British History
Recent papers in British History
Nei regimi parlamentari, la guerra comporta la responsabilità di un consiglio rivolto ai rappresentanti di un popolo sovrano. Nel 1982, Margaret Thatcher suggerisce l’intervento armato del Regno Unito nell’ambito della Guerra delle... more
For suppressing and staunching of murderers, thieves, robbers, oppressors, sorners, ravishers of women and raisers of fire… 1 Everyone loves a Highland warrior -until they meet one. 2 During his exile in London (1568-1577), the Flemish... more
In June 1950, American newspapers reported a heated skirmish between two Holocaust survivors in New York. The altercation stemmed from one survivor accusing the other of murdering his brother in the Mühldorf labor camp in Germany. As the... more
This volume brings together the work of leading and emerging scholars of Islam in Britain, Christian-Muslim relations and Victorian Studies to offer fresh perspectives on Islam and Muslims in Victorian Britain. The contributors reveal... more
The history of British Islam and British Muslims is a growing area of interest among historians and the general public. But, whilst Muslim women have featured in some research, their lives and experiences have remained obscure, if not... more
This article presents a narrative history of the infamous 1875 trial of James Haywood. In September this year, Haywood viciously murdered his neighbour Ann Tennant who he believed to be a witch; leader of a coven that had terrorised him... more
Recent scholarship has shown that women contributed to almost every aspect of the early modern economy. This article suggests society's reliance upon women's essential work may have given them greater political agency than hitherto... more
Shakespeare korában, a 16-17. században az angolok már javában ünnepelték február 14-ét, Szent Valentin, azaz Bálint napját, London egyik legnépszerűbb színdarabírója pedig gyakran írt a szerelemről és a szexualitásról, ráadásul... more
A review of Michael Worboy's book: Doggy people: The Victorians who made the modern dog.
PL Album jest katalogiem wystawy Muzeum Ziemi Lubuskiej w Zielonej Górze i prezentuje serię unikatowych fotografii z nowojorskiego archiwum Stowarzyszenia Weteranów Armii Polskiej w Ameryce (PAVA). Przedstawia obóz szkoleniowy Armii... more
As Union agents moved in European circles during the Civil War, they understood that shaping the opinion of the foreign public could aid diplomacy and further the Union cause. They pursued campaigns to influence that opinion by engaging... more
The tall four-storey octagonal chalk tower is 79 feet high is the oldest surviving lighthouse in England. It was built in 1674 as a lighthouse by Sir John Clayton and partner George Blake as a business venture. It was never used because... more
Few frigates of the mid-1700s garnered the reputation for speed as that of la Renommée (pronounced: lah • reh-noh-may ́), launched in 1744 at the great French naval shipyard at Brest on the Atlantic coast in Brittany. Her unique nautical... more
Medievalists have denied the historical existence of King Arthur for over 50 years. King Arthur and the Languages of Britain demonstrates how linguistic evidence can be employed to see if the earliest historical records that mention... more
Hobkirk’s Hill: Colonel Otho Holland’s Casualty Report Colonel Otho Holland Williams’ (1st Maryland and deputy adjutant general) report on the casualties from the 25 April battle at Hobkirk’s Hill, just north of Camden, South Carolina... more
The reception was mixed, criticism being mainly due to Alice Parsons' decision to create her own words for Jesus rather than the usual employment of exact words from the Bible i. But this decision was most probably due to the fact that... more
An Open Access edition of this book, supported by the LUP OA author fund, is available on the Liverpool University Press website, the OAPEN library and our Digital Collaboration Hub. In the 1968 local elections the Liverpool... more
There is a collection of more than 700 glass slides for the magic lantern at the Whitechapel Gallery, in London. They were used as educational tools for the lectures at the gallery and the Toynbee Hall from the 1880s to 1940s. Two series... more
Archival essay on the life of J.N. Duddington, an enigmatic figure in the history of the Whitechapel Gallery. He spent almost 30 years as a gallery director, managing it in the harsh interwar period, and during WWII, he curated several... more
This themed issue of the Open Arts Journal, 'Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean', brings together academics, artists, curators and policymakers from various countries in the English-and... more
This paper explores the development of Winstanley's ideas in terms of the context of place. Although the influence on Winstanley of his early experiences in Wigan and London is difficult to determine, in Surrey we can see a clear... more
Clare Winsten was a remarkable person […] both a highly original artist and an active humanitarian during a period of far reaching artistic and social change […] Although Winsten, like so many women of her generation did not have a formal... more
Despite popular opinion, it was sieges, and not major pitched battles which dominated the 'English' Civil Wars, and notwithstanding the often-localised nature of the fighting it was the major towns, the centres of production and supply,... more
Despite his large Forfarshire family and its modest income, Edgar was well connected to prominent Scots Jacobites. Godson of the earl of Panmure, Edgar served in the rising of 1715 as clerk to Brigadier John Hay of Cromlix (later ennobled... more
In 2004 a small but extremely informative book, (Ethnic Minorities: Lyme Regis & West Dorset Past and Present) was published, written by Louisa Parker, Judy Ford and Jo Draper. Over twenty years later, an examination of the records of... more
for the highest tier; "the spaces in which books are kept," he insists, are "integral to any understanding of their history" (20). Purcell mines everything from letters and diaries to wills and bills of attainder-not to mention books... more
This text, The Path of the Grove: Doctrine of the Three Haven Society, serves as the spiritual foundation and guiding principles for the members of the Three Haven Society (THS). As a legally protected religious corporation recognized by... more
The development of the possible worlds theory and its application to the literature works allowed to regard this question from another point: fictional worlds considered to be a subset of the possible worlds, so the question of... more
African Americans and the American Revolution • African Americans participated in the American Revolution (1775-1783) on both sides of the conflict. Either as slaves or free men, numerous African Americans fought for the American cause of... more
The study analyzes the diplomatic dynamics surrounding Romanian-Polish relations and British-French guarantees to Romania in 1939, as Europe approached World War II. Poland was hesitant to include Romania in the broader Anglo-French... more
Contents 1. Hospital Patients by Unit a. Unknown Unit or Unattached Personnel (Men and Women) b. Prisoners of War c. Campbell's Virginia Battalion d. Gunby's 1st Maryland Battalion e. Ford's 2nd Maryland Battalion f. Buford's... more
Οι Γερμανοί δεν καταφέρνουν στις 12 προς 13 Σεπτέμβρη να αποβιβαστούν στις Μπενίτσες, αφού εμποδίστηκαν από το ιταλικό πυροβολικό που έβαλλε από τα υψώματα των Αγίων Δέκα, της Στρογγυλής ,Σταυρού και Περάματος.
This article will explore the presence of Black soldiers in the 84th Regiment of Foot (henceforth the 84th), an antecedent of the ‘The York and Lancaster Regiment’, between 1794 and 1819.
The dawn of 1834 found the population of the Falkland Islands scattered; divided between refugees and hostiles. Port Louis deserted. Some were hiding on islands in Berkeley Sound, while others had been taken to the relative safety of... more
In my study, following the introduction, I will review the methodological basisof media planning, afterwards I will present the categories of the media indexnumbers. Regarding the online/digital media, I will give several references tothe... more
Very interesting and pretty persuasive, bearing in mind the need for symbolic corroboration. Excellent material and I hope to see it in print. You have done a great job in extending and deepening references and examples, Temple Newsam,... more
This article provides an analysis of the uneven but decisive revocation of political asylum that occurred during and after the First World War in Britain, by closely examining the history of a single family of refugees.
Revue française de civilisation britannique est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution -Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale -Pas de Modification 4.0 International.
This study aims to examine and discuss the concept of social entrepreneurship and to create an awareness in this field with application examples. For this purpose, the literature was first examined, and different meanings of social... more
Traditionally, scholars have portrayed British popular Liberalism as thoroughly laissez-faire, minarchist, and anti-imperialist before the late nineteenth century. After this point, many scholars claim, popular Liberals broke with their... more
Scholarship on modern antisemitism frequently assumes that the spread of liberal political thought in modern nation-states worked to eliminate pre-existing sociopolitical hierarchies between Jews and non-Jews and increase toleration of... more
This is a further investigation into synonymous names in history and legend which may supply interesting concepts regarding certain ruling figures in Celtic history and legend.
In 1859, following the evangelical revival in Ulster, a Female Mission was founded in Belfast as an evangelistic agency and philanthropic enterprise. It was one of many voluntary societies. Upper-class evangelical women employed the... more
In this chapter, I examine different approaches to reading and understanding Pandit by reclaiming her role in postcolonial politics and, in turn, the development of international law. The archival materials and scholarship distil her... more