Recent papers in Philostratus
What does Philostratus' Gymnasticus have to offer modern students and scholars of sport? To find out, we need a reading that considers historical context, Hellenic paideia, and the relationship between nature and culture. To understand... more
This is the English translation of my "Introduzione storico-philosofica al Gymnasticus di Filostrato" from the new Italian translation and commentary on the text published by Sette Citta in 2015
À quoi sert la prose ? Quelle est la tâche spécifique qui lui incombe ? Quel pouvoir neuf se donne le langage, quand il se détourne du vers ? Telles sont les questions abordées dans ce volume, à travers certaines des réponses que leur ont... more
RESUMO Objetiva-se, nesse artigo, mostrar como se constituíram duas memórias sobre o personagem de Apolônio de Tiana, uma como feiticeiro charlatão e outra como homem divino, no período do Principado romano. Para isso, apresentaremos como... more
systems oF soPhistry and PhilosoPhy the case oF the second soPhistic Personen können nicht ohne soziale Systeme entstehen und bestehen, und das gleiche gilt umgekehrt.
Ulisse è il campione della ragione che trionfa in Occidente, l’eroe dell’intelligenza e dell’avventura. Ma la sua figura non è univoca nella tradizione antica. Le maschere del mito greco parlano di altre ragioni, di passioni irriducibili,... more
Semíramis Corsi | O sábio Apolônio de Tiana em testemunhos contrastantes Sumário | 28 O sábio Apolônio de Tiana em testemunnhos contrastantes: a tradição epistolar e a obra do sofista grego Filóstrato (séc. III d.C.) Semíramis Corsi... more
This article addresses how the sophistic-style analysis in Philostratus’ Gymnasticus gives expression to the physical and social complexities involved in ancient athletic training. As a case in point, the article provides a close reading... more
La découverte de fossiles de dinosaures et d’animaux préhistoriques ne date pas de l’époque contemporaine. Répandue dans l’Antiquité, notamment en Grèce, elle a suscité de multiples interrogations, engendré des fantasmes et donné... more
From Herakles’ slaying of the Nemean lion, which is portrayed in a fashion similar to wrestling on Attic vases, to literary references to athletic competition as a substitute for single combat, to the presence of Ares and Agōn side by... more
The Vita Apollonii leaves much open to interpretation. In 4.45 Philostratus tells us about a young woman who was thought dead by her family and the whole of Rome. Apollonius whispers something in her ear and the maiden starts talking... more
« Trictrac », « jeu de dames », « échecs », autant de traductions trompeuses données au fil du temps pour le mot grec πεσσεία qui était en réalité une forme d’activité ludique pratiquée avec des pions sur un plateau et dont les origines... more
This list covers many of the aliases and pen names that were used from the first century CE, up to near modern times (see my paper, 'Napoleon Bonaparte & The Holy Roman Empire', which, gives his descent from Arrius Piso and his... more
Le Immagini raccontano sessantaquattro pitture che adornavano il portico di una villa nei pressi di Napoli. Filostrato le descrive e le interpreta per un gruppo di giovani ascoltatori fondando nella letteratura occidentale il genere... more
This paper focuses on the reciprocity between visual and verbal that characterizes ancient ekphrasis. According to the authors of the Progymnasmata (Aelius Theon, Hermogenes, Nicolaus, Aphtonius), a major feature of ekphrasis is its... more
Die Quintilier sind zweifellos die berühmteste und am besten dokumentierte Familie aus Alexandria Troas. Insbesondere die letzten vier Generationen haben durch ihre Tätigkeit in der römischen Reichsverwaltung, ihre engen Verbindungen zu... more
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Art and rhetoric in Roman culture / [edited by] Jaś Elsner. pages cm ISBN 978-1-107-00071-1 (Hardback) 1.... more
Letters inserted into Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History can be interpreted fruitfully within the context of the usage of embedded letters in imperial Greek literature. Elite Greek narrative texts regularly attributed letters to famous... more
Filóstrato foi um sofista grego que viveu de meados do século II a meados do século III d.C. Teve contato próximo com o poder imperial romano no período dos primeiros imperadores da dinastia dos Severos, Septímio Severo e Caracala, e... more
The True Context Of Ancient History And The Gordian Emperors (Roman Piso, 02-25-2017) This paper is about the Gordian Emperors; Gordian I, Gordian II, and Gordian III. However, it is also about much, much more. It is about their ancestors... more
This paper discusses the blurring of the differences between necro-mancy and resurrection from apparent death in Apuleius' works, focusing on the necromantic tales of Socrates and Thelyphron in Metamorphoses 1 and 2, and two episodes... more
According to ancient aesthetics, the art of gem engraving involved a special cooperation of human and natural artistry, and was characterized by a peculiar fluidity in its relationship with the “major” arts, namely painting and sculpture.... more
This paper focuses on ecphrastic patterns in Philostratus the Elder’s most known work, the Imagines. I claim that the Imagines have a specific rhetorical character, and have to be understood as a verbal creation independent from actual... more
Enfim, na lógica do rizoma em que mais contam os nós que os ramos, Filóstrato: novas abordagens convida o leitor a seguir a trama que se tece de capítulo a capítulo, em que se buscam tanto as conexões do escritor com os antecedentes,... more
The monograph offers a detailed philological and historical analysis of two of the works attributed to Flavius Philostratus: the “Life of Apollonius of Tyana” and the “Heroicus”.
""Recent scholarship in Classics and related fields has shown great interest in letters and epistolary literature of all forms (e.g. Morello and Morrison 2007; Trapp 2003; Rosenmeyer 2001). The use of embedded letters to advance the... more
La magie, dans la Vie d'Apollonios de Tyane, est au centre d'un noeud de problèmes qui mettent en jeu le statut du personnage principal, et à travers lui le sens global du projet de Philostrate. Dans quelle mesure celui-ci cherche-t-il à... more