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The Mont Saint-Michel is a small, rocky tidal island in France located in a large bay at the mouth of the Couesnon. The granite massif of Mont Saint-Michel is crowned with a medieval abbey. It's a table moutain; a remaining of a... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMedieval HistoryDante Studies
El presente trabajo analiza un lote de cerámicas decoradas de producción valenciana fechables entre los siglos xiv-xv y procedentes de las excavaciones realizadas en el castillo de Planes (El Comtat, Alicante), en los años 1995, 2016 y... more
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      HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyArqueologíaCeramica Medievale
Questa ricerca mira, sugli evidenti “valori” culturali, storici e architettonici del patrimonio militare ancora presenti nell'Arcipelago di La Maddalena, ad approfondire la conoscenza di queste strutture ea proporre idee e linee guida... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureEnhancementFirst World WarLandscape
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      Medieval castlesCastles and FortificationsMedieval Defensive Structures
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
Lo studio proposto è il frutto dell'attività di ricerca svolta presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Chieti-Pescara in merito alle relazioni fra fiume Aterno e architetture civili, religiose e fortificate presenti... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureHistory of architectureFortificationsMedieval Fortifications
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyBavarian History
Den Burgen eine Zukunft geben 42. Mitgliederversammlung des Südtiroler Burgeninstituts auf Schloss Sonnenburg. .. . .
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      Castle StudiesFrühe NeuzeitCastles and FortificationsArchäologie
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      Architectural HistoryBaroque art and architectureBaroque ArchitectureAristocracy
Paesaggi urbani del Piemonte sud-occidentale xiii-xv secolo a cura di Rinaldo Comba, Andrea Longhi, Riccardo Rao Società per gli Studi Storici, Archeologici ed Artistici della Provincia di Cuneo Cuneo 2015 Il volume raccoglie una parte... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryMedieval ArchitectureHistory of architecture
Kniha vyšla roku 1988 v Praze / The book was published in 1988 in Prague.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Architectural HistoryBaroque art and architectureBaroque ArchitectureAristocracy
This research aims, on the evident cultural, historical and architectural ‘values’ of the military heritage still present in the Archipelago of La Maddalena, to deepen knowledge of these structures and to propose ideas and guidelines on... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureEnhancementFirst World WarRestoration
The foundation dates of three castles in Maelienydd, traditionally built by the Mortimers. However the contemporary evidence suggests that Prince Llywelyn ab Iorwerth (d.1240) was far more likely the builder of Cefnllys and Knucklas... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Les trois siècles d’indépendance de la ville de Metz (1234-1552) peuvent être liés à la présence de ses fortifications, construites à l’extrême fin du XIIe siècle. Sa muraille, longue de 5 575 m, flanquée de soixante-seize tours, de sept... more
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      Medieval HistoryLorraineFortificationsMedieval Fortifications
Carlo va il merito di averne ulteriormente articolato la volumetria esterna e impreziosito la facies interna, soprattutto con la realizzazione dell'apparato pittorico e scultoreo del cortile, articolato su due ordini di arcate inquadrate... more
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      Architectural HistoryBaroque art and architectureBaroque ArchitectureAristocracy
Castalla Castle (Alicante, Spain), built between the 11 th and 16 th centuries, is one of the most outstanding fortifications in the province of Alicante, as part of al-Andalus, first, and the Kingdom of Valencia, after. The present work... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesMedieval ArchaeologyCastles
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      ArchitetturaArchitettura MedievaleCastles and FortificationsCastelli E Incastellamento
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      Historical ArchaeologyHistory of architecturePost-Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval and Postmedieval Archaeology
The book was published in Bratislava: Slovak publishers beautiful literature, 1955, Series: Small art library; Vol. 6 Thanks: He books from his collection was kindly provided by Mr. Peter Adam Považská Bystrica for which he sincerely... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Art
Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc Historia de una forta leza La Ergástula, Madrid, 2014 270 páginas; 25 euros Ediciones La Ergástula publica la primera traducción al castellano del 1 ibro Histoired'unefortresse, aparecido originalmente en... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)CastlesCastle Studies
Der Autor leitet als Archäologe des Mittelslowakischen Museums seit dem Jahr 2012 die archäologische Grabung im Raum der untergegangenen Stadtburg in der ehemaligen niederungarischen (mittelslowakischen) Bergstadt Libethen (Ľubietová) und... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMining HistoryMedieval castlesFrühe Neuzeit
In this article was made historic, cultural and touristical descriptive analysis of little-known Starosta castle in Halych, which is located in Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the base of using of four groups of characteristics: natural and... more
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      HistoryLocal HistoryUkraine (History)Ukraine
Castles of North-west Greece: From the Early Byzantine Period to the Eve of the First World War, by Allan Brooks
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      Ottoman HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyOttoman ArchaeologyIslamic' Architecture
O.Plamenytska, E.Plamenytska. Kamyanets Podilsky, a Town at the Periphery of the Roman Empire: Urban Order and Fortifications The subject of the monograph is the influence of the Roman Empire on the urban development of Eastern Europe... more
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      Castles and FortificationsMedieval Castles and Fortresses
* Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ № 19-09-00040А «Составление геоинформационной системы археологических памятников древнего и средневекового Хорезма по данным спутниковых снимков». This work was supported by the RFBR grant No.... more
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      UzbekistanCastles and FortificationsKhorezm
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      HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyItalian StudiesSettlement Patterns
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      Italian (European History)Italian StudiesItaly (History)Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy
Schloss Haimhausen, Blick auf das Neue Lusthaus und die Gärten nach Westen. Im Hintergrund rechts die Fischweiher, späterer Standort des Lustschlosses Favorita. Stich M 78 von Michael Wening, aufgenommen 1696 (nach Dischinger 2016, Abb. 5)
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      Historical ArchaeologyCastles and Fortifications
Kniha vyšla v Petrohradu roku 1984 / The book was published in St. Petersburg in 1984.
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The book was published in Lipnice in 1900.
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      Medieval HistoryCzech HistoryMedieval StudiesBohemia
In this article was made historic, cultural and touristical descriptive analysis of little-known Rakovets castle, which is located in Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the base of using of four groups of characteristics: natural and geographical... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesHeritage TourismUkrainian Studies
Dunnottar Castle and church are set upon a rocky headland on the NE coast of Aberdeenshire, about 2 miles S of Stonehaven. It has been thought that the medieval castle has disappeared, while the surviving buildings are largely of the 14... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryScottish Studies
This paper introduces the theme of a special issue exploring the connections between castles (broadly defined as medieval fortified sites) and their landscapes, from archaeological and heritage perspectives. It includes a brief case study... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
The aim of this research is to show the usefulness of the cartographic materials in research, namely cadaster maps; in particular for studying landscape architecture, settlements planning, and localization of military objects on the... more
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    • Castles and Fortifications
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      Monastic ArchaeologyEarly Medieval MonasticismCastles and FortificationsMonastery History
In őrtilos, at the őrtilos-zrínyi-Újvár archaeological site, between 25 July 2016 and 26 May 2017, archaeological excavations were performed supported by the national Cultural Fund (nKA) 207134/00284 project. In 2017, we have... more
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      Turkish Art (Archaeology)Hungarian ArchaeologyMedieval and Postmedieval ArchaeologyCastles and Fortifications
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      Heritage ConservationCastles and Fortifications
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      ArchivesPolitical HistoryBurgundian historyCastle Studies
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyCastlesMediaeval Archaeology
Desde que en el Renacimiento se comenzó a hablar de "ingenieros", hasta llegar a la especialización de los ramos de la ingeniería en el siglo XVIII, la historia nos ha ido contando mucho sobre los usos del dibujo por parte de estos... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Science
Il 17 dicembre 1487 a pochi giorni dalla fine della guerra tra la repubblica veneta e Sigismondo d'Austria il commissario arciducale, Giovanni Ramuaz, restituiva ai diversi operatori tutte le miniere situate in Primiero. Si concludeva in... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCastles and FortificationsMedieval Castles and Fortresses
SALTO NEL TEMPO - "Il Giro del Castello di Serravalle (TI 626) è la nuova escursione illustrata da Svizzera Mobile. Percorribile nei due sensi tutto l’anno, conduce dal fondovalle al versante destro del Brenno. Punto saliente è la rocca... more
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      Medieval HistoryRenaissance StudiesCultural LandscapesMedieval Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryLocal HistoryFeudalism and LordshipLocal and regional history
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryFolklore
In the period 1943-1945 the remains of the medieval castle Duurstede in Wijk bij Duurstede in het central part of the Netherlands was excavated. The excavations were carried out under diffcult conditions. The Netherlandse were occupied by... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCastle StudiesRestoration of Historical BuildingsCastles and Fortifications
Premio Manuel Corchado ex-aequo 2008. Concurso de investigación histórico-arqueológico organizado por la Asociación Española de Amigos de los Castillos.
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      Medieval ArchaeologySpain (History)Medieval SpainCastles and Fortifications
This paper presents the results of two different campaigns of archaeological excavations (August 2015 and August 2016) in the medieval castle of Castel Pizigolo (Toano, RE) conducted by Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna,... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Medieval rural settlementCastles
Ličko-senjska županija, HAG 11/2014 Redni broj: 223 Lokalitet: Brinje -Stari grad Sokolac Naselje: Brinje Grad/općina: Brinje Pravni status: Z-2710 Razdoblje: SV, NV Vrsta radova: zaštitno iskopavanje Arheološka istraživanja u palasu... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCastlesPostmedieval ArchaeologyCastle Studies