) and the Higgs boson, (ii) alternatives to the SM Higgs boson including an introduction to composite Higgs models and Higgsless models that invoke extra... more
This thesis covers pair production, particles, quark confinement, the nucleus and a relativistic lattice model for the atom. Much of my previous work is included and updated, with considerable new material.
Low-energy tests of fundamental symmetries and studies of neutrino properties provide a powerful window on physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). In this article, we provide a basic theoretical framework for a subsequent set of articles... more
Here, in this paper we present two approaches outlining a conceptually and mathematically neat frameworks within which we reproduce the mass generation mechanism essential for the Standard Model. The rst framework is based on the... more
The study of low energy weak interactions of light quarks and leptons continues to provide important insights into both the Standard Model as well as the physics that may lie beyond it. We review the status and future prospects for low... more
The study of the fundamental structure of nuclear matter is a central thrust of physics research in the United States. As indicated in Frontiers of Nuclear Science, the 2007 Nuclear Science Advisory Committee long range plan,... more
Basic Introduction to Terms Relating to Sub-Atomic Particles and to the Standard Model of Elementary Particles
PREVIEW ONLY - READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: This article is a rebuttal to Robert G. Cavin and Carlos A. Colombetti's article, "Assessing the Resurrection Hypothesis: Problems with Craig's... more
This report is the result of the collaboration and research effort of the Quarkonium Working Group over the last three years. It provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in heavy-quarkonium theory and experiment, covering... more
The Dirac quantization condition and its relationship to the electromagnetic finestructure constant alpha is derived from the initial boundary conditions of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity (QBBS). The QBBS is shown to form a... more
These notes cover (i) electroweak symmetry breaking in the Standard Model (SM) and the Higgs boson, (ii) alternatives to the SM Higgs boson including an introduction to composite Higgs models and Higgsless models that invoke extra... more
This collection of studies on new physics at the LHC constitutes the report of the supersymmetry working group at the Workshop 'Physics at TeV Colliders', Les Houches, France, 2007. They cover the wide spectrum of phenomenology in the LHC... more
In the first part of this review we discuss the basic observational features at the end of the cosmic ray energy spectrum. We also present there the main characteristics of each of the experiments involved in the detection of these... more
The ``principle of the fermionic projector'' provides a new mathematical framework for the formulation of physical theories and is a promising approach for physics beyond the standard model. The book begins with a brief review of... more
The Large Hadron Collider presents an unprecedented opportunity to probe the realm of new physics in the TeV region and shed light on some of the core unresolved issues of particle physics. These include the nature of electroweak symmetry... more
In physics, as a branch of science that studies energy and matter, the central problem has always been the question of the mechanisms of energy interactions and the formation of material structures. There is a growing consensus that this... more
One fundamental problem of modern physics is the search for a theory of everything able to explain the nature of space-time, what matter is and how matter interacts. There are various propositions, as Grand Unified Theory, Quantum... more
The problem of Yukawa couplings being arbitrary parameters in the Standard Model Higgs mechanism is a long standing one due to their formulaic dependence on the Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value. We will attempt to solve this problem and... more
This chapter of the report of the “Flavor in the era of the LHC” Workshop discusses the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental issues related to flavor phenomena in the charged lepton sector and in flavor conserving CP-violating... more
Shopping around for answers; Dark Matter Scatter part 2 ABSTRACT Model failures are known to all, and the “crisis in Cosmology” continues to deepen. While some are embracing the plasma-electromagnetic (PEM) model and trying to... more
An elementary geometrical vector examination of pair production does an excellent job of showing the CP symmetry of the process, and gives a visual model of the vacuum and virtual particles. However CPT symmetry is not seen in the model.
This are some note on effective field theory. The content are -Introduction -Classification of operator -Wilsonian action -Fermi Theory -Non relativistic QED -S matrix equivalence theorem -Loops and EFT -Low energy QED... more