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EŞREF: Kuşçubaşı’nın Alternatif Biyografisi, gayrinizami harp tarihimizin en meşhur ismini en insani özellikleriyle ortaya koyan sıradışı bir kitap… Adı tarihe Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa’nın kurucusu ve ilk başkanı olarak geçen Eşref Kuşçubaşı... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesIntelligence StudiesPropaganda
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      Ottoman HistoryArmenian HistoryArmenian CultureNorth Caucasus
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      Turkish Greek RelationsCircassian StudiesMustafa Kemal AtatürkAtatürk
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    • Circassian Studies
Аннотация. В статье на основе опубликованных и архивных источников рассматривается участие 2-го Владикавказского казачьего полка в кавалерийском сражении у селения Субатан 6 июля 1877 г. Автором делается вывод о несоответствии официальных... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesOttoman HistoryOttoman Studies
This article examines aspects of cultural exchange between the Middle East and the West in which Sufism, Christianity, the traditions of the Circassians and New Age concepts played a central role. It focuses on the teaching of Murat... more
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      Canadian StudiesSpiritualityMigrationTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Cultural StudiesDiasporasNationalismDiaspora
This is the single comprehensive scientific book in Italian on the tragedy of the Circassians in the XIXth Century. On the strictly documentary side, it contains the full transcription of the documents of the Italian consulate in... more
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      Ottoman HistoryLate Ottoman PeriodModern TurkeyHistory of Turkish Republic
in Hakan T. Karateke, H. Erdem Cipa, and Helga Anetshofer, eds., *Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands* (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018), 22-42
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      Ottoman HistoryMamluk StudiesOttoman StudiesCaucasus
This paper deals with the situation of the Caucasian-origined population of Tukey. It focuses on three aspects: the difficult, controversial shaping of its own identity; the experience of the review Jıneps, which aims at connecting the... more
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      TurkeyMinorities in TurkeyCircassian StudiesAbkhazians
In recent years, due to some contemporary political influences in Russia, Circassian activists, and some foreign states have proposed that the Circassian exile (forced deportations) and Russian colonization in the 19th century, might be... more
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      Circassian StudiesCircassians and North Caucasus historyhistory of Circassia
Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались... more
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyPagan StudiesOral Traditions
На протяжении XIII–XV вв. в этнонимической и этногеографической номенклатуре Северо-Западного Кавказа утверждается этноним «черкес» и, соответственно, название территории – Черкесия. Данный термин является синонимом старого,... more
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    • Circassian Studies
Benim Dağıstanım bana posta yoluyla yayımcısı Koyusiyah Yayıncılık tarafından gönderildi. Sıklıkla tanıtım yazısı yazan biri olmadığım için, yayınevlerinden bana pek kitap gelmez. Tek tük geldiğinde de gönderene teşekkür mesajımı yazar,... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesDiasporasNationalism
Науке известен ряд традиционных культовых практик причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, которые подверглись гибридизации со стороны авраамических религий и сохранились, либо исчезли к настоящему времени. Особенно выделяются среди элементов... more
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      ReligionHybridityCross-Cultural StudiesCaucasus
Relativization in a polysynthetic language: Adyghe relative constructions in a typological perspective (in Russian)
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      Language DocumentationEndangered LanguagesLanguages of the CaucasusCognitive Linguistics
During the second half of the XVIII century – the first half of the XIX century outstanding importance in the political history of Circassia played Natkhokuadj – a region in the west of the country, which had a special geostrategic... more
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    • Circassian Studies
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      North CaucasusCircassian StudiesCircassians
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      Mythology And FolkloreCircassian StudiesCircassiansCircassian, Adyghe, Abkhaz
In the final decades of Ottoman rule, several waves of refugees from the Russian Empire's North Caucasus region immigrated to Transjordan, where they founded Amman and other agricultural villages. This article examines the economy of... more
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      Real EstatePolitical EconomyOttoman HistoryMiddle East Studies
Based on phonological research of 37 Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages, the author proposes for them an original and phonetically complete generalized featural alphabet shaped via peculiar usage of the morphological principles... more
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      PhoneticsApplied LinguisticsNorth CaucasusCaucasian Culture (Adyghe, Abkhaz, Ubyh)
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      Ottoman HistoryCaucasusNorth CaucasusCircassian Studies
Public space discussion of various aspects of the Circassian (Adyghe) problematics and the so-called Circassian question became extremely hot in the mid-2000s in connection with such a significant event like the Olympics 2014 in Sochi.... more
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      CaucasusCircassian Studies
