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The volume represents an attempt of a complex study of the politogenetic processes in their regional and temporary variety. The authors hope that their survey can and should also promote a better understanding of the general tendencies... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
In this contribution, the author compares the Amazigh movement in Tunisia with that of Libya. It seems clear that the fall of Ben Ali’s regime allowed the emergence of Amazighity in Tunisia. On several occasions, the Amazigh have had to... more
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      Political ScienceBerber studiesLibyaConflict in Libya
The Almoravids (al-Murābiṭūn 434-530/1042-1147) were a Saharan Berber tribal federation who conquered the western Maghrib and most of al-Andalus in the second half of the fifth/eleventh century. They were the first indigenous group to... more
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      BerbersHistory of Maghrib and AndalusAlmoravids
Before the Arabs conquered northwest Africa in the seventh century, Ramzi Rouighi asserts, there were no Berbers. There were Moors (Mauri), Mauretanians, Africans, and many tribes and tribal federations such as the Leuathae or Musulami;... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa StudiesTranslation and Ideology
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
New means of communication and networking have intensified the contact among the Amazigh (Berber) communities in North Africa and diasporic locations, reinforcing pre-existent forms of transnationalism and deterritorialisation. The... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLiteratureDigital MediaBerber studies
The history of the Berber languages has always been linked to that of other languages and cultures. It is a fact that, throughout history, the Berber peoples have handed down very few written documents in their own language. Even in... more
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      African StudiesContact LinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeArabic Language and Linguistics
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      ColonialismBerbersSpanish Protectorated in Morocco
Longtemps restées dans l'ombre, les origines des Imazighen (dénomination berbère propre à la langue tamazight signifiant 'homme libre'), ont pris une nouvelle direction dans la dernière décennie. Les revendications... more
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    • Berbers
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      Al-AndalusMuslim-Christian RelationJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesCharlemagne
Since times immemorial, tattoos have constituted some of the more extreme and expressive forms of body modification, their purpose being oftentimes much more complex than some might expect, going far beyond the trivial intent of adorning... more
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      ReligionCultural StudiesSocial AnthropologySelf and Identity
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Rachik, Hassan, Sacré et sacrifice dans le Haut-Atlas marocain, Casablanca, Afrique Orient, [1990], 2016. Dans les sociétés rurales où l'essentiel du savoir local n'est pas conservé ni transmis par écrit, le rituel constituent une source... more
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      AnthropologyRitualSacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Meals
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      Berber LexicographyIrrigation water ManagementBerber studiesAncient Irrigation Systems
This detailed study deals with the early history of the Ibadites in North Africa prior to the creation of the Rustamid state. It is based to a large extent on Ibadi sources, some of which were available at that time in manuscript only.
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      Islamic HistoryBerbersHistory of North AfricaIbadites
The process of claiming and constructing the consciousness of a Berber identity began to be widely articulated in the national frame of the North African nation states at the beginning of the 80s. However, the nature and the limits... more
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      BerbersBerbers. Amazighs. History of Berbers. Cultural and Political Claims. Cultural and Berber Movement. North of Africa. Algeria. Morocco.Discours identitaire en Kabylie
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAnthropologyRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
Fake Term "Nubian" – Why? To clarify that the non-Egyptian antiquities of the Egyptian South and the Sudanese North cannot be called Nubian, I initiated a series of articles, presenting the historical interaction among the Hamitic –... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
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      African StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAfrican HistoryMediterranean Studies
Portée et limites de la distinction "arabes" vs. "Berbères" dans l'Extrême -Sud tunisien de la période coloniale aux langages contemporains (avant 2011)
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      Colonial DiscourseTunisiaBerbersPost Colonial Theory
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      Political ViolenceViolence Against WomenAl Andalus (Islamic History)Berbers
Revista ARQUEOHISTORIA. Por una Arqueología Sin Fronteras - Época Segunda - nº 8 - Septiembre de 2015 - ISSN: 1137-5221 - Versión a Todo Color. Revista fundada en 1997, especializada en Enigmas de las Antiguas Civilizaciones y los... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyEpigraphy (Archaeology)
The University of Cambridge. Department of Middle Eastern Studies
Doctoral Thesis: Abstract/Acknowledgements/Table of Content
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      Arabic LiteratureMiddle East StudiesIslamic StudiesFatimids
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      North Africa StudiesIdeologyMediterranean StudiesLate Antiquity
مقال حول وضع الحركة الأمازيغية ،الدوافع و الأسباب و شرح لوضع الامازيغ في بلدان شمال افريقيا
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    • Berbers
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      Rural HistoryFrench colonialismMoroccoAnthropology of Colonialism
In questo elaborato ci occuperemo prevalentemente dei berberi del Marocco e del loro processo di rivendicazione in quanto minoranza nazionale all'interno di una società araba. Dedicheremo attenzione anche all'identità berbera considerata... more
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      Berber studiesBerberMarocAmazigh culture
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      French colonialismHistory of the Sahara, Sahel and North AfricaTuaregFrench colonial Algeria
La présente contribution présente une stèle inédite déposée près de l’entrée principale de la casbah qui domine la ville d’El Kef, l’antique Sicca Veneria, en Tunisie centrale occidentale. Il s’agit d’une stèle punique tardive, datable... more
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      IconographyTheologyMiddle East & North AfricaNorth Africa Studies
This article analyzes the morphological oppositions and the semantic distinctions that originate from transformation processes of which the imperfective in Berber has been the subject. The synchronic and diachronic phenomena studied in... more
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      SemanticsMorphosyntaxMorphologyLibyco-Berber Linguistics
ESPAÑOL: En este artículo se aborda someramente lo que consideramos el primer problema de la lingüística guanche: la correcta lectura de los guanchismos en las fuentes etnohistóricas románicas. Los principales trabajos de lingüística... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBerber studiesBerberCanary Islands
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyMinority Studies
Historical evidence pertinent for the study of Mediterranean regions of Africa comes in texts written in a number of languages (Arabic, Latin and vernacular) and uses categories such as Maghrib and Barbaria but in very distinct ways. In... more
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      Middle East StudiesNorth Africa StudiesAfrican HistoryMediterranean Studies
A short but comprehensive approach to the Moroccan Kingdom
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      Islamic StudiesBerber studiesMarocBerbers
Es difícil pensar que la Historia, como disciplina, llegue a ser nunca asimilada a una Ciencia, aunque se intente englobar dentro de las llamadas humanas. ¿Qué profesionales de la Historia pueden surgir cuando la objetividad se sacrifica... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
At first sight, North African Ibāḍism emerged during the Berber uprisings against Umayyad and ʿAbbāsid rule and stayed at the margins of the empire. The imamate of Tāhart even stood, in the posthumous memory of the school, as an ideal... more
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      Slave TradeNorth African HistoryBerbersIbadism
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¡Otra vez aquí! Después de tres números de la revista, innumerables entradas tanto en la web como en facebook, comentarios en el twitter y un sinfín de desvelos, seguimos en la brecha sin desfallecer gracias a vuestra fidelidad que nos... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
[Himcherrefth] Collection privée@Mme JV Cette analyse est faite en parallèle avec celle sur la symbolique de l'anneau de pied (Ardif ou Khelkal). La grande boucle d'oreille aurasienne, appelée himcherrefth, est un élément particulièrement... more
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      North Africa StudiesSymbolismBerber studiesSociologie
Contextual account of the Romano-Berber floor mosaic depicting the myth of Dionysus & the Tyrrehnean Pirates (c. 3rd C. AD.)
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      Art HistoryArtRoman EmpireHomeric Hymns
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      MoroccoAmazigh cultureBerbers
Internationalement reconnu comme le plus grand linguiste berbérisant de la seconde moitié du XX' siècle, Lionel Galand a disparu en 20171. Son parcours et sa production scientifique sont retracés dans plusieurs notices étoffées rédigées... more
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      Libyco-Berber LinguisticsBerber studiesBerber LanguagesBerbers
The history of the Berber languages has always been linked to that of other languages and cultures. It is a fact that, throughout history, the Berber peoples have handed down very few written documents in their own language. Even in... more
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      African StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsLanguage Variation and Change
Compte rendu critique du livre de Hassan Rachik, Le sultan des autres : Rituel et politique dans le Haut-Atlas. Le second ouvrage d'Hassan Rachik propose une lecture du rituel partiellement inspirée de l'individualisme sociologique et... more
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      AnthropologyRitualTribal studiesSocial Conflict
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      North Africa StudiesRoman North Africa (Archaeology)Berbers
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      HistoryLiteratureMoroccoBerber studies
Jorge Onrubia Pintado et Jonay Acosta Armas présentent une analyse précise des sources historiques et archéologiques sur les habitants des Îles Canaries pendant la conquête espagnole (1402-1496). Dans l’article « Sur les titres et... more
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      Spanish in contact with other languagesNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)Berber studiesNorth African History
The paper presents argan tree cultivation contracts from Morocco, written on wooden sticks, and explores possibility of an analogy with antique Albertini's wooden plates from Algeria.
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      MoroccoMaghreb studiesBerber studiesArabic Manuscripts
The term Arabia refers not only to the Arabian Peninsula and its people who speak the Arabian language (that is, the Bedouins), but also to the people who were “Arabized,” such as the Egyptians and the Sudanese who live along the Lower... more
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      CrusadesJust WarHistory of IslamSlave Trade
Hz. Peygamber döneminden itibaren İslam Tarihi içinde birçok isyan faaliyeti meydana gelmiştir. Dinî, iktisadî, siyasî ve içtimaî çerçevede gerçekleşen bu isyanlar, gerçekleştiği bölgede var olan devleti ve toplumu derinden etkilemiştir.... more
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryAndalusia/Al-AndalusBerbersEndülüs Tarihi