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This dissertation attempts to illuminate the enigma of the Seneca whom we see in Tacitus, "Seneca politicus", and his capacity at the Palace. The project thus evaluates the three most accessible sources for both how Nero would have viewed... more
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      Ancient HistoryGame TheoryClassicsRoman History
Approximately three decades ago, two of us, Terrell Carter and Kempis Songster, were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that this sentence, effectively an order to die in prison,... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeRehabilitation
Regarding the operational specifics of death penalty policy, Professors Johnson and Zimring have argued that it is extreme left or right wing authoritarian states’ aversion to a limitation of their own powers that determines high rates of... more
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      Vietnamese HistoryVietnam WarVietnamCapital Punishment
ÖZET Günümüz dünyasında¸maddîdünyasında¸maddî imkânların çoğalmasına rağmen¸insanîrağmen¸insanî değerlerin azaldığı görülmektedir. Son... more
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      ReligionEducationValues EducationEmpathy
La riduzione ad una sola virtù "straordinaria" e la scelta della clementia appaiono in avvio quasi inevitabili, ma costringono Seneca in una duplice gabbia, quella encomiastica di una virtus esclusiva del principe e quella storica della... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteraturePolitical TheorySeneca
T. Alonge, "Le pardon d'Auguste et le calcul d'Octave dans le dénouement de Cinna", Tropics, 5, 2018, p. 217-230. Online:... more
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      AugustusTragedyClemencyPierre Corneille
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      EuthanasiaTanzaniaAbortionUse of Force
İslam tasavvufunda yaratılışın asıl sebebi, kişinin Yaratan"ını bulup varlığın hakikatine erişmesidir. Kişinin bu hakikate vakıf olabilmesi, zuhur eden idrake eşlik eden derin muhabbetle mümkündür. Kişi; kendisini yok edeni, yoktan var... more
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A Study of Constitutional Clemency for Capital Crimes In India
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCapital PunishmentIndia
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      Constitutional LawIndonesiaCapital PunishmentDeath Penalty
Como he demostrado en mi tesis doctoral, el perdón ejerció un importante papel en las estrategias políticas y legitimadoras de los soberanos omeyas andalusíes. En esta ocasión, haré un repaso de la institución del amān por ser una de las... more
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      Southeast Asian PoliticsCapital PunishmentDeath PenaltySingapore Politics
On 16 March 2015, Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s petition for pardon from what he claims was a politically-motivated conviction for sodomising his male aid was rejected by Malaysia’s King, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. In... more
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      MalaysiaCapital PunishmentMalaysian StudiesDeath Penalty
Papers. This series aims to increase understanding of current legal issues arising in the legal systems of Asian countries. They can be downloaded without charge from... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesComparative Criminal LawComparative Criminal JusticeCapital Punishment
Desde antes da Constituição de 88, tem sido uma prática constante os Presidentes da República editarem, ao final de cada ano, decretos de indulto com o objetivo de perdoar penas de pessoas condenadas pela justiça criminal. Nos últimos... more
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      Execução PenalPardonsClemencyPolítica Criminal
Abingdon: Routledge, 2016. xiv + 203 pp. Hardcover: £90* In 1977, Israeli academic Leslie Sebba published two articles comparing constitutional arrangements for executive clemency the world over. 1 Despite some thematic coverage in... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawCapital PunishmentDeath PenaltyAmnesty
Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: Le Tyran et sa postérité dans la littérature latine de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance Auteur: Malaspina (Ermanno)
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      PhilosophyClassicsArtHistory of Political Thought
Because of the threat that Covid-19 poses to incarcerated populations, executives around the world have used their clemency powers to commute sentences and grant freedom to prisoners in high-risk categories. Coronavirus pardons may be... more
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      Punishment and PrisonsPrisonsMercySentencing
The emperor Justinian is not known today for his mercy, but during his reign he and his ministers led a concerted effort to present him as merciful. Historians like Procopius and John Malalas recorded numerous, specific examples of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawForgiveness
The question of whether Diya constitutes a form of clemency or pardon is an important issue that has not yet been sufficiently addressed by scholars of Islamic Law, nor by scholars concerned with capital punishment. The few scholars and... more
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      Islamic LawInternational Human Rights LawShariaCapital Punishment
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      Human Rights LawIndonesian StudiesInternational Human Rights LawIndonesia
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Every individual act of punishment, every exercise of a punishing act is also a decision to overcome compassion. It is a deliberate waiving of mercy. Mercy exists as a potential and lingers in the link, the bond between the punisher... more
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      EnlightenmentPunishment and PrisonsClemencyEthics of Forgiveness, Mercy and Responding to Evil
The five contemporary practitioners of the death penalty in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam) have performed judicial executions on a regular basis between 1975 and 2013. Notwithstanding this... more
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      Criminal LawComparative PoliticsSoutheast Asian StudiesSoutheast Asia
This article discusses victim engagement with the executive clemency process from a normative perspective. The authors’ aim is to explore the existing models of victim participation in clemency decision making in common law jurisdictions,... more
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In questo articolo, dopo una breve presentazione della produzione latina di Da Ponte (cap. 2.), ci soffermiamo sul carme più lungo e concettualmente significativo, Il monarca non è più felice del suddito, di cui diamo testo critico e... more
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      ClassicsRousseauJean-Jacques RousseauJean Jaques Rousseau
La riduzione ad una sola virtù "straordinaria" e la scelta della clementia appaiono in avvio quasi inevitabili, ma costringono Seneca in una duplice gabbia, quella encomiastica di una virtus esclusiva del principe e quella... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteraturePolitical TheorySeneca
All five contemporary practitioners of the death penalty in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)— Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam— have performed executions on a regular basis over the past few decades.... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaComparative Criminal LawComparative Criminal Justice
In May 2015, in an effort to foster peace in the restive Papua and West Papua Provinces, Indonesian President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo granted clemency to five political prisoners, releasing them from sentences ranging from 20 years to life.... more
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      Transitional JusticePolitical PrisonersWest PapuaMaluku
As states that use the death penalty liberally in a world that increasingly favours abolition, the Muslim-majority jurisdictions that are strict exponents of Islamic Law and the People's Republic of China share a crucial commonality:... more
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      Islamic LawChinese LawRestorative JusticeSharia
Amb aquesta contribució em proposo examinar el desenvolupament ideològic de la concepció de la clementia entre Cèsar i Ciceró d'una banda i el De clementia senequià de l'altra. L'objectiu de l'estudi pot ser limitat, però tal vegada no... more
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      ClassicsSenecaHistory of Political ThoughtCicero
Nearly every country in the world has a mechanism for executive clemency, which, though residual in most legal systems, serves as a vital due process safeguard and as an outlet for leniency in punishment. While the origins of clemency lie... more
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      Comparative LawHuman Rights LawDeath PenaltyMercy
На мой взгляд, одной из причин противоправного посягательства на жизнь человека (приговоренного к смертной казни) может стать пробел в ст. 175 Уголовно-исполнительного кодекса Республики Беларусь (УИК), которая не предусматривает, что... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureConstitutional LawHuman Rights
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      Comparative LawInternational RelationsInternational LawPublic International Law
This article explores executive clemency in death penalty cases in China, Taiwan and Japan. All three neighbouring legal jurisdictions are notable for frequently passing death sentences and executing prisoners over the past several... more
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      Chinese LawCapital PunishmentDeath PenaltyJapanese Law
In May 2015, in an effort to foster peace in the restive Papua and West Papua Provinces, Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo granted clemency to five political prisoners, releasing them from sentences ranging from 20 years to life.... more
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      IndonesiaTransitional JusticePolitical PrisonersWest Papua
Readers have condemned King Gaulo of Cárcel de amor because, presumably blinded by anger, he unjustly sentenced his daughter Laureola to death. Instead of the historical circumstances of late fifteenth-century Castile that, according to... more
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      LawAngerLegal HistoryNatural Law
The rest of the document in which I summarize Thomas Aquinas's treatment of epieikeia (equity), inherited from Aristotle
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      Canon LawAristotleRoman LawThomas Aquinas
Amb aquesta contribució em proposo examinar el desenvolupament ideològic de la concepció de la clementia entre Cèsar i Ciceró d'una banda i el De clementia senequià de l'altra. L'objectiu de l'estudi pot ser limitat, però tal vegada no... more
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      ClassicsSenecaHistory of Political ThoughtCicero
Resumen: El mundo romano legó al período medieval diversos conceptos y perspectivas ideológicas que sirvieron como base para la construcción de la cultura política medieval. Dicha manifestación tuvo lugar a través de procesos de recepción... more
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      Political CultureKingship (Medieval History)Medieval Political ThoughtKingdom of Castile in the Middle Ages
If the US were a Netflix saga, the current season would be the most captivating. After the storm and the acquittal of the ex-President in his second impeachment trial, President Biden pledges unity and healing, Republicans call for unity... more
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      Political ScienceTransitional JusticePolarization (Ideology)Societal Collapse
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      International Criminal LawAmnestiesAmnestyPardons
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      AngerEmotionsMedieval QueenshipClemency
Entre les deux thèses opposées, des détracteurs qui le représentent comme un homme irrésolu, lâche, et des partisans qui le considèrent comme un opposant caché du tyran, il me semble que notre enquête confirme une troisième voie, celle de... more
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      ClassicsHistory of Political ThoughtCiceroCaesar (Classics)
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      Hong KongReconciliationAmnestiesForgiveness and Reconciliation
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      IndonesiaCapital PunishmentDeath PenaltyIndonesian Politics