Classical Period
Recent papers in Classical Period
The subject of this article is a group of lekythos belonging to probably Beldam Painter or his Workshop at the Archaeology Museum of Anamur. In conjunction with the construction a museum in Anamur in 1992 some of the works have been... more
This essay will attempt to question the visual communication and symbolism embedded in elite Classic-period Maya women’s traditional attires. For many cultures of Mesoamerica, textiles were a commodity used in trade and in the payment of... more
Plus qu'un simple état de la science sur les Cyclades antiques, ce livre entend interroger les perspectives géopolitiques, économiques, diplomatiques et culturelles induites par le rapport entre les Cyclades -comprises comme un ensemble... more
Στον χώρο της Μακεδονίας η ταυτότητα του πολεμιστή γίνεται ιδιαιτέρως αισθητή μέσα από τα ταφικά σύνολα του 6ου και του 5ου αι. π.Χ. Ειδικότερα στην περιοχή της Μυγδονίας, η οποία αντιστοιχεί γεωγραφικά ως επί το πλείστον στη σημερινή... more
Th is book looks at food and foodways with special focus on Malta. It looks at the Roman, Arabic and Medieval periods in the life of the Maltese Islands. Furthermore it takes Mdina as its departing point as it was the main urban... more
Σεμιναριακή εργασία στο μάθημα ΣΑ 20 Κλασική Αρχαιολογία του τμήματος Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Ε.Κ.Π.Α. Γίνεται προσπάθεια στην παρούσα εργασία να εξετασθεί η αρχαία ελληνική πόλις των Παρίων, ως ένα αστικά... more
ÖZET Bu çalışma İzmir Müze Müdürlüğü tarafından ortaya çıkarılan Teos Batı Nekropolisi’nin ikinci ve üçüncü gömü evrelerine yöneliktir. 2./3 gömü evrelerinde çatı kiremidi mezarlar, amphora, situla mezarlar, sanduka, basit inhumasyon,... more
A necropolis area that was used between the 2nd half of the 5th century BC and the first half of the 2nd century BC was unearthed during the rescue excavations in the west of Teos ancient city. 3 burial phases were identified in the... more
For quite a long time the attribution of gold coins, dated to the fourth century BCE and with the types of a horse and a ram, was disputed between Cyprus and Cyrenaica because numismatic evidence could assign them to either region. The... more
The existence of categories of divers and the anxiety for discovery of an early breathing apparatus suggests that the issue of diving was quite thoughtful in classical times and ancient divers were already acquainted with some form of... more
Yeni Foça-İzmir karayolunun batısında, Kyme Antik Kenti’nden yaklaşık 1 km uzaklıkta, kentin güney nekropolisi içerisine giren tepelerin batıya bakan yamaçları Batı Liman Nekropolisi olarak isimlendirilmiştir. 2011 yılında... more
Les auteurs tiennent à remercier Agnès Rouveret pour sa bienveillante et amicale relecture du texte et Bernard Holtzmann pour ses conseils avisés. Brecoulaki 1998 : Brecoulaki Hariclia, « Observations sur la course des chars représentée... more
The subject of the following thesis is the history of Thebes in 404-379/8 BC. The beginning of the Fourth Century was a crucial period for this central Greek polis. It was the time when Thebans became the leading political force of... more
This article provides a preliminary investigation of the ceramics found by the salvage excavations conducted by the Bursa Archaeology Museum in the area of the ancient city of Kios, which is partly in the Gemlik district of Bursa. The... more
All attempts to identify and characterize the elements of the Greek city-state in the course of history involve elements from many different historical sources, as well as the testimony of archaeological science, the work of which is... more
This article contains research about a group of coins which are selected from the inventory of Bilecik Museum. The aim of this work is to date and obtain information about the mints of coins. The coin collection of the Bilecik Museum... more
An Athenian in Miletupolis. A Gravestone of Hypermenes from the Classical Age - an importand Document of the Relationship between Miletupolis and Athens Miletupolis, Miletuteichos, Mysia, Athens, Museum of Bursa, man and dog stelai,... more
Archaeobotanical analysis has been used to reconstruct the nest and diet of a small rodent from the Classical period (first century B.C. to second century A.D.) and most probably from Greece. The nest was found in the hollow interior of a... more
King’s College London, Department of Classics Seminar
The essay begins by giving an economic and critical context to the frequency of American remakes of French films in what is termed ‘classical period’, 1930-1960 – particular attention shall be paid to the ‘ideology of the auteur’. The... more
Parion, one of the most important port cities of Troad, possesses great importance to Anatolian archaeology with its necropolis. Excavated continuously since 2005, a small portion of the cities southern necropolis, named Tavşandere,... more
Burials and necropoleis contain an inexhaustible amount of information on sepulchral ritual practices and conceptions of the afterlife. Burial and grave good customs allow us to generate conclusions on the relationship with the deceased... more
In 2013, during underground electric utility construction at the intersection of University Street and İsmet İnonu Avenue in Atatürk neighborhood, in the Mezitli district in Mersin, underground chamber tombs carved into rocks were... more
Bryn Mawr College doctoral dissertation, 1974.
"During the fourth century BC certain Cypriot kingdoms issued gold coinage. This is a remarkable phenomenon because the issue of coins in this metal was extremely rare before the gold staters of Philip II of Macedon, with the exception of... more
Burials and necropoleis contain an inexhaustible amount of information on sepulchral ritual practices and conceptions of the afterlife. Burial and grave good customs allow us to generate conclusions on the relationship with the deceased... more
Most of the grave steles observed in Greek art, even though they demonstrate specific typological characteristics depending on the region and the era, continue the tradition of Attica grave stele. Moreover, the impact of Ion sculpture... more
Th is book looks at food and foodways with special focus on Malta. It looks at the Roman, Arabic and Medieval periods in the life of the Maltese Islands. Furthermore it takes Mdina as its departing point as it was the main urban... more
With nearly 90 words, the Old Phrygian inscription on a limestone stele unearthed in the vicinity of Vezirhan in historical Bithynia is the largest text in the entire Phrygian corpus-both Old and New. The stele is in the so-called... more
The archaeological study took into account a very important part of Castiglione del Lago urban unit, where the presence of stratification, probably from the Classical period, had been pointed out, on which military and religious units... more
Zur Soziologie eines Ideals Nach heute gängiger Auffassung ist, was die europäischen Länder als ihre jeweilige Klassik ansehen, ein nachträgliches historisches Konstrukt, das einerseits einem nationalteleologischen Geschichtsverständnis... more
On the Cypriot coins of the Classical period three types of earrings (disk, pendant and circular earring) and two types of necklaces (pearl necklace and torque) can be observed. The purpose of this paper is to present the typology of the... more
Revue d'archéométrie 33 | 2009 Authentication and analysis of goldwork Les parures en or de la nécropole thrace de Duvanli du V e siècle av. J.-C. : le cas du tumulus de Kukova The gold jewellery from the Thracian necropolis of Duvanli (5... more
This paper discusses the relationship between memory and politics during the Hellenistic period in the context of the Achaian League. Two adjacent regions will be considered, Arkadia and Achaia, to approach the changing nature of complex... more
During the excavations of Sumhuram (1997-2018) a large number of findings were brought to light. An interesting and enigmatic group of objects, composed of 18 big shells that have particular decorative motifs, are particularly interesting... more
Xanthos South City Gate and Its Phases Three gates providing access to the city from the east, west, and south have been identified on the oft-restored walls of Xanthos. This ancient city has been inhabited uninterruptedly from the... more