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A new expanded, revised and updated edition of this book is also now available through another publisher:
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      BioenergyBioenergy (Biology)BioenergeticsDr. Wilhelm Reich In the 1940s, the physician and natural scientist Dr. Wilhelm Reich claimed discovery of a new form of energy which charged up living organisms and also existed in the open atmosphere and... more
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      BioenergyBioenergy (Biology)BioenergeticsDr. Wilhelm Reich
This narrative describes the deeper root of bio-viral weaponization and consciousness warfare in distant human history with the negative aliens. It is explicated that this form of nefarious strive to create genetic mutation and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWeapons of Mass DestructionBioenergyArtificial Life
The main purposes of the present study were to substantiate the existence of the four types of performance categories (i.e., optimal-automatic, optimal-controlled, suboptimal-controlled, and suboptimal-automatic) as hypothesised in the... more
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      PsychologyBiological PsychologyCognitive ScienceExercise Physiology
Resources fluctuate in space and time, and animals routinely experience temporally varying opportunities for resource intake, and variation in intake itself. We investigate consequences of such variation in intake on growth and growth... more
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      Statistical AnalysisEcologyBioenergeticsExperiment
The CO2 evolution of intact potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum, L., var. “Bintje”) was analyzed during a 10-day period of their warm (25 ± 2°C) or cold (5 ± 1°C) storage, to evaluate cold-stress effects on expression and activities of plant... more
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      Carbon DioxideKineticsMembrane ProteinsBioenergetics
Using an original microcalorimetric method, the existence of the Mg2ATP ternary chelate has been studied. The thermodynamic parameters of this complex are ΔH=7.2±0.5 kJ mole−1 andK=49±9 M−1. These values are compared with those previously... more
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      Sports MedicineFootball (soccer)Exercise PhysiologyHypoxia
We explored differences in metabolic rates of the introduced snail Cornu aspersum collected from three distant coastal locations across a 1300 km latitudinal range in Chile and raised under common-garden conditions. We measured two... more
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      PhysiologyInvertebrate BiologyInvasive species ecologyMolluscan Biology
Ascent to high altitude is associated with a fall in the partial pressure of inspired oxygen (hypobaric hypoxia). For oxidative tissues such as skeletal muscle, resultant cellular hypoxia necessitates acclimatization to optimize energy... more
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Emerging evidence reveals that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and its product carbon monoxide (CO) can exert diverse biological and cytoprotective effects. Our group has recently identified a new class of compounds (CO-releasing molecules or... more
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      MitochondriaBioenergeticsCarbon MonoxideCarbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecules
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      PsychoanalysisBioenergeticsWilhelm ReichOrgone Energy
There are many factors in mucosal secretions that contribute to innate immunity and the 'first line of defence' at mucosal surfaces. Few studies, however, have investigated the effects of exercise on many of these 'defence' factors. The... more
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      Sports MedicineExercise PhysiologyHypoxiaHealth
O autor apresenta os novee tips de peersonalidade compreendidos a luz do eneagrama e os correlaciona com os caraters e neuroses fazendo uma visao integrativa
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      Transpersonal PsychologyBioenergeticsPersonalidadeEneagrama
M, CASAS H, PAGES T, RAMA R, RICART Ar VENTURA JL, IBANEZ J, RODRiGUEZ FA, VISCOR G. Intermittent hypobaric hypoxia induces altitude acclimation and improves the lactate threshold. Aviat Space Environ Med 2000; 71:125-30.
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      Sports MedicineExercise PhysiologyHypoxiaHealth
This article describes compassion-focused imagery. This technique can help coachees to feel more compassionate towards themselves. It can be used specifically in compassion focused coaching or integrated within other forms of coaching.
