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Patron saint of Charles V of France (1364-1380) - Charlemagne
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      Medieval HistoryCult of SaintsKingship (Medieval History)Medieval France
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Carolingian StudiesCharlemagneMonastic charters and cartularies
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      HistoriographyCharlemagneCarolingian History
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      Relics (Religion)CharlemagneMediaeval Cult of Relics and SaintsThe Medieval Cult of Relics
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      Early Medieval HistoryBiographyCharlemagneFrankish history
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      HagiographyHistoriographyFrench RevolutionManuscript Studies
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      Biblical StudiesManuscript StudiesGospelsFrance
Karel (Charlemagne), Elegast, and Eggeric are the three main protagonists of the medieval Dutch epos Karel ende Elegast. Each of them is a knight, but represents different characteristics. The Monarch, the Outlaw, and the Traitor share... more
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      Medieval LiteratureChivalry (Chivalry)Epic poetryChivalry (Medieval Studies)
Статья посвящена анализу социального и правового статуса раз-личных категорий зависимого населения, отраженных в «Капитулярии о поместьях» (Capitulare de villis vel curtis imperii), который был составлен в 794–800 гг. Автор рассматривает... more
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      LawCarolingian StudiesCharlemagneearly Middle Ages
This course examines the interconnected medieval worlds of Europe, Africa, and Eurasia from the death of Muhammad to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Content extends from the emergence of Islam to the Ottoman conquest of... more
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      CrusadesSlaveryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Islamic Studies
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      IconoclasmEarly Medieval HistoryVisigothic SpainMerovingian and Carolingian
Cet article défriche une descendance inédite de la famille de Bersacques ( issue de Charlemagne par les comtes de Namur, puis les châtelains de St Omer et la famille de Cayeu).
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      Medieval FlandersCharlemagneNobility of medieval Flanders
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    • Charlemagne
Le pèlerinage de Charlemagne es un poema épico escrito y difundido en el siglo XII, que destaca por la narración de un viaje ficticio a Jerusalén. En una época donde la práctica de la peregrinación resultaba a la vez común y prestigiosa,... more
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      PilgrimageTravel LiteratureCharlemagneMiddle Ages
Pope Leo III (795-816) built two monumental representative rooms for banquets, court hearings and ceremonies in the Lateran. These, called triclinia, were inspired by ancient and byzantine models, rich in imperial symbolism. The... more
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      CharlemagneMedieval RomeMedieval mosaicsPope Leo III
Studie byla publikována v roce 1972 v časopise ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / The study was published in 1972 in the journal ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / L'étude a été publiée en 1972 dans la revue ,,Gladius", Vol. 10.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
Highlight • This is the most detailed account to date on the health and disease status of Charlemagne, the Father of Europe. • Based on ancient sources, we suggest that Charlemagne suffered from mild gout and died of an infectious... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyForensic AnthropologyManuscript Studies
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      ReligionBuddhismHistory of IdeasLiterature
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureCarolingian StudiesCharlemagneMedieval Latin Poetry
Mitoloji, Yeryüzünü, Evreni ve Evren karşısında insanın kavrayamadığı doğa olaylarını anlamaya çalışan ilkel insanın düşgücünün ürünüdür. Mitolojik düşünce ise, mantık öncesi düşünüş biçimidir ve gizemci bir bakıştır. Bir mitin içindeki... more
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      MythologyClassical MythologyGreco-Roman MythologyCharlemagne
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      Medieval PhilosophyTheologyHigh Middle AgesHistory of Christianity
Nell'anno 802 giungeva ad Aquisgrana per l'imperatore Carlo Magno un dono davvero fuori dal comune: un elefante, di nome Abul Abbas, che il califfo di Baghdad Harun al-Rashid aveva inviato a seguito della richiesta che lo stesso Carlo... more
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Animals in LiteratureAnimals in CultureCharlemagne
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      Christianity and RomeCharlemagneEarly Medieval LiturgyCarolingian Political Thought
This is the second chapter on my final paper required for my Bachelor's thesis at the History Department of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, titled “TODAS AS MULHERES DO REI”. In this chapter, I analyzed some of Charlemagne's... more
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      Medieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryMedieval EuropeFrance
It has long recognized that Byzantine art exerted a significant influence on the West. This is particularly been shown to be the case on art history. The eminently important question of the relationship of Latin to Byzantine neumatic... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesOld Church SlavonicManuscript StudiesPaleography
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCharlemagne
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval GermanyCharlemagne
Depuis le XIIIe siècle, la légende du Second Charlemagne était très enracinée en Italie, surtout à Florence, où une vieille tradition considérait le roi des Francs comme le bienfaiteur de la ville. Ce nouveau Charlemagne était attendu... more
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      History of FlorenceCharles VCharlemagneCharles Quint
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      Medieval HistoryCarolingian StudiesMerovingian and CarolingianCharlemagne
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      CharlemagneBiography of the Prophet MuhammadHenri Pirenne
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      HistoriographyEarly ChristianityAugustineLate Antiquity
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    • Charlemagne
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      Carolingian StudiesTextes carolingiensCharlemagneEinhard and Vita
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      Biblical StudiesMedieval Church HistoryEarly Medieval HistoryCarolingian Studies
Contemporary discussions of Charlemagne’s posthumous reputation, particularly with regard to his morality, make frequent reference to the Visio Wettini. This text records a vision experience by Wetti of Reichenau in 824, wherein... more
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      Visions And DreamsCharlemagneVisio WettiniReichenau
There was a critical difference, between the kingdom built by the Frankish family of Clovis and the just-collapsed Roman Empire. This Merovingian kingdom was not ruled with the same degree of central control that Roman Caesars had... more
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Testo letto in occasione del Festival del Medioevo di Gubbio.
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      CharlemagneEinhard and VitaCarlo MagnoEginardo
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      Carolingian StudiesCharlemagneCarolingian History
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      History of FlorenceCharlemagneMedieval ChroniclesArt, Miniature Painting
Through an examination of the fractured source material regarding Charlemagne's Imperial Coronation by Pope Leo III in 800, it is possible to discern that there was indeed a longer-term Imperial Strategy behind Charles' acceptance of the... more
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      Byzantine StudiesCarolingian StudiesHoly Roman EmpireMedieval numismatics
Charlemagne imposed many linguistic reforms in an effort to restore Latin to what he saw as its original state of purity, thus effectively forcing the separation of the language of the Church from the language of the people. Modern French... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsFrench languageFrench linguistics
Статья посвящена подробному рассмотрению пяти медальонов с изображениями батальных сцен, входящих в состав витража «История Карла Великого» Шартрского собора. Особое внимание автор обращает на идентификацию персонажей, а также... more
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      CrusadesCharlemagneEmile MâleChanson De Roland
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyHistory and MemoryEarly Medieval History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyMediterranean Studies
in: Rob Meens et al. (eds.), Religious Franks. Religion and power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in honour of Mayke de Jong (Manchester, 2016). We have grown accustomed to viewing relations between the Carolingian court and the... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryCarolingian StudiesCharlemagneEarly Medieval Monasticism
Saggio critico di analisi di iconografie e ruolo dei santi cavalieri negli affreschi medievali di Valle Camonica, con particolare attenzione al contesto culturale e religioso che li ha espressi.
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      Medieval ArtCharlemagneMedieval IconographyStoria Dell'Arte Medievale
Charlemagne and his coinage Simon Coupland The predominant image of the coinage of Charlemagne is undoubtedly the famous portrait type, yet research now shows that very few Franks would ever have seen one of these coins, and that they... more
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      Medieval HistoryCarolingian StudiesEarly medieval numismaticsCharlemagne
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      Al-AndalusMuslim-Christian RelationJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesCharlemagne