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      Ceramics (Archaeology)Greek PotteryPitturaWorkshops
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      Sports HistoryEtruscan ArchaeologySportSports
Heroes and Demons entered the northern Mediterranean culture between 600 and 500 BCE when the culture was transforming from the magical Ancient Pagan Paradigm to a lordified Paradigm which forced deity personification making them lords in... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPagan StudiesAkkadian LanguageAncient Greek History
Lo scavo di una nuova tomba a casetta a Norchia ha restituito un corredo di 17 vasi di IV-III sec. a.C. L'operazione ha rappresentato un caso di felice sinergia tra pubblico e privato e ha restituito alla comunità un corredo oggi esposto... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyArchaeology (Etruscology and Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy)Etruscologia
The present text provides an example of “metadisciplinary” approach. Approach to what? Here’s an important point: we don’t know. It depends on the observer, like in a daydream quantum vision of fluctuating reality. Are we trying to keep... more
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La città umbra di Orvieto – l’etrusca Velzna, in seguito Volsinii per i popoli di lingua latina – si staglia sul territorio circostante dalla cima di una scoscesa rupe tufacea dominante la valle del fiume Paglia, affluente del Tevere, a... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsPottery (Archaeology)
La ceramica argentata etrusca è una tipologia vascolare che prende il nome dal rivestimento stagnato di colore grigio chiaro lucente che ricopriva la superficie dei manufatti per riprodurre l’effetto di una superficie argentata. La... more
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      Interactive MuseumsEtruscan potteryMuseo Archeologico di Firenze
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan languageEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeologyEtruscan pottery
a cura di Giuseppe M. Della Fina e s t r a t t o
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyAttic potteryEtruscan pottery
Szilágyi János György-emlékkönyv 1./The life interview (and other sources) with the doyen of classical philology and archeology, etruscology and vase painting, the student of Kerényi, the member of the Stemma, the leading classical... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistory of Religion
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEtruscanArchaeology of pre-Roman Italy
Keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeoastronomy, writing, solar eclipses, Pythagoras, Greek, Etruscan, Etruria, Egypt, Italy This paper was first read by the author on the scientific session of the Sergei Rjabchikov Foundation – Research Centre... more
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      LanguagesReligionComparative ReligionHistory
Funde, Eigennamen und Schriftzeichen beweisen Roms lange Zugehörigkeit zur etruskischen Kultur. Die historisch faßbaren Anfänge des Etruskertums in Italien fallen mit der mythischen Gründungzeit Roms (datiert auf 753 v. Chr.) zusammen.... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryRoman HistoryItalian (European History)
In the excavations at vigna Marini-Vitalini a considerable amount of impasto and geometric pottery was found, expecially from the iayers in the area of the orientalizingbuiiding. There are red impasto and brown impasto, in which the... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)EtruscologyCaereEtruscan pottery
Pdf concesso da Bononia University Press all'autore per l'espletamento delle procedure concorsuali DISCI DIPARTIMENTO storia culture civiltà
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan language
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruria
II bozze. Per i numeri corretti delle pagine (+2) fare riferimento al titolo e al volume cartaceo
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscologiaEtruscan pottery
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
A catalogue of ancient Greek and Italiote painted pottery (vases and fragments) preserved by four Russian collections which are not profilic in this area. Introductory articles on the museums, on the history of ancient vases collecting in... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of MuseumsCollecting and CollectionsGreek Vases Stampa Stabilimento Tipografico Quintily s.p.a. L'Editore si dichiara pienamente disponibile a soddisfare eventuali oneri derivanti da diritti di riproduzione. È vietata la riproduzione, con qualsiasi... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan studiesVeii
Una sintesi del"fenomeno sociale" della città di Nola, in Campania, attraverso l'analisi dei suoi contesti di necropoli tra l'VIII e il VI sec. a.C., nel catalogo di una mostra dal titolo "Pompei e gli Etruschi" tenutasi a Pompei, nella... more
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary Art
L'individuazione delle identità culturali e il problema della definizione di concetto di "frontiera", com'è noto, sono divenuti di recente dei fenomeni "alla moda" ed hanno ottenuto un posto di primo piano negli studi sull'antichità,... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyEtruscanEtruscan Archaeology
Resoconto preliminare delle indagini svolte nella necropoli di Crocifisso del Tufo tra il 2015 e il 2017. I contesti più interessanti sono rappresentati dalla tomba 203, utilizzata nella seconda metà del VI e riaperta durante la prima... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan languageAttic black-figured vasesEtruscan and pre-Roman archaeology
La collezione archeologica dell'avvocato Conticelli è composta da 29 reperti, tutti fittili, i quali formano un insieme eterogeneo per provenienza e datazione. Nel presente catalogo si sono voluti raggruppare, a seconda delle classi... more
