Berlin and Memory
Recent papers in Berlin and Memory
in “Nuova Museologia”, 15, novembre 2006, pp.29-32
in “Bollettino ingegneri”, n°6, 2008, pp. 3-14
Bu yazıya, "Emine Sevgi Özdamar'ın metinlerinde acı, travma ve ağırlıklı olarak trajik, kasvetli unsurlar olduğu halde, neden bunların hemen ardından, sıralı bir şekilde gülmece, komik ve hafifletici olan saçma unsurlar bulunur?"... more
Kaum ein Kulturprojekt findet hierzulande in den letzten Jahren eine so kontinuierliche feuilletonistische Aufmerksamkeit wie das in Berlin geplante Humboldt-Forum. Hier sollen ab 2019 die außereuropäischen Sammlungen der Staatlichen... more
Berlin: History, Memory, Literature
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) lived in Berlin at Motzstrasse for two of the most important decades of his life (1903-1923). For the first of those decades, Berlin was home, and for the second decade it was his home-away-from-home (after the... more
Emptiness acts as a method of communication in itself; an unorthodox approach to the relaying of narrative, even by contemporary standards. The spaces entirely represent the history of Jews in Europe: ruptured, dark, disorienting, but... more
This text questions to what extent Gunter Demnig's ongoing Stolpersteine project can be seen as a form of silent protest against the cultural and political debates of the late 1980s and 1990s surrounding The Memorial to the Murdered Jews... more
Christina Wilhelmina Gräfin von Würben, geborene von Grävenitz, Mätresse Herzog Eberhard Ludwigs von Württemberg - ihr Leben in Berlin nach der Trennung
Unveröff. Magisterarbeit, FB Geschichte, TU Berlin 2002.
Zum 50. Jahrestag des Baues der Berliner Mauer veröffentlicht die Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur eine Übersicht über Orte des Erinnerns an Berliner Mauer und deutsche Teilung. Von Gedenkzeichen über Gedenkstätten bis zu... more
Feiert der von einigen Seiten bereits lange totgesagte Flaneur seine erneute Wiederkehr? Neuauflagen bereits vergessener oder unbekannter Bücher, von und über Flaneure geschrieben, haben deren Ideen und Praktiken der Stadtwahrnehmung... more
Published in World Film Locations Berlin, (Intellect Books, 2012, Susan Ingram Editor)
In this article, I analyze two Berlin novels, that is, Zafer Şenocak’s Gefährliche Verwandtschaft (1998) and Marica Bodrožić’s Kirschholz und alte Gefühle (2012), in order to trace their use of Berlin as a site through which to... more
Sharon Macdonald is the founding director of the Centre of Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMAH) located at the Institute of European Ethnology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Trained as a social anthropologist,... more
In the article the author will attempt to interpret the architectural structure of the Jewish Museum in Berlin, designed in 1989 by Daniel Libeskind. The context of deliberations presented here will rely on a broadly understood idea of... more
This article was written in 2015 and published in late 2016. It was meant to analyze and deconstruct the general criticism on the project of Humboldt Forum in the reconstructed Palace of Berlin. Why seemed the criticism to overweigh... more
Times change. Go to any milonga (tango ball) in London, and you will find same-gender couples, women leading men, and men following. These practices, historically chiefly associated with queer tango, now attract little comment beyond... more
Special supplement to Mittelweg 36, the journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, on virtual memorials. Introduction by Mischa Gabowitsch, essays by Aleida Assmann and Vera Dubina. This section came out of a Berlin Colloquium... more
In summer 2014, the 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art curator Juan Gaitán chose the Dahlem Museums (Ethnologisches Museum and Museum für Asiatische Kunst) in Berlin as one of the main locations for the Biennale exhibition.... more
La divisione, qui, ha nome lacerazione […]; la visione panoramica non è comunque una visione giusta. MA U R I C E BL A N C H O T Un confine in questo punto opera come una categoria letteraria. UW E JO H N S O N Es kommt mir nur noch... more
