Causative Light Verbs
Recent papers in Causative Light Verbs
Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan jika subjek tidak bertanggung jawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi, melainkan seseorang atau sesuatu yang lain yang melakukan aksi tersebut. Contohnya adalah : "I had... more
This article offers an overview of the different ways to express causativity in Chinese, also from a diachronic perspective, showing the evolution of the means to express causativity from Old to Modern Chinese.
Abstract: This thesis* explores some of the syntactic & semantic properties of Purposive Constructions in English. The term "purposive" is recognized as a semantic concept which finds regular expression in a small range of syntactic... more
Abstract : The analysis considers the manner in which a class of matrix verbs, the so-called raising verbs, have been fitted into some generative linguistic models. Taking as a cue the difficulty posed for these models by sentences of the... more
Across Tibeto-Burman (hereafter TB) languages we find causatives expressed both through morphological means (a prefix on the verb, a difference in the voicing and/or aspiration of the initial consonant, a change in tone, or a combination... more
This paper offers a novel analysis of the Spanish light verbs poner(se) 'to become' and quedar(se) 'to become/stay' in combination with adjectives. These verbs have the peculiarity that they may appear with or without se in these... more
Negli studi tipologici sui costrutti causativi (cfr. Comrie 1985:165-84) si suol distinguere tra il costrutto detto analitico da un lato, come nell'esempio inglese (1a) dove il predicato causativo (make) e il complemento verbale (fall)... more
This paper is concerned with the linking of arguments to syntax in Chinese resultative verb constructions. It is demonstrated that the linking principles based on event roles can account for the complementary distribution of the... more
All’interno della categoria dei verbi supporto è stato individuato un tipo più specifico di verbi, a volte chiamati estensioni, che non operano soltanto a livello sintattico e morfologico –dotando il sostantivo delle categorie verbali... more
In this paper our propose is to analyze the Latin collocation poena afficere, ‘to inflict punishment’, a type of collocation having both syntactic and semantic specificities that distinguish it from the prototypical ones: the predicative... more
ABSTRACT. One of the problems from which the grammatical term "ergativity" suffers derives from the relativity found in the grammaticality of "absolutives." In the sense that the object NP of a transitive VP is not omitted subsequent to... more
The verb láta ‘let/make’ in Icelandic provides a unique opportunity to understand the behavior symmetric versus asymmetric DAT-NOM constructions, as well as the nature of nominative-accusative case alternations. In this paper, we take a... more
"Abstract The different patterns on lexical (direct) causativization exhibited by intransitive verbs are a fundamental topic in the lexical semantics area. The possibilities and restrictions observed in the causativization of... more
ABSTRACT Across Tibeto-Burman (hereafter TB) languages we find causatives expressed both through morphological means (a prefix on the verb, a difference in the voicing and/or aspiration of the initial consonant, a change in tone, or a... more
The Chinese Causative Resultative V-V, also referred to as "resultative verb compound", is a construction that expresses caused-result meanings. A prominent feature of this construction exists in its word order: the cause-denoting V and... more
This paper contributes to the study of transitivity as a general property of the clause. Unlike most previous work on the subject, however, transitivity in the present article is used to study a lexical alternation, namely the two... more
This paper contributes to the study of transitivity as a general property of the clause. I take seriously the claim that Transitivity is a scale made up of various contributing parameters and I propose the Transitivity Index (TI), a... more
Causative Sentences are usually found difficult to do but practice makes a person perfect. Try the worksheet! Hope you will find the topic easy!
Los nombres de evento en latín pueden combinarse con verbos total o parcialmente vacíos de significado formando predicados complejos conocidos como construcciones con verbo soporte. El interés que este tipo de predicados ha suscitado en... more