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      Remix CultureRemix StudiesRemix TheoryAutotune
La actividad de los prosumidores a raíz de la web 2.0 ha dado lugar a un continuo surgimiento de nuevos fenómenos audiovisuales realizados con software de edición de audio y video. La música juega un papel protagonista en muchos de ellos... more
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      Popular MusicYouth CultureProsumerYoutube
In cinematic history, black bodies have been represented as inhuman, superhuman , and subhuman. T-Pain's work enacts strategic resistance to these discursive formations. T-Pain's "Can't Believe It" music video resonates with wider... more
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      Masculinity and Hip HopBlack Popular CultureHip-Hop StudiesHip Hop and politics
Performance degradation due to imperfect isola- tion of hardware resources such as cache, network, and I/O has been a frequent occurrence in public cloud platforms. A web server that is suffering from performance interference degrades... more
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      Web 2.0Configuration ManagementWebservicesDynamic Load Balancing