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    • Circassian Studies
В истории черкесов много загадочных и трагических страниц. Почему, например, в Средние века и Новое время, за пределами своей страны они проявляли большую мобильность и политическую активность, чем у себя на Родине? И в чем причины такой,... more
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      CaucasusNorth CaucasusCircassian StudiesCircassians
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      International RelationsMigration StudiesSyriaTransnational migration
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the traditional music and instruments of the Circassians from the North-West People of Caucasus. The vast majority of Circassians, who lived through the 19th century's largest exile and... more
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      MusicologyNorth CaucasusCircassian StudiesCaucasian Studies
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      CaucasusNorth CaucasusCircassian StudiesCircassians
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    • Circassian Studies
Rus-Kafkas Savaşı’nın Kafkas halklarının mağlubiyeti ve Rusya’nın zorunlu göç/sürgün politikasını uygulamaya koyması ile bitmesi, milyonlarca insanın Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na ve bilhassa Anadolu’nun çeşitli yerlerine göçüne neden oldu. Bu... more
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      19th Century (History)Circassian StudiesOsmanlı Sosyo-Ekonomik TarihiOrta Asya Ve Kafkaslar
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    • Circassian Studies
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      Languages and LinguisticsCaucasusLinguisticsNorth Caucasus
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      Circassian StudiesCircassian Language
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    • Circassian Studies
English version of my monography (Italian original 2014), a comprehensive account of the origins, the core years and the aftermath of the massacre and forced exodus of the native population of the North-western Caucasus. It contains the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryGenocide StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans
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    • Circassian Studies
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    • Circassian Studies
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    • Circassian Studies
Книга «Открытие Черкесии» представляет собой исследование значительного корпуса картографических памятников XIV – первой половины XIX вв., отображающих черкесское пространство Северо-Западного Кавказа. На основе картографических... more
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    • Circassian Studies
The monograph discusses Italo-Abkhazian relations during the period of dynamic trade-expansion of Italian city-states, primarily Genoa, on the Caucasian Black Sea coast, which is one of the important and still insufficiently studied... more
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      Italian StudiesHistory of SlaveryCaucasusSlave Trade
1864 Kafkas Tehciri: Kafkasya’da Rus Kolonizasyonu, Savaş ve Sürgün [Caucasian Exodus of 1864: Russian Colonization of Caucasia, War and Exodus], Ed. Mehmet Hacisalihoglu, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Balkan ve Karadeniz... more
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      Russian StudiesCaucasusNorth CaucasusCircassian Studies
My paper will discuss the history, origins, culture, and certain contemporary issues pertaining to the Batalpashinsk Cossacks, who reside in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia (North-West Caucasus, Russia), in the area known as the... more
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      Cultural StudiesNorth CaucasusCircassian StudiesNorth Caucasus: Cossacks
This paper is a part of the major study of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia (KChR), an important player on the geopolitical map of Russia’s North Caucasus. By taking a close look at the Batalpashinsk Cossacks from historical,... more
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      North CaucasusCircassian StudiesNorth Caucasus: CossacksKarachay-Cherkessia
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologyLanguages of the CaucasusCaucasus
Рахно К.Ю. Небесные битвы в булгарской мифологии // Традиционная культура народов Поволжья: материалы III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (9-11 февраля 2016 г.): в 2 ч. – Казань: Ихлас, 2016. –... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyShamanismBulgaria
hicret, Dîn ü Devlet: Osmanlı Göç Politikası
başlıklı yeni kitabınızda Türk, Tatar,
Çerkes, Nogay, Boşnak, Gürcü ve Girit
Müslümanlarının Osmanlı’ya göçüne
odaklanıyorsunuz. Bu kitabı yazma motivasyonunuz
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      Ottoman HistoryMigrationCrimean TatarCircassian Studies
Imperial Refuge revisits late Ottoman history through the lens of migration, holding the resettlement of Muslim refugees as critical to the making of the modern Balkans, Turkey, and the Levant. In the half-century before World War I,... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
Bu çalışmada, 19. yüzyılda meydana gelen Çerkes göçleri ve Osmanlı kölelik anlayışı çerçevesinde bu göçlerin Osmanlı Devlet’inde yarattığı sorunlar ve bu sorunların bir veçhesi olan tarım köleliğinin ilga süreci incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.
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      HistorySlaveryAbolition of SlaverySlave Trade
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
Основываясь на исследованиях по фонетике северокавказских языков, автор выявляет структурное несоответствие между исключительно богатым консонантизмом данных языков и их нынешними кириллическими алфавитами и, выдвигая идею о необходимости... more
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      Writing Systems (Languages And Linguistics)North CaucasusCaucasian Culture (Adyghe, Abkhaz, Ubyh)Writing systems