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      EtruscologyHellenistic Pottery - black glazeEtruscan and Corinthian PotteryBucchero
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologySantuari EtruschiEtruscan studies
Thanks to the increasing multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of votive contexts, a meaningful amount of information about both archaeological finds and associated faunal remains is available, giving way to interpretations about... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan TombsEtruscan Funerary Art
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      Classical ArchaeologyEtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary Art
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologySmall votive bronzes (Etruscan and Italic cultures)Etruria
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Etruscan ArchaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)
Excavations carried out in the Ager Faliscus in the last twenty years of the 19th century during the survey for the Carta Archeologica d’Italia, were hampered by severe difficulties which are reflected in the incomplete publication of the... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscology
The following methods of participation are available: , , upon registration on our website, or in person by telephone online on our partner portals (see list below), by a to be received by written absentee bid... more
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      AuctionsArt MarketGreek SculptureLabrum
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      Funerary ArchaeologyCeltic ArchaeologyEtruscan ArchaeologyLa Tene culture
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      IconographyOrientalizing Period (art & archaeology)Etruscan and pre-Roman archaeologyFelsina
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyEtruscanEtruscan Archaeology
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan language
The traditional view of a clear break after the Roman conquest of Veii in 396 BC. has been around for some time questioned by re-evaluating the passage of Livy (6. 4. 4) and on the basis of a careful reading of the archaeological data.... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscology
Between the fifth and fourth centuries BC the Etruscan city of Spina, founded at the mouth of the Po on the Adriatic, weaves such a close relationship with the Greek people that it established a thesauros in Delphi and became a privileged... more
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      IconographyEtruscanAncient Greek IconographyEtruscan Archaeology
The district North of Temple A, intermediate between the Monumental Sanctuary, the settlement and the harbour, played a fundamental role in the urbanistic development of the Etruscan site of Pyrgi. It includes the intersection between the... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtEtruscology
Updated attached exel file only, 3.09.2024. Updated to include corrections of mirrors. One mirror carries the name TIRANAII (Tyrhenni). It is the oldest extant document containing the name Herodotus referred to and may predate Herodotus'... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropological LinguisticsLanguages and Linguistics
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscan Funerary ArtHellenistic Pottery
Pour la première fois, les vases en bucchero font l'objet d'une étude d'ensemble. Ces vases fournissent une documentation exceptionnellement nombreuse et variée, qui manifeste les prémices de l'iconographie et de l'écriture occidentales... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryPottery (Archaeology)
e s t r a t t o e s t r a t t o
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan language
The vital link between the site of Pyrgi and the town of Caere is highlighted by the many measures taken by the Etruscan town in order to turn the complex system of the settlement, the sanctuary and the harbour into the outpost of its... more
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruria
In Caeretan red-figured pottery, fish plates produced during the last third of the 4 th century B. C. can be found. They are Etruscan imitations of the better-known fish plates of southern Italian red-figured vase painters who were active... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyFishingEtruscan studies
The Pyrgi Gold Tablets are one of the most popular Etruscan texts, principally because they include two tablets written in Etruscan and a third tablet written in Punic. Thus, the tablets are the only known Etruscan texts that offer an... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMythologyRoman HistoryLanguages and Linguistics
A Ludovico «L'eroe incatenato conserva nel fulmine e nel tuono divini la sua fede tranquilla nell'uomo. In questo modo egli è più duro della roccia e più paziente dell'avvoltoio.
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      Ancient Greek IconographyRoman SarcophagiAttic red-figure vasesGreek Painted Pottery – production, circulation, consumption
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan studiesEtruscan and Corinthian Pottery
This paper presents an unpublished clay plate with painted decoration found during field surveys conducted in 1994 inside the area of a new Etruscan settlement discovered in the district of “Acquatraversa”, nearby the ancient route of via... more
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      Etruscan potteryCeramica etruscaAger Veientanus
The aim of the present communication is to offer a new study of potters’ signatures during the Orientalising and Archaic periods. Most signatures are attested on ceramics (with only a few exceptions on stone). The point is to reconsider... more
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      Etruscan potteryEtruscan EpigraphySignatures of Artists