Recent papers in Heteronormativity
Within interpersonal and family communication, researchers have tended to construct and describe LGBTQ relationships in regards to a heterosexual norm. A review of recent research reveals the conceptual limitations of this framework,... more
This essay seeks to examine the socio-political intersection of LGBTQ engagement in family building and ARTs by critically examining the relevant academic literature, but also drawing information from community reports and state actors.
Der Artikel analysiert diskursive Strategien in aktuellen deutschen Elternzeitschriften. Es wird beobachtet, dass "Mutterschaft" zugleich mit konservativen Geschlechterrollen verbunden ist und in einen individualistischen... more
Coautoria: Cristiane Terra e Vitor Lages. Nunca se falou tanto sobre inclusão LGBT e compliance em proteção de dados. Porém, há um longo caminho para a transformação cultural que possibilite sua efetiva inclusão nas empresas,... more
Resumo: O presente ensaio faz um exercício de reflexão sobre a construção das identidades e diferenças, problematizando como o eu se constrói a partir de um outro e o que ocorre quando no processo de formação do sujeito há um desejo não... more
Polyamory. Loving More than One A biographical portrait of non-monogamous relationship cultures In the mainstream of academic Psychology, the concept of the monogamous relationship between two people is rarely called into question. The... more
Donald Trump slash fic is a sobering example in the survey of American politics and fan work. From Archive Of Our Own’s “Donald Trump – Fandom” to inclusion as op-eds in the New York Times, these visceral and contemporary works comprise... more
Med afsæt i hovedpersonen fra tredje sæson, Isak, ser artiklen nærmere på homoseksualitet og maskulinitet. I artiklen introduceres og anvendes centrale queer teoretiske begreber som ’homosocialitet’ og ’heteronormtivitet’. Der vises... more
El presente trabajo es parte de mi tesis de maestría en Educación Física en la Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil, en la que me propongo indagar sobre los juegos infantiles desde una perspectiva de género y diversidad sexual.... more
The aim of this minireview is to analyse the existing Czech research in the field of Queer Linguistics with the use of the meta-linguistic perspective. After a short introduction of Queer Theory ideas and ideas of Queer Linguistics... more
Poster presentation at QueerAsia Conference "BodiesXBorders"
SOAS, UCL 26-28 June 2018
SOAS, UCL 26-28 June 2018
The process of informed consent is fundamental to basic scientific research with human subjects. As one aspect of the scientific enterprise, clinical drug trials rely on informed consent documents to safeguard the ethical treatment of... more
This seminar paper deals with the issue of heteronormativity in translations of homoerotic elements in Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets. The analytical part deals with extracts from three of Shakespeare’s plays: The Merchant of Venice, As... more
When the issue of basic income is discussed from feminist perspective, it seems that it is usually done so focusing on gender role and gendered division of labor. As the issue of gender role and gendered division of labor in this regard... more
While "no means no" considers sex as consensual until someone says no, "yes means yes" defines sex only then as consensual when all parties have explicitly agreed. Consent is thus positively determined by the presence of a yes and no... more
El sistema heteropatriarcal ha determinado cómo ha de desarrollarse la estructura de la sociedad y las relaciones entre personas con identidades diversas, además de establecer desigualdades sociales. Ello ha condicionado la forma en que... more
Summering in Asbury Park in 1908 enabled Alice Ramsey to hone her motor skills as she drove 6,000 miles of Monmouth County roads. She developed skills to care for and maintain the car, with few services available to her. Her winning... more
Résumé de ma thèse de doctorat en science politique-études de genre, soutenue le 6 juin 2019 à l'Université Paris 8, sous la direction d’Éric Fassin.
Drawing on Cherríe Moraga's semi-autobiographical writings and varied scholarly work, this article contends that in her play, The Hungry Woman: A Mexican Medea (2001), she not only critiques patriarchal heteronormativity, but she goes... more
At the opening of South Africa’s first democratic parliament in 1994, newly elected president Nelson Mandela issued a clarion call to an unlikely group: white Afrikaans women, who during apartheid occupied the ambivalent position of being... more
Malgré la prolifération de recherches sur le genre, de débats sociétaux virulents, de luttes pour la reconnaissance où les enjeux identitaires se doublent d’enjeux citoyens, les sciences sociales demeurent peu bavardes sur... more
Heteronormativity --and its hegemonic status as a normalising and oppressive discourse --is reinforced through institutions such as the educational system. Heteronorms privilege normative gender and sexual identities while marginalising... more
Over the past fifty years, children’s picture books have made great strides toward literary equity by including more perspectives from and stories about marginalized groups, such as those whose gender identities do not conform to... more
Im Rekurs auf Kimberlé Crenshaws Konzept einer "political intersectionality" und Erkenntnissen aus den post-/dekolonialen Queer Studies diskutiert dieser Beitrag die komplexen Verstrickungen von Rassismus und Hetero-/Homonormativität.... more
Nesse estudo intencionamos mostrar a função dos meios de comunicação voltados para o público LGBT no Brasil como aparato que possibilita a repetição e reprodução das normas garantindo eficácia dos atos performativos e da... more
BA thesis submitted to the University of Turku, Finland. In this paper I asses a magazine article using methods from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and queer linguistics.
Drawing upon the example of Australia’s first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and her de facto partner, Tim Mathieson, this chapter considers the ways in which concerns around the ‘legitimacy’ of this relationship worked in tandem... more
This critical content analysis of 116 award-winning English language picture storybooks explores depictions of families in order to identify and question dominant family models. NOTE: I do not have permission to post the entire... more
Heteronormativity is a hegemonic system of norms, discourses, and practices that constructs heterosexuality as natural and superior to all other expressions of sexuality. Queer theorist Michael Warner (1991) coined the term... more
This feminist event is for all women who denounce the escalating violence and oppression that mark the 21 st Century, who rage against the continued exclusion and silencing of women throughout the world, and who are convinced that a... more
Thematic Analysis (TA) is an accessible, flexible, and increasingly popular method of qualitative data analysis. Learning to do it provides the qualitative researcher with a foundation in the basic skills needed to engage with other... more
While empirical studies on LGBT individuals coming out to their parents are common in Western societies, these studies are rare in non-Western societies. This article attempts to fill that void by shedding light on the experiences of... more
This study aims to address the view that sexuality can be identified through linguistic features. By removing visual evidence and solely providing audio data, listeners are asked to rate self-identified heterosexual and homosexual males... more
La autonomía tiene bastante influencia de la heteronomía aún. La heteronomía moldea a la autonomía. No es posible situarlas en esferas de injerencia del todo separadas, más bien se asemejan a un diagrama de Venn, en el cual se intersectan... more
As danças de salão são uma manifestação de ócio predominantemente heteronormativa. Neste sentido, este trabalho, que compõe parte de minha pesquisa de doutorado, é uma investigação sobre os espaços de dança de salão queer/gay/livre. A... more
In 2015, the New Zealand Ministry of Education released a new curriculum policy document for sexuality education in all schools – Sexuality Education: A Guide for Boards of Trustees, Principals and Teachers. This policy is a rare... more