Biblical Literature and Hermeneutics (esp. New Testament)
Recent papers in Biblical Literature and Hermeneutics (esp. New Testament)
Every speaker, teacher, or preacher has on some occasion encountered an audience that was either unreceptive to or unsympathetic with what he or she had to say. One dominant response to this communication breakdown given by both the Old... more
This chapter examines some of the assumptions that are typically employed when dealing with the development of the Hebrew Bible. The first part of the chapter is a critique of the very term "Jewish Bible." It points out some of the... more
Questions about areas of controversy or conflict between the Christian faith and the academic discipline can (and sometimes do) assume an easy dichotomy between the two. One's dual commitments to "the Faith" and the guild are often seen... more
Presented at the 2015 Great Plains Regional SBL Conference at Creighton University, Omaha, NE.
The Revelation of John implies and proclaims moral judgments, which is frequently overlooked. This subject has been studied recently, but we do not possess a satisfying synthesis. In the Revelation we can find some metaethical... more
he author of the book of Hebrews (hereater Auctor ad Hebraeos) is widely recognized as a talented theologian. his is largely because he, like the authors of Matthew and Romans, knows how to draw abundantly on Holy Scripture and is skilled... more
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
Introduction to Messianic Judaism provides a description of what the Messianic Jewish community looks like today at its center and on its margins. The first section of the book traces the ecclesial contours of the community, providing a... more
The purpose of this research paper is to show that literal hermeneutics and inerrancy have an inseparable relationship by demonstrating that while inerrancy is not a hermeneutical tool, sound hermeneutics cannot exist without it.... more
This essay is slated to appear in the festschrift for Alan Culpepper in Brill's Biblical Interpretation Series (2018), Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond, edited by Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Stuthers Malbon, and myself. This essay... more
The debate on the meaning of pistis in 2 Peter 1:1 has alternated between subjective faith (belief) and objective faith (the Faith). However, agreeing with Fredrick W. Danker’s analysis, a secular Hellenistic meaning of pistis better... more
This article refutes the exegetical urban legend that τετέλεσται means "paid in full" in John 19:30, using the topic as an opportunity to walk through the nature of the meaning of words.
You, my dear and revered brother, if you wish to be truly informed about these matters . . . take the trouble of reading Augustine's own tracts.
This paper applies structural, rhetorical, and semantic analysis to Hebrews 10:19-25. The translational and interpretive approach demonstrated here may be qualified as a functional, literary, top-down approach. The ultimate purpose of... more
Courtney J. P. Friesen explores shifting boundaries of ancient religions by way of the reception of a popular tragedy, Euripides’ Bacchae . As a play staging political crises provoked by the arrival of the “foreign” god Dionysus and his... more
Erasmus's 1516 Latin–Greek New Testament edition differed from the Latin Vulgate in several ways. A small number of textual variants with doctrinal implications involved Erasmus in considerable controversy. Medieval Western theologians... more
Sacrae paginae studium sit veluti anima sacrae theologiae (Dei Verbum 24) Credit Hours: 3 Time and Location: Thursdays 2:10pm-4:40pm; Caldwell 414 Course Description: This course focuses on the selected fourth century Latin commentaries... more
This paper was featured in a volume edited by Darrell Bock and Ed Komoszewski, "Jesus, Skepticism, and the Problem of History: Criteria and Context in the Study of Christian Origins" (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010). It involves a report... more
Many of the Gospel narratives are in the form of "Stories". In presenting the life and mission of Jesus, the Gospel writers make use of literary techniques and the narrative strategy of "story-telling". This is true for the Cana episode... more
A finales del siglo II d.C. la Iglesia apostólica reconoció el evangelio tetramorfo, es decir, las cuatro versiones del único evangelio predicado desde el principio y en el que los seguidores de Jesús vieron plenamente reflejada la buena... more
The PDF is a list of Hebrew New Testament manuscripts from the National Library of Israel. It will detail where the manuscripts are housed, scanned, and available to view.
Revisions to the Greek NT in NA28 are restricted to the Catholic Epistles—the product of the Münster Institute’s ongoing work on the Editio critica maior. The text of the rest of the NT remains unaltered. The updated manuscript data,... more
Study Notes on the Holy Scriptures is a unique approach to Bible study. Study Notes is designed to guide its readers into the biblical text using proposed thematic schemes that follow the redemptive structure of the Holy Bible, so that a... more
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
Paulus, 'Frauen am Grab', 'Maria Magdalena', 'Maria, die Mutter des Jakobus und des Joses', 'Römer 3,24-26', Sühne, Archetypen, 'patriarchale Bewusstsein', 'C. G. Jung', 'Jean Gebser', 'I. Korinther 15,3-11', Kephas, Jakobus, 'der Bruder... more
Les finales des récits évangéliques ont la particularité de fonctionner comme de puissants "interfaces" entre le monde du récit et le monde du lecteur. Est-ce étonnant? Elles portent au langage un événement - la résurrection - ou encore... more
This paper describes some of the most important theological distinctions of the so-called "New Perspective on Paul" drawn from the writings of three of its most well-known advocates: E. P. Sanders, James D. G. Dunn, and N. T. Wright.... more
par Agnès Tichit. — Agnès Tichit propose ici une étude qui porte sur la confrontation de deux traductions en hébreu de l’évangile de Marc. La première traduction étudiée est en hébreu moderne. Elle a été réalisée par une équipe sous... more
For those who are new to the work of the New Classical Scholarship (NCS), we have discovered that history at least before the 1500's, was an "inside job". What that means is that it was being written only by royals who were either closely... more
This article demonstrates that even if the genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 contain genealogical gaps, they do not contain chronological gaps. The assumption of the last 125 years that genealogical gaps entail chronological gaps is a non... more
Para las palabras en griego, instalar la fuente "Graeca". Si no la encuentran, pueden pedírmela y con mucho gusto se la enviaré. La uso en todos mis textos sobre el Nuevo Testamento.
This study about the last book of the New Testament, Revelation, shall begin with the genetic questions such as who wrote the book? When and to whom it was written? Here, the paper seeks to describe the historical context of the book. It... more
A little over a decade after Edward Fudge invited critical readers of The Fire That Consumes to "Measure this work by every proper standard," Robert A. Peterson responded in a paper presented at the 1994 ETS Convention entitled "The... more
O anúncio da queda de Babilônia pelos profetas Isaías e Jeremias são parte de um grupo de profecias que formaram o quadro escatológico que moldou a esperança de Israel para a era messiânica. Essa profecia (Is 21:9; Jr 51:8) é retomada em... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
This paper is about Paul applying the Memorial, the name of God, Yahuwah/IAO to Jesus Christ in the phrases Kurios Iesous Christos or the phrase Kurios Iesous. We will answer the question; “Is there clear evidence in Pauline literature... more
Understandably, modern exegetes are hesitant about adopting the ancient church’s hermeneutical practices. Rather than attempt to rationalize or resolve patristic exegesis, this paper will propose how modern hermeneutics can incorporate... more
The meaning of the “sign of Jonah” in Matthew 12 and Luke 11 has proven enigmatic for centuries, and consensus has never been reached as to the exact meaning of the phrase. This in large part is due to the seemingly disparate accounts in... more
Paul’s letters are of crucial importance for Christian theology and church life. The way in which the apostle Paul critically reflected on the meaning of the gospel message in light of Scripture, the traditions, ethics and Christian faith... more
Orthographic variation within the manuscripts of the Greek NT is seldom a cause célèbre beyond the ranks of diehard textual critics. Even among these most will concede that orthographic irregularities amount to little more than evidence... more