Recent papers in Breathing
This paper reviews the published work of me along with my students and close colleagues on the topic of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB). It includes early research by Vaschillo documenting resonance characteristics of the... more
Did you know the most dominant apes and monkeys are usually the kindest? They share the most food, groom others more often, break up fights, are slow to anger, and breathe in a relaxed manner. Those on the bottom of the social hierarchy... more
The first death caused by the Covid 19 virus in Brazil occurred officially on March 12 th . Since then, 157,163 deaths and 5,394,128 cases of the disease have been recorded. 2 We are the second country in the number of deaths, just behind... more
Breathing and politics are not usually considered relevant to one another. Is it therefore possible to engage with breathing as a force of social justice? What kinds of atmospheres can corpomaterial dynamics of breathing help envision for... more
Breathing instruction for classical singing is becoming more physiologically focused, yet the effect of chest-wall kinematic directives on breathing behaviour is largely unexplored. Five female classical singers sang Caccini's Ave Maria... more
Ronca AE. Abel RA, Alberts JR. Perinatal stimulation and adaptation of the neonate. Acta Paediatr 1996;Suppl416:8-15. Stockholm. ISSN 0803-5326 The present report describes psychobiological studies of behavior around the time of birth. An... more
We present a novel method for estimating respiratory rate in real-time from the photoplethysmogram (PPG) obtained from pulse oximetry. Three respiratory induced variations (frequency, intensity, and amplitude) are extracted from the PPG... more
Objective: Despite the importance of respiration and hyperventilation in anxiety disorders, research on breathing disturbances associated with hyperventilation is rare in the field of music performance anxiety (MPA, also known as stage... more
Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir e refletir sobre a importância dos exercícios de respiração e aquecimento (estes últimos divididos em exercícios de flexibilidade e de alongamento) aliados ao conhecimento da consciência... more
Atmen zeigt sich im Alltag einerseits in seiner medialen, sprachlichen Präsenz und anderseits als körperlich evidente Erfahrung. So bewirbt ein Deutscher Automobilhersteller sein neues Modell mit dem Slogan: «gebaut, um den Atem zu... more
The present study traces back the meanings of the word prāṇá – " breath " , " breathing " , " life force " in the context of Atharvaveda. In Atharvaveda prāṇá is often associated with life and longevity, with breathing and breath, with... more
Schoch, R.R. and Witzmann, F. 2010. Bystrow's Paradox -gills, fossils, and the fish-to-tetrapod transition. -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm)
Introduction and hypothesis The aim of this pilot study was to demonstrate physiological movements of the muscular walls surrounding the abdominal cavity during breathing and coughing in healthy nulliparous women by means of real-time... more
Breathing is not a common subject in feminist studies. Breathing Matters introduces this phenomenon as a forceful potentiality for feminist intersectional theories, politics, and social and environmental justice. By analyzing the... more
In this article, I show how certain contemporary Italian philosophers (Giorgio Colli, Giorgio Agamben, Adriana Cavarero, and Emanuele Coccia) responded to Jacques Derrida's critique of the voice and developed a new, ultra-materialist... more
The research for this paper was carried out for Wolfgang "Wilf" Schareck, who teaches a gut-oriented method of breathing and mindfulness. See It is in Turkish, but you can "right click" to translate.
The rising crescendo of the digital lifestyle has profoundly affected the human capacity for sustained focus. Since 2000, the human attention span has dropped from 12 to 8 seconds, with decreased long-term focus as users increase digital... more
The benefits of pranayama for positive health are well known. Even though there are many studies published on the effectiveness of pranayama, there are very few papers, which actually have systematically studied the physiological... more
This open access book presents five different approaches to reading breath in literature, in response to texts from a range of historical, geographical and cultural environments. Breath, for all its ubiquity in literary texts, has... more
This article builds upon Davina Quinlivan’s pioneering work on cinematic breathing by considering the conspicuous but often-overlooked place of breath in horror films. The author focuses specifically on the way still-breathing bodies –... more
Is not air the whole of our habitation as mortals? Is there a dwelling more vast, more spacious, or even more generally peaceful than that of air? Can man live elsewhere than in air? […] No other element is as light, as free, and as much... more
Essay written for Jeppe Hein's exhibition "All We Need Is Inside", at 303 Gallery, New York, US, April 2015.
Over the past six years, a rapidly growing number of studies have shown that respiration exerts a significant influence on sensory, affective, and cognitive processes. At the same time, an increasing amount of experimental evidence... more
Petri Berndtson explores in his chapter the possible relations between respiration and ontology. The leading question of the chapter asks if the experience of respiration can teach us an ontology that it alone can reveal to us? If so,... more
Este estudo teve por finalidade a construção e validação de um instrumento para classificação de pacientes baseado nas necessidades individualizadas de cuidado de enfermagem. Para compor o instrumento foram considerados 13 indicadores .... more
The heart rate variability (HRV) is an indicator of the cardiac autonomic control. Two spectral components are usually recorded, viz. high frequency (0.15-0.50 Hz), which is due to vagal efferent activity and a low frequency component... more
Background There is evidence of a link between job stress and upper extremity workrelated musculoskeletal disorders. However, the biobehavioral mechanisms by which psychosocial stress factors contribute to the development of... more
This study analysed the relationships among arm coordination symmetry, motor laterality and breathing laterality during a 100-m front crawl, as a function of expertise. Ten elite swimmers (G1), 10 mid-level swimmers (G2), and 8 non-expert... more
Changes in body posture and respiratory regime are perturbations that lead to different physical and physiological conditions of functioning in the human body. The human organism has adapted to these perturbations through very subtle... more
In diesem Vortrag lege ich dar, wie mit den Methoden der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft «Körper» als Forschungsgegenstand konzipiert werden können, Anschauungsbeispiel dafür ist eine körperliche und symbolisch wirkmächtige Grundfunktion:... more
Resumo O transtorno de pânico (TP) caracteriza-se por ataques agudos de ansiedade frequentes e recorrentes. A actual concepção para o TP realça o medo das sensações corporais a partir do momento em que o indivíduo associa de forma... more
Os capítulos nesta obra são resultados de ensaios, palestras e conferências realizados nos últimos dez anos pela autora e abordam estudos e pesquisas do NEGDS), do Departamento de Ciências Humanas e Educação (DCHE) da Universidade Federal... more
Since the 1950s, views of Earth from above have been critiqued for provoking detachment from and decontextualization of human, terrestrial concerns. These critiques thus establish Earth’s enveloping atmosphere as the ultimate context for... more
This study determined the respiratory responses to progressive hypoxia in oscar, an extremely hypoxiatolerant Amazonian cichlid. Oscar depressed oxygen consumption rates (Ṁ O2 ), beginning at a critical O 2 tension (P crit ) of 46 Torr,... more
In recent times breathing exercises and modalities such as delivering hyperbaric oxygen are being promoted as a way of easing some of the symptoms in autism. Are these methods REALLY working? Can breathing be applied as an epigenetic tool... more
Polski: Artykuł przedstawia konieczność wypracowania takiej koncepcji polityki, która będzie wyrażona zarazem w kategoriach rządzenia, ruchów społecznych, polityki tożsamości czy też biopolityki, jak i w kategoriach korpomaterialnej i... more
This paper describes a non-invasive human brain-actuated robotic arm experiment, which allows remote writing. In the local environment, the participant decides on an arbitrary word to transmit. A mental speller interface is then used to... more
The human tongue has a critical role in speech, swallowing, and respiration, however, its motor control is poorly understood. Fundamental gaps include detailed information on the course of the hypoglossal (XII) nerve within the tongue,... more