Ethics of Forgiveness, Mercy and Responding to Evil
Recent papers in Ethics of Forgiveness, Mercy and Responding to Evil
This review of my text, THE BEATITUDE OF MERCY, by Gerard Hall, appeared in AEJT 18:1 (April 2011)
Pur essendo generalmente valutate in termini moralmente positivi, alcune azioni e attitudini morali non sono considerate come strettamente dovute, né tantomeno esigibili: si tratta delle attitudini e delle azioni che rientrano... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
Il sostantivo éleos («misericordia», «compassione», «pietà») nei vangeli ricorre poche volte: tre volte in quello di Mt (9,13; 12,7; 23,23), contro le quattro in Lc (1,50.58.72; 10,27); nessuna volta invece si trova in Mc o Gv 1 .
The complication in a study of the Hebrew word hesed (חֶסד) is conveying an adequate English understanding of the Hebrew concept. Language is never a one-for-one equivalency, but the practice of translation is one of discovering and... more
Plato's Crito and Sophocles' Antigone challenge the concept of justice as "benefitting friends and harming enemies": justice stems from anger and harms the soul. The Antigone first illustrates how violence results from people's actions... more
This article discusses the relationship between the teaching of Veritatis Splendor and the principle in Catholic social doctrine called the preferential option for the poor. The goal is to locate the common vocation to preferential love... more
Il contesto del Giubileo della misericordia offre l’occasione per una riflessione su questa tematica così centrale nell'attuale pontificato. Come scrive papa Francesco nella bolla di indizione, essa «è la parola che rivela il mistero... more
"Through his debates with Pelagius, centering on the independence of humankind by an interior acquisition of grace, St. Augustine helped define the redeeming act of Christ's passion and the saving power of his death on the cross."
Resumen: La misericordia es una realidad difícil de valorar. La historia de este concepto ilustra una ambigüedad de fondo que puede servir para desentrañar su consistencia y dar algunos pasos que orienten una investigación más honda de su... more
The word “epiphany” derives from the ancient Greek and means “manifestation”. Something similar is described in the modern language of Systems Theory with the term “emergence”. I claim that when we focus on human communities and... more
Many exegetes are convinced that the oldest formulation of the logion on the imitatio Dei (cf. Matt 5:48 // Luke 6:36) is found in the third gospel and that Matthew replaced the call to be merciful with the ideal of evangelical... more
Forgiveness is presented as a specific application of mercy. The focus is on the one who forgives, not on the one seeking forgiveness. The concept of forgiveness is traced from its theological origins to modern-day philosophies. Two... more
Catholic Servant (March 2015): 8. In this Q & A column I lay out the conditions under which we are obligated and the mode of doing this work of spiritual mercy.
Every individual act of punishment, every exercise of a punishing act is also a decision to overcome compassion. It is a deliberate waiving of mercy. Mercy exists as a potential and lingers in the link, the bond between the punisher... more
"Zaczęłam była trzeci tom Nad Niemnem -zwierzała się Orzeszkowa Leopoldowi Meyetowi w liście z 10 maja 1887 r. -ale jak na złość w tej chwili całkiem niepotrzebnie wlazła mi w głowę nowela i z taką natarczywością napastowała, że napisać... more
The Hebrew word, hesed, is not one with a singular or simple definition; it is a Hebrew concept that takes a comprehensive study to extract and better comprehend its full meaning, which is undertaken in this study. To aid our... more
The term “Eleogenetics” derives from the union of two ancient Greek words: “eleos”, that means “mercy”, and “genesis”, that means “origin” and “development”. Thus, “Eleogenetics” consists in the study of the processes of creating and... more
Philosophers have grappled with clarifying both the nature and ethical status of acts of forgiveness. Much discussion has been devoted to whether, say, acts of forgiveness can be performed by outside parties or whether such acts should... more
Unless you are a hermit, practically every American knows that school-based violence is killing our school system and our students. If academics from Florida are right, this situation is only being made worse by school districts trying to... more
- by Rudolph P. Boshoff
- Christology, Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion), Doctrine of God, Christology, Soteriology, Historical Theology, Biblical Studies, Dogmatic Theology, Analytic Theology, Continental Theology, Biblical Theology, Thomas F. Torrance, Karl Barth, John Calvin, Systematic Theology, Ethics of Forgiveness, Mercy and Responding to Evil
Guest Edited Volume for The Monist
Il termine "misericordia" è pressoché assente nel lessico filosofico dell’Occidente. Sarebbe certo interessante comprendere le ragioni di questa assenza. Non è andata così per altre categorie della tradizione teologica: è certamente il... more
In the first part of the article, the author reflects on Malta and its European neighbours and their history of being providing a safe haven for strangers: this is a key part of Maltese and European identity that is often ignored or... more
A response to the public forgiveness offered by surviving families of the Charleston, South Carolina AME Church shooting.
What does the Bible actually say about forgiveness? The answer may surprise you. New Testament scholar and Huffington Post writer Maria Mayo challenges traditional Christian assumptions about forgiveness in her research. While not... more