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Over the past fifty years, archaeological excavations in Israel have unearthed about half a dozen ancient synagogues that were in use at different points in time between the first century BCE through the outbreak of the Bar-Kochba... more
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      ArchaeologyJewish LawJewish StudiesNew Testament
An article from the Searcher magazine discussing three hoards of the coins known as sceattas found in the county.
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesNumismaticsEarly medieval numismaticsAnglo-Saxon archaeology
After the death of Alexander III in 323 BC, the coinage in his name and with his types continued to be issued by his successors. This posthumous coinage has been the object of various studies and discussions in the past decades because of... more
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      History of CyprusAncient History of CyprusCyprusAlexander the Great
The Jewish revolt against Rome in 67 C.E. has been variously characterized as a spontaneous reaction to political/economic oppression, a messianic holy war, or as some combination of the two. 1 In part, the diversity of opinions can be... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)JosephusQumranDead Sea Scrolls
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Washington, D.C.
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      Byzantine ArchaeologyByzantine artCoinsNumizmatics
An article considering the hoard of ten Roman gold aurei recently found in the Norfolk Broads.
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNumismatics
This MSc thesis contributes new information to and original analysis of the topics of Viking-Age silver hoards and Irish monastic settlements, as well as their respective usefulness for understanding the early medieval Irish economy.... more
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      Historical GeographyMedieval StudiesNumismaticsEarly Medieval Ireland
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Early ChristianityJewish - Christian RelationsAncient Judaism
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether encourage the owners of computing resources to bring ever-increasing levels of processing power to bear in validating the distributed ledger of cryptocurrency purchases and sales. Initial coin... more
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      Virtual CommunitiesFree SpeechRegulationFreedom Of Expression
Özet: Makalede Osman Gâzî'nin İbrâhim Artuk tarafından yayımlanan ilk sikkesi hakkındaki bâzı iddiâların bilimsel tenkidi ve 1980'li yıllarda ünlü nümismat Nicholas Lowick'in R. P. Lindner'le birlikte inceledikleri, ancak o zamandan beri... more
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      NumismaticsEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireMedieval numismaticsOttoman coinage
Resumo: O presente artigo busca discutir a ficção para além do ψεῦδος (pseûdos) no mundo grego. Para tanto, examino o estatuto da ficção e do ficcional a partir de moedas falsas. Na relação do homem grego com sua moeda, falsa ou... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyNumismatics
A paper discussing Robert Cogell, blacksmith of Watlington, issuer of a token previously attributed to Oxfordshire but now realised to be a Norfolk issue. From Token Corresponding Society Bulletin for June 2019.
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      Numismatics17th-Century StudiesPost Medieval NumismaticsPost-Medieval Archaeology
keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeology, Scythian, Sarmatian, Meotian, Sindian, Kingdom of the Bosporus, script, symbolism, map, coin, decipherment
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      LanguagesHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
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      Central Asian StudiesSogdianSymbolsTamga signs
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      Seleucid EmpireCoins finds as archaeological artefactsHistory of the Hellenistic World (Focus: Seleucid Empire)Ancient Coins
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      Gilded Age and Progressive EraNumismaticsAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesHistory of Philadelphia
This is a joint article published with numismatic researcher Lev Linkner which focuses on a comparative study of Victor Brenner's Norman Wait Harris Medal (1909) design, and Hermon A. MacNeil's design for the obverse of the Standing... more
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      Contemporary ArtNumismaticsVisual ArtsMedals
Technical introduction to Bitcoin - a peer to peer cryptocurrency.
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      CryptographyPeer-to-PeerP2p(peer-2-Peer) NetworksCoins
В статье описаны монетные фальсификаты прошлого, находящиеся в собрании фондов Музея истории Киева.
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      Medieval HistoryMuseum StudiesMuseumNumismatics
A token of Henry Holbey, based near the Red Well in Norwich, was found at Cringleford. This is a short note on the token and its issuer. From the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society Newsletter Spring 2021
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      NumismaticsNumismatic17th-Century StudiesPost Medieval Numismatics
The Roman du Comte de Poitiers is chiefly known for the elaboration of the wager motif in the first half of the romance, where a valiant noblewoman is publicly accused of infidelity and later exonerated. The second part of the romance has... more
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      Medieval RomanceThe Tristan legendChastityCoins
How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and how did new ‘barbarian’ political frontiers shape those changes? Synthesising historical and archaeological approaches, this interdisciplinary... more
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      ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisPottery (Archaeology)Prosopography
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      NumismaticsHistory of HungaryMedieval HungaryMedieval numismatics
Аннотация: В первой трети XVIII в. произошли большие потрясения для Испании: был утрачен ряд территорий в Европе, взошла на престол новая династия. Изменился и государственный изобразительный девиз на монетах, чеканившихся на американских... more
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      Spain (History)Spanish and American colonial periodCoins
funeral token of a family ancestor of the famous bankers van Lantschot when rich people got buried, they wanted the poor to pray for their souls in the churches where they had their tomb they made a money gift to the church and the churcg... more
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    • Coins
electronic coin cracking
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryPolish HistoryMedieval Theology
In 2010–2011, archaeological excavations in the Vítkovo Sq. in Prčice (the Sedlec-Prčice agglomeration) were organized. A large sunk construction (V51) interpreted as a lower part of a residential building seems to be the most important... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologiaCoins finds as archaeological artefactsMedieval Coins
Указатель нуждается в дополнениях. Буду признательна за любую достоверную информацию о работах М. В. Муха по нумизматике, оставшихся мне не известными.
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      NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsViking Age and Medieval coinage and monetary historyNumismatica
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsMedieval Islamic NumismaticsMedieval numismatics
Vegerių kaime (akmenės r., iki 1921 m. priklausė Žagarės valsčiui; 1 pav.), apie 30-40 m į pietus-pietryčius nuo 1944 m. sudegusios medinės baž-nyčios (statyta 1766 m.), aptikti du rusijos imperijos monetų lobiai. Jų likimas nežinomas,... more
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      Coin HoardsRussian EmpireHoard findsCoins
Recensiones ISSN 2386-8643 E. MATASSI, La política cultural de los Borbones en Casa de Moneda de la Nación. Le Antichità di Ercolano Esposte, San Francisco, 2018. Edita: Fondo Editorial «Emilio Paoletti»... more
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      NumismaticsHistoria ArgentinaHistoria del ArteCoins
The Roman numismatic coins of the Silla History and Archaeology Museum (Valencia, Spain) are made public. It is a museum that gards coins which come from two archaeological excavations recently made in two villae located in its municipal... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyRitual
Three small Medieval coin hoards, found in the Dutch towns Giekerk, Schagