Recent papers in Bugis
ABSTRAK Upu Daeng lima Bersaudara berikut keturunannya tercatat memiliki pengaruh luar biasa di Kerajaan Riau Lingga. Mereka adalah anak Daeng Rilakka yang merupakan keturunan dari La Maddusila, seorang Raja Luwu di tanah Bugis. Silsilah... more
Dalam artikel ini, kami menyajikan isi perjanjian Bone-Luwu yang diambil dari sebuah sure' (kisah orang-orang dahulu) yang berjudul "Iyanae Sure' Poada-Adaengngi Ulu Adanna Torioloe (Inilah Sure' yang Menceritakan Ketetapan Perjajian... more
Massawa adalah budaya orang-orang Bugis yang bercorak Islam
Bugis Tukak, adalah sebutan penulis untuk masyarakat etnik Bugis yang tinggal di Desa Tukak, Kecamatan Tukak Sadai, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Sebuah koloni masyarakat Bugis yang tinggal jauh dari wilayah aslinya di Daratan Sulawesi.... more
This article discussed the origins of the Buginese, customary law, kinship system, Bugis traditional costume, traditional song, traditional house, traditional weapon, religious system of Indonesia, cultural system of Indonesia, and global... more
South Sulawesi has long been known as a fairly large and very influential kingdom in the Nusantara region. These kingdoms are Gowa and Tallo, alongside other smaller kingdoms. Collecting data using Literature / Online Literature Studies... more
Di antara pelbagai suku bangsa di dunia, ada yang merekam kebudayaan seks mereka dalam bentuk oral maupun manuskrip. India dengan kamasutra-nya sebuah kitab fantastik karya Vatsyayana, kitab yang menyajikan wawasan seksualitas bagi... more
Suku Bugis tergolong kedalam suku-suku Melayu Deutero yang masuk ke Nusantara setelah gelombang migrasi pertama dari daratan Asia, tepatnya Yunan. Orang Bugis zaman dulu menganggap nenek moyang mereka adalah pribumi yang telah didatangi... more
Elong maliung bettuana is a unique form of riddle (puzzle poem). Unlike other genres of puzzle or poem; élong maliung bettuanna uniquely explore the orthography characteristic of Bugis language which is syllabic alphabetical to hide... more
Assalamualaikum sobat kuliahdesain, semoga sehat selalu. kali ini saya punya beberapa desain gambar kata-kata cinta bahasa bugis dan makassar. menjawab dari permintaan kawan saya untuk memposting yang seperti ini. Alhamdulillah sudah jadi... more
Sedikit pengantar: Jujur, saya merasa malu menjadi seorang Bugis-Makassar yang belum mengetahui seluk-beluk leluhur saya sendiri, sementara Christian Pelras mampu menjabarkannya dengan baik dalam karyanya yang luar biasa. The Bugis... more
1.Orality, Writing and History: The literature of the Bugis and Makasar of South Sulawesi (Introduction to Special Issue), by Stephen C. Druce 2.Christian Pelras and His Work, by Campbell Macknight 3.Orality and Writing among the Bugis... more
Studi ini bertujuan menghasilkan deskripsi nilai-nilai kedamaian berdasarkan perspektif tokoh suku Bugis dan Makassar. Ruang Lingkup kajian meliputi nilai-nilai kedamaian dalam pappaseng suku Bugis dan pappasang suku Makassar serta... more
Sistem pelapisan sosial pada masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan sudah terbentuk sejak lama yaitu golongan bangsawan yang berasal dari keturunan to manurung, lapisan orang-orang biasa yang disebut to maradeka dan lapisan ata atau hamba sahaya.... more
The period 1200-1600 CE saw a radical transformation from simple chiefdoms to kingdoms (in archaeological terminology, complex chiefdoms) across lowland South Sulawesi, a region that lay outside the ‘classical’ Indicized parts of... more
The history of Bugis civilization is began by a political contract between To Manurung and the Wanuas. To Manurung is believed as the man from the sky and became a leader and the Wanua is clan’s leader. This is Thomas Hobbes’s theory... more
This article discussed cultural values on work ethics of the Buginese-Makassarese consisting on the proverbs.
Various models have been presented to describe early Southeast Asian political formations that draw on both indigenous and imported Indic ideas. The most influential of these are the “Mandala” (Wolters 1968, 1982, 1999), “Galactic”... more
Tulisan ini memuat bacaan-bacaan shalat yang pendek sehingga diharapkan dapat memberi kemudahan bagi orang mengalami kesulitan menghapal. Tulisan ini disajikan dalam bahasa Bugis karena pada mulanya memang ditulis untuk ibu penulis,... more
- by Ishaq Asri
- Islam, Bugis, Fiqih
This chapter aims to both reflect upon my own fieldwork among the Bugis of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and my engagement with the scholarship of the ethnologist Christian Pelras, who wrote extensively on South Sulawesi culture and history.... more
Most academic writing on James Booke has focused on his remarkable exploits in Sarawak while his six month sojourn in Sulawesi, which he undertook before becoming ‘the white raja’, is largely confined to brief references and footnotes.... more
Analsisi implementasi HAM Sexual Reproductive Health Rights pada penolakan diversifikasi lima Gender dalam kebudayaan Bugis dilihat dari kacamata poskolonialisme dalam HI dan HAM Partikularisme.
The process of human migration between Indonesia and Malaysia has been running for hundreds of years. Only in modern times have the problem becomes more complex. Migration not only provides benefits for both countries, as remittance and... more
Pengukuran kualifikasi pendidikan tinggi adalah adanya relevansi antara produk yang dihasilkan dan kebutuhan masyarakat sebagai kliennya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis relevansi antara kompetensi asuhan kebidanan komunitas dan... more
Pontianak is a city where the composition of its population consists of various ethnic groups which have migrated and participated in establishing the city, one of which is Bugis. Bugis has been recognized as an ethnic group that has... more
Nilai-nilai utama kebudayaan lama etnis perlu digali, dikaji dan dipopulerkan kembali sebagai alternatif pengengembangan budaya pada era globalisasi. Tidak ada alternatif lain selain memilih memadukan antara budaya lama atau budaya etnis... more
The central focus of this article is the hikajat Sawitto (hS), a 12-page typed text in the Latin script and Malay language constructed in the 1930s from mainly oral Bugis sources. The hS provides an important insight into how the past was... more
Separate from classical theological disputes between Sunni and Shî‘a, Shî‘i ingredients do exist in Indonesian Islam. This paper examines ‘Shî’i elements’ in Bugis and Makassarese “lontara” textual traditions from South Sulawesi,... more
Suku Bugis merupakan salah satu suku terbesar yang berasal dari kawasan timur Indonesia yang memiliki tradisi dan sistem budaya yang kompleks. Perjalanan panjang dan diaspora Bugis keluar daratan Sulawesi Selatan, mengakibatkan masyarakat... more
Artikel ini catatan dalam membaca buku Islamisasi Bugis tulisan Andi Muhammad Akhmar terbitan Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. Buku ini merupakan kajian sastra la Galigo untuk versi Bottinna I La Dewata Sibawa I We Attaweq.
This study aims to produce a description of the values of peace based on the perspectives of Bugis and Makassar ethnic figures. The scope of the study includes the values of peace within the Bugis pappaseng and Makassar's... more
The format of inheritance rights of sons and daughters, namely 2:1, is based on universal truths in the form of justice with accompanying rights and obligations. The format can be carried out quantitatively if the rights and obligations... more
Quelque temps avant août 1760, au Cap, l'esclave bugis Upas adressa un court message à un de ses congénères, September, qui le conserva dans un coffre, dans le barraquement pour esclaves où il logeait. La lettre était rédigée dans la... more
This study aims to portray the character education contained in the Bugis community that many people do not know about it. For the Bugis community, local knowledge is not just a mere habit, but customs is a prerequisite for human life.... more
This article reviews the tradition of adoption among Bugis people through the views of Bugis scholars and values of local wisdom. This research is a qualitative research using a content analysis approach. The study finds the fact that... more
Abstrak Bugis and Madura already reach eastern part of Nusantara since 15th century. Both Indonesian ethnic have migration tradition as the common identity. With traditional transportation, they explore Makassar to Banda, and from Sampang... more
Upu Daeng Lima Bersaudara and their descendants were noted to have an extraordinary influence in the Riau Lingga Kingdom. They are the children of Daeng Rilakka who is a descendant of La Maddusila, a King of Luwu in the land of Bugis.... more
The Darul Islam rebellion against the central Indonesian government in the immediate post-independence period was largely dependent on charismatic leaders who came to prominence during the struggle against the Dutch. The charismatic... more
Corruption is a detrimental and harmful crime that is done individually or collectively. Therefore, corruption must be prevented and overcome. To prevent the corruption, firstly, the factors that lead the corruption should be eradicated;... more
The article represents some preliminary results and ideas from current research on the five Ajattapareng kingdoms and the west coast of South Sulawesi. Using archaeological data and textual sources, the article explores the relationship... more
Setelah di Madinah, kehidupan mereka membaik, diliputi ketentraman. Bahkan justru para muhajir dari Makkah yang jauh lebih berhasil, daripada penduduk pribumi yang menjadi penolong atau "Anshar", salah satu di antarnya menjadi kaya raya... more