Classical Rhetorical Theory
Recent papers in Classical Rhetorical Theory
Plato and Aristotle are key figures in the study of rhetoric. Classical period had been known as the era where rhetoric emerged as the influential language existence. Experts on rhetoric had discussed deeply about the history of rhetoric... more
This chapter discusses the place of metaphor in ancient and modern political rhetoric. It starts with the idea of metaphor in classical rhetorical and stylistic theories and juxtaposes it with modern cognitive theories, to note that the... more
A subject frequently discussed in ancient commentaries on Plato but rarely discussed in modern scholarship is how multiple ways of ordering Platonic dialogues can inform our readings of the dialogues. This article looks at four different... more
Στο Gabrijela Kišiček and Igor Ž. Žagar (eds.) What do we know about the world? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives d i g i t a l l i b r a r y dis s e rtat ion es, 25 w i n d s o r s t u di e s in argumentation, 1
St. Boethius’ text, "An Overview of the Structure of Rhetoric," is a very concise, yet sound, summary of classical rhetorical theory. For scholars new to the field of rhetoric, this text is an excellent entry point, since it is much... more
This paper will examine the eight heads used in these two stages of the progymnasmata. I will suggest these heads impart an ability to coherently develop argumentation. However, an equal, if not more profound result of mastering these... more
This essay will demonstrate how both the cultural and temporal antecedents of classical rhetoric are linked to Mesopotamian writing by their shared use of similes, such as fable, aenigma, and parable as pardeigmae. Mesopotamian myths... more
In recent years, humanists and social scientists have shown increasing interest in human-animal relations – to the point where many now speak of an ‘animal turn’ in the humanities and social sciences. Across history, psychology,... more
cadru didactic asociat la Facultatea de Litere, secția de Filologie clasică, unde susține cursuri și seminarii de latină și greacă veche. A efectuat stagii de documentare în Italia și a fost bursier DAAD la Universitatea din Münster,... more
Examines how the rhetorical theory of George Campbell and Richard Whately remains relevant in a new era of cognitive rhetoric, with particular emphasis on potential applications to the study of the rhetoric of science.
The Anabasis is a rich text because it complicates the simple dichotomy between force and persuasion. Xenophon not only shows himself fully prepared to use force to attain his aims when convenient, and often uses rhetoric to justify past... more
How Evagrius Ponticus (d. 399) composed his highly influential treatises of short and succinct chapters (kepahalaia) is bewildering and has been discussed by many scholars. In this essay the literary composition of Evagrius’ To monks in... more
ISBN 978-3-7772-1934-9 Kai Brodersen Menandros Rhetor: Abhandlungen zur Rhetorik. Zweisprachige Ausgabe (Biblothek der griechischen Literatur 88) Stuttgart: Hiersemann-Verlag 2019 288 Seiten, gebunden Erste Hilfe für (antike)... more
Rhetorical scholarship has for decades relied solely on culture to explain persuasive behavior. While this focus allows for deep explorations of historical circumstance, it neglects the powerful effects of biology on rhetorical... more
The Ethics of Persuasion challenges the traditional thinking that rhetoric is primarily a utilitarian art built on force and adorned with linguistic ornamentation. The book brings the thought of philosopher Jacques Derrida to a handful of... more
This is a draft of published paper on how the sophists in Philostratus' Vitae Sophistarum actually earned their livings. It appeared in a festschrift for Martin Camargo that may be ordered from Brepols:... more
This paper examines how the battle exhortation was analysed in ancient rhetoric. The Thucydidean battle exhortation is the key: by combining different lines of argumentation drawn from the oratorical practices of the late fifth century... more
This is a draft of published paper on how the sophists in Philostratus' Vitae Sophistarum actually earned their livings. It appeared in a festschrift for Martin Camargo that may be ordered from Brepols:... more
I identify three modern approaches used to theorize epideictic rhetoric and suggest that each approach has difficulty dealing with the category of presence assigned to the genre by Aristotle. Drawing on Thucydides and, through him,... more
This course examines the historical relationship between rhetoric (the theory and study of persuasive language and symbol use) and poetics (the theory of literary expression and representation). Together, we will examine representative... more
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Ancient Rhetoric Series: Brill's Companions to Classical Reception, Volume: 23 Volume Editors: Sophia Papaioannou, Andreas Serafim, and Michael Edwards This volume, examining the... more
2 demarzo de 2017. “El legado de la retórica clásica” [Conferencia] . Proyecto de escritura académica y creativa en la UFM, coordinado por Julia Toledo, Centro Henry Hazlitt, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Ciudad de Guatemala.
In the paper we explore Greco-Roman rhetoric (also known as classical rhetoric) from the perspective of intercultural communication. Defining rhetoric as a means of interaction between Greek and Roman culture we investigate some of its... more
This essay explores a precising definition of rhetoric that is compatible with the lexical genus of the word but is also narrowed by the philosophical differentia of "the kind that ought to be pursued and practiced."
From antiquity onwards rhetorical ethos has represented a concept bearing many different notions, which generally refer to a speaker's character presentation. Despite conceptual differences ethos still plays an important part in... more
I identify three modern approaches used to theorize epideictic rhetoric and suggest that each approach has difficulty dealing with the category of presence assigned to the genre by Aristotle. Drawing on Thucydides and, through him,... more
This workshop aims to explore the linguistic and literary devices employed by ancient authors to advise or instruct their addressees. While instruction, a form of communication dependent on a teacher-pupil relationship, has been widely... more
This chapter discusses the place of metaphor in ancient and modern political rhetoric. It starts with the idea of metaphor in classical rhetorical and stylistic theories and juxtaposes it with modern cognitive theories, to note that the... more
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Ancient Rhetoric Series: Brill's Companions to Classical Reception, Volume: 23 Volume Editors: Sophia Papaioannou, Andreas Serafim, and Michael Edwards This volume, examining the reception of... more
Abstract: This contribution deals with speeches, their forms of appearance, and the reflection about speeches in Greek literature before the arrival of the sophists at Athens, that is from the beginnings until the last third of the 5th... more