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapySports MedicineExercise PhysiologyCoaching Psychology
During the last 5 years, research on Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has reported on systems showing good overall recognition performance. As a consequence, HAR has been considered as a potential technology for e-health systems. Here, we... more
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      Sports MedicineExercise PhysiologyMachine LearningWearable Computing
tese de Doutorado defendida em 2019 na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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      BioenergeticsTai Chi ChuanCanto CoralTécnica Vocal
Conference Presentations 15th EABP Congress
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyQuantum PhysicsMindfulness
All animals face the possibility of limitations in food resources that could ultimately lead to starvationinduced mortality. The primary goal of this review is to characterize the various physiological strategies that allow different... more
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      PhysiologyFood and NutritionBioenergeticsZoo Biology, Animal Health and Welfare, Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Conservation
Quienes trabajamos en organizaciones feministas y/o de derechos humanos nos enfrentamos a situaciones adversas que pueden generar estrés y afectar nuestra salud en el mediano o largo plazo. Tenemos jornadas extenuantes de trabajo y el... more
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      Dance/Movement TherapySelf CareBioenergetics
A systems modelling approach has been used to quantify the dose-response nature of training. Considerable attention has been focused on the modelling process with little work on the determination of the training impulse (TRIMP) scores.... more
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      MetabolismSkeletal muscle biologyBioenergeticsMuscle strength
The energy demand and waste generation have increased significantly in the developing world in the last few decades with rapid urbanization and population growth. The adequate treatment of the waste or sustainable waste management is... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergyBioenergy
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      BiochemistryClinical BiochemistryMolecular GeneticsMedicine
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    • Bioenergetics
Those who are on the path to Ascension, nowadays probably find the urge to often go WITHIN and explore the deeper side of their consciousness. The Light of consciousness has accelerated (at the same time, giving rise to the acceleration... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyConsciousness (Psychology)
Resumo​ : O presente trabalho tem como objetivo trazer uma reflexão e vivência dos diversos problemas de cunho emocional e corporal que possam surgir na relação da mulher com seu corpo nos dias de hoje. A mulher e seu corpo sempre foram... more
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      BioenergyJungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyConsciousness
Questo breve paper rivoluziona il processo della diagnosi in bioenergetica integrando l'analisi del carattere con l'analisi delle tre colonne del Sè Corporeo. Questo offre uno strumento facile e utile, oltre che di diagnosi, di... more
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      BioenergeticsAnalisi BioenergeticaBioenergetic AnalysisPsicoterapia Corporea
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      BioenergyBioenergy (Biology)BioenergeticsDr. Wilhelm Reich
Bi io oe en ne er rg gé ét ti ic ca a: : R Re el la at to o d de e E Ex xp pe er ri iê ên nc ci ia a Resumo: Bioenergética é uma forma de compreender o homem à partir da forma como lida com seu corpo e da energia que esse emana. Uma das... more
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n dance movement therapy practice, it is customary and widespread that therapists use and apply concepts of grounding in their sessions and for assessing their clients’ movement profiles. Literature exists in Bioenergetics’ body oriented... more
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      Dance/Movement TherapyBioenergeticsDance TherapyGrounding
The following short essay is the result of response to a question posed by a soul family member and several others who have expressed interest in the subject of black goo.
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      BioengineeringGeneticsHealth SciencesHuman Evolution
 La comunicación en la bioenergética puede ser verbal o no verbal.  Antes que existiera el lenguaje verbal nos comunicábamos de forma no verbal. A través del lenguaje del cuerpo.  La emoción es un movimiento.  Leer la Fisiología... more
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    • Bioenergetics
Berikut adalah beberapa jenis pertandingan yang boleh diusahakan di peringkat sekolah (antara pasukan rumah), MSSD, MSS Negeri dan MSSM.
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      Sports MedicineExercise PhysiologySports ManagementHypoxia
Holistic Health can be understood as the coherence of the human being as a whole including his organism, mind, and relationship to his environment. Quantum entanglement of subsystems on all levels of the human being is responsible for the... more
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      Quantum TeleportationConsciousnessBioenergeticsQuantum entanglement
Addressing the contemporary waste management is seeing a shift towards energy production while managing waste sustainably. Consequently, waste treatment through gasification is slowly taking over the waste incineration with multiple... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceChemistry
 Los sentidos captan el medio a través de ondas. Son un receptor neurológico.  Recibimos vibraciones a través de los sentidos y el tálamo capta esas señales e interpretar el mundo.  Los sentidos ocupan Células especializadas que... more
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    • Bioenergetics
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    • Bioenergetics
The capacity of sodium orthovanadate to inhibit the plasmalemma H+ ATPase of Nitella translucens internodal cells in vivo was tested. Here we show that 1 millimolar vanadate added externally depolarizes strongly and permanently the... more
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      Membrane proteins: Structure and FunctionBioenergeticsH+ATPaseVanadate
A simplified analysis has been employed to assess the problem of pain and dizziness associated with advanced stages of Ascension Maladies related to flexural deformation and lateral instability of the spinal column resulting from the... more
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An overview of what constitutes or signifies a "virus" has been presented. It is explicated that viruses are NOT solar organic living organisms, as inconsistent with what epitomizes a living organic organism, they are: (1) void of a... more
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      BioengineeringWeapons of Mass DestructionNanophotonicsBioenergy
La violencia sexual que viven las mujeres en diferentes momentos de sus vidas tiene una dimensión tan grande que es considerada un problema de salud pública, tanto por su prevalencia como por los costos que genera su tratamiento. Las... more
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      ViolenceDance/Movement TherapyTraumatic StressSexual Violence
Svegliare il corpo, ossia riportare la consapevolezza corporea, è il punto di partenza per sviluppare una conoscenza radicata nell'esperienza. Questo paper disegna un percorso di 28 giorni di pratica per farlo
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      MindfulnessEmbodied Mind and CognitionBioenergeticsEmbodied knowledge
"This study attempted to establish whether an optimal age could be identified at which children were ready to learn the front crawl swimming stroke. The variables examined were: the number of lessons, the age of commencing lessons and the... more
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      Sports MedicineExercise PhysiologyChildren and FamiliesChild Development
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang kiranya patut penulis ucapkan, karena atas berkat rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini. Dalam... more
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It took approximately 36 years (from 1924 to 1960) to establish from scratch the Soviet Central Asian academics in Uzbekistan. The investment, organization and political commitment shown by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU,... more
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      Sociology of SportSports MedicineExercise PhysiologySoviet History
"There has been little research into the psychological factors affecting footballers at different levels (Hanin et al, 2000), in particular, the mental toughness and hardiness of footballers. The aim of the present study was to... more
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      PhysiologyPsychologySport PsychologySports Medicine
Presentazione alla Conferenza del 15th EABP congress di Atene
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