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This article highlights the importance of sexuality in assisted conception cycles through a method of inquiry that focuses on the biomedical professionals of the clinics studied, as well as the protocols they offer. Gamete donations and... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesAnthropologie
This dissertation investigates the ways scientific and biotechnological advancement impact and change Jewish law and ethics. It analyzes the contemporary Jewish bioethical debate concerning the identification of maternity and paternity in... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeScience and ReligionTechnology and SocietyBioethics Reproductive Technology
Questo studio prende spunto dallo scarto che, a causa di un diritto scritto non sempre al passo coi tempi, viene a crearsi tra la realtà sociale concretamente vissuta dalle famiglie create ricorrendo alla procreazione medicalmente... more
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      Human Rights LawFamily LawAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesSurrogacy
An experiment was conducted for 12 weeks to investigate the anti-oxidative effect of carrot fruit extracts administered to rabbit bucks on growth, organ characteristics, gonadal and extra-gonadal sperm reserves, and daily sperm... more
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      Animal PhysiologyAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesAnimal Reproductive PhysiologyCarrot
This essay seeks to examine the socio-political intersection of LGBTQ engagement in family building and ARTs by critically examining the relevant academic literature, but also drawing information from community reports and state actors.
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      Anthropology of BiomedicineHeteronormativityRainbow FamiliesAssisted Reproductive Technologies
The matter of 'abandoned embryos' arises when surplus IVF embryos are frozen and stored for later use. If the fertility clinic or storage facility in question does not have clear direction about what to do with these embryos, and/or... more
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      BioethicsEmbryologyReproductive EthicsHealth Law
Obesity is associated with a reduction in fertility treatment success and increased risks to mother and child. Therefore guidelines of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) suggest... more
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      EthicsObesityIVFAssisted Reproductive Technologies
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      SociologySociology of FamiliesSexual and Reproductive HealthCapitalism
Historical and feminist reflections on Louise Brown the first "test-tube baby," born July 1978.
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      History of MedicineWomen's HealthReproductionGender
How are non-conventional sexualities, family formations, parenting practices and reproductive choices and strategies localised within the context of contemporary Russian society, which recently shifted to a neo-traditionalist ideology?... more
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      Russian StudiesAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesQueer KinshipLesbian Motherhood
Cet article présente les résultats de recherche visant à mieux comprendre le point de vue et l’expérience d’hommes agissant à titre de donneurs de sperme dans la concrétisation de projets parentaux d’autrui. Notre démonstration s’appuie... more
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesFamilyFiliationAssisted Reproductive Technologies
This article has two objectives: the first, to analyze the professionalization process of assisted reproduction (AR) in order to see how AR is consolidating into an independent field within medicine, and the second, to see how AR arrived... more
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      Medical SociologyLatin American StudiesMedical AnthropologyComputer Networks
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      Medical SociologyMedical AnthropologyMexico (Anthropology)Assisted Reproductive Technologies
We are a group of Toronto-based service providers (physicians, nurses, fertility counselors, midwives, community development workers, lawyers), researchers (university, institutional, community-based), and consumers of reproductive... more
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      Gender and SexualityAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesLgbtq
In only the second case dealing with posthumous conception in South Africa – Ex Parte SN – a woman approached the High Court seeking an urgent order allowing her to have sperm removed from the body of her comatose husband, so that she... more
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      Health LawPublic HealthAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesPosthumous Reproduction
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to extensively report the implications of the global trend of declining fertility rates and an increasingly ageing population. The experiences of childless men are mostly absent from gerontological,... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
Before there is sexual orientation there is sex. And lesbians, as a class of women have been right to point out that men—gay and straight—still benefit from a patriarchal society. Lesbians remain more vulnerable to misogyny,... more
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      Queer StudiesEthicsWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
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      Assisted Reproductive TechnologiesHeterosexismSubsidiesQueer Reproduction
En los últimos años se ha incrementado en Argentina la cantidad de tratamientos de reproducción asistida con donación de gametos (óvulos y/o espermatozoides). La filiación por técnicas de reproducción asistida heterólogas interroga la... more
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      BioethicsAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesBioéticaDirect-To-Consumer Genetic Testing
quelques éléments sur le vécu psychologique des couples avec un projet de procréation avec un don d'ovocyte. diaporama d'une présentation
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      Clinical PsychologyAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesPsychology of Infertility
Among all human practices, procreation seems the most paradoxical. It starts as a fully personal choice and ends with the creation of a new subject of rights and responsibilities. Advances in reproductive genetics pose new ethical and... more
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      BioethicsBioethics Reproductive TechnologyBiomedical EthicsAssisted Reproductive Technologies
This paper discusses some of the major themes contained in the position paper La maternità surrogata: profili etici (Surrogate Pregnancy: Ethical Profiles) drafted by the Ethics Committee of the Fondazione Veronesi. In particular, the... more
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      Sex and GenderBioethicsSexual and Reproductive HealthBioethics Reproductive Technology
Brown Bodies, White Babies examines surrogacy as a location that reveals the cultural and political context in which traditional notions of family and race are shored up, and potentially disruptive social phenomenon are reabsorbed into... more
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      FeminismReproductive JusticeNew Reproductive technologiesAssisted Reproductive Technologies
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      Reproductive healthAssisted Reproductive Technologies
growth in the surrogacy market has been rapid and widespread, the Indian government has struggled to regulate it as a business, a medical practice, and for the protection of surrogates. After nearly a decade of proposed draft bills, the... more
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      Political ScienceGender and the LawIndian LawAssisted Reproductive Technologies
El propósito de este texto es exponer algunos conceptos e ideas clave para quien quiera adentrarse en las discusiones sobre las “nuevas tecnologías reproductivas” desde una perspectiva feminista.
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      New Reproductive technologiesAssisted Reproductive Technologies
Resumo A família monoparental é uma entidade familiar constitucionalmente protegida no artigo 226, § 4º, da Constituição Federal de 1988. No entanto, pairam ainda, sobretudo na doutrina, algumas dúvidas quanto à possibilidade de uma... more
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      Civil LawBioethicsFamily LawBiolaw
In der vorliegenden Arbeit, die sich auf Deutschland, Österreich und Italien iVm der Judikatur des EGMR konzentriert, möchte man beleuchten, inwieweit und in welche Richtungen die Rechtsprechung Bezug auf Kindeswohlerwägungen nimmt, um... more
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      Children's RightsItalyGermanyChild
Modern assisted reproduction technologies (ART), by gradually enlarging the boundaries of the ‘scientifically possible’ in the field of reproduction, have offered more avenues to increase the possibility of anyone to become a parent and... more
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      Family LawAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesAssisted ReproductionMedically Assisted Procreation and Biotechnology
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      AnthropologyBioethicsKinship (Anthropology)Religious Studies
Ta en oiko mi en dimo is a popular Greek proverb meaning that whatever happens at household [ oikos] should not be exposed into public [ dimos]. In the Greek cultural context sexuality, reproduction, family relations belong to the realm... more
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      Children and FamiliesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of ReproductionPartnership
Feminist geographers have criticized affective and non-representational geographies for not taking into account social differences. This paper brings feminist accounts of emotion and affect into dialogue with affective and... more
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      EmotionFeminist TheoryThe BodyMexico (Anthropology)
This is the introduction to Birthing a Mother (an ethnography about gestational surrogates and intended mothers) as well as the first chapter on the surrogate's experience of the surrogacy process.
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      Medical SociologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      GeneticsBiomedicineHistory Of EugenicsBiotechnology
Assisted reproductive technologies allow women to sell the service of gestating a fetus, but maintain little or no claim to the product of that labor: the child itself. In the context of transnational Indian surrogacy, this situation is... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEthnic StudiesGender StudiesFeminist Theory
Scholars have long debated the relationship between morality and the market. Some argue that morality tempers market interests, while others argue that the market has its own moral order. Meanwhile, feminist scholars have argued that a... more
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      Economic SociologyMedical SociologyGender StudiesAnthropology of Reproduction
Global amphibian declines associated with anthropogenic causes, climate change, and amphibianspecific infectious diseases (e.g., chytridiomycosis) have highlighted the importance of biobanking amphibian genetic material. Genetic resource... more
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      Collection DevelopmentConservation BiologyConservationCryopreservation
Anais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Direito de Família -FAMÍLIAS NOSSAS DE CADA DIA Sumário: 1. Introdução. 2. Os beneficiários das técnicas de RA no Brasil. 3. Limites e exceções. 4. A maternidade de substituição. 5. Contratos de geração... more
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      BioethicsDireitoBioethics Reproductive TechnologyDerecho de Familia
Unimaginable until the twentieth century, the clinical practice of transferring eggs and sperm from body to body is now the basis of a bustling market. In Sex Cells, Rene Almeling provides an inside look at how egg agencies and sperm... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesEgg Donation
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      Critical TheoryEngineeringSociologyPolitical Sociology
International commercial surrogacy (ICS) is a growing phenomenon in which the dynamics of global economic inequality between women are often reproduced in the effort to produce children. ICS, in which a commissioning parent(s) goes abroad... more
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      Children and FamiliesFeminismAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesSurrogacy
Revue Sociologie Santé -Santé reproductive -n°38, octobre 2015
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      AnthropologyRace and RacismRace and EthnicityAssisted Reproductive Technologies
Il diritto italiano non può più evitare di affrontare il tema della genitorialità in relazione all'orientamento sessuale e all'identità di genere. Questo volume vuole affrontarlo nella sua complessità e presentare per la prima volta una... more
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      Medical LawFamily LawLGBT IssuesDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
The article offers the authors' views on finding books with characters who were the product of donor sperm in libraries the U.S. The authors cite that they have not found the book in the Library of Congress (LC) due to the... more
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      HistoryAssisted Reproductive Technologies
The study aims to present baseline data on the reproductive anatomy of a poorly known tropical deer species, Rusa deer (Rusa timorensis). The anatomy of female reproductive system is described using seven uniparous hinds, aged between... more
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      Comparative AnatomyVeterinary PathologyWildlife BiologyReproduction
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      NeoliberalismBioethics Reproductive TechnologySurrogate MotheringBirth
Taming egg donors is a multi-sited ethnography of the egg donation industry in Spain. It elaborates the politics of decision-making, information, risk perception, labour, and selection that operate in the Spanish context. In this thesis,... more
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Background: L-carnitine (LC), and its acetylated form, acetyl L-carnitine (ALC), have immense functional capabilities to regulate the oxidative and metabolic status of the female reproductive system. The vulnerability of this system to... more
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      PregnancyAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesEstrogenL-carnitine