This article presents a case study examining the slow-death of the Berlin Führerbunker since 1945. Its seventy year longitudinal perspective shows how processes of ruination, demolition and urban renewal in central Berlin have been... more
Je ne parle pas la langue de mes parents, je ne partage aucun des souvenirs qu'ils purent avoir, quelque chose qui était à eux, qui faisait qu'ils étaient eux, leur histoire, leur culture, leur espoir, ne m'a pas été transmis. Georges... more
This course was offered in English, during the Summer-Semester 2013, within the Module "Comparative Literary History (Vergleichende Literaturgeschichte)", which is a part of the teaching- and research-programme leading towards a B.A./M.A.... more
A (semi)fictional memoir, based upon true
historical facts and primary-source material
historical facts and primary-source material
z okładki: „Przewodnik pomaga w poszukiwaniach odpowiedzi na fundamentalne, a zarazem bardzo trudne pytania: o czym Berlin pamięta, czego nie może sobie przypomnieć i o czym chciałby zapomnieć.” Młodzi polscy historycy, socjolodzy... more
Die jüdische Selbstemanzipation des 18. Jahrhunderts (Haskala) ist in der neueren Aufklärungsforschung zu einem zentralen Thema avanciert. Buchtitel wie Cultural Revolution in Berlin. Jews in the Age of Enlightenment sind bezeichnend... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich zum Ziel, litererische Streitegien einer urbanen Geschichtschreibung in Annett Gröschners Roman „Walpurgistag“ (2011) aufzuzeigen. Die Autorin unternimmt in „Walpurgisnacht“ einen Versuch, die stets... more
This course was offered in English, during the Winter-Semesters of 2014-15 and 2015-16, within the 2nd Module, "Aspects of German Culture", which is a part of the teaching-programme "Module-Package Berlin- and German Studies (Modulpaket... more
The Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Berlin, inaugurated in 2005, and the Monument to the Victims of State Terrorism within the Memory Park (Parque de la Memoria) in Buenos Aires, unveiled in 2007, have both been controversial from start... more
Mesmo após quase 27 anos da queda do Muro de Berlim, a memória da Alemanha Oriental ainda é alvo de disputas. Sua apropriação se dá, hoje, principalmente por meio da musealização e da comercialização de símbolos do passado, mas o peso das... more
Pieta as an Artistic response to the Holocaust in the Works of Jewish and Non-Jewish Female Artists The paper I would like to read out today was written on the basis of a chapter from my book about the Jewish Museum Berlin, which I wrote... more
Analiza niemieckiej pamięci o Armii Czerwonej na przykładzie miejsc pamięci w Berlinie (pomnika chwały w parku Treptow oraz muzeum niemiecko-rosyjskiego w Karlshorst).
Die Rekonstruktion des ehemaligen Hohenzollernschlosses in der Mitte Berlins ist nach sieben Jahren Bauzeit abgeschlossen. Die Debatte um den Wiederaufbau ist damit jedoch keineswegs zu Ende, prognostiziert die Kulturwissenschaftlerin... more
"Spaces of memory in post-socialist Berlin" A quarter-century after the fall of the Wall the heritage of the German Democratic Republic still raises unsolved identity and political problems, which are paradigmatically reflected in the... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
Buchbesprechung: "Berliner Bilder: Gedichte", von João Claudio Arendt und Sarita Brandt
This essay provides background information, legal repercussions and other details of the assassination of the previous Ottoman Grand Vizir and Home Minister Mehmet Talat in his Berlin exile, 1921.
In the early 1990s, Berlin and Shanghai witnessed the dramatic social changes in both national and global contexts. While in 1991 Berlin became the new capital of the reunified Germany, from 1992 Shanghai began to once again play its role... more
Profile pictures from gay dating sites of young men posing with the stelae of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe in Berlin have been subject to an art exhibition at the Jewish Museum in New York and a tribute online blog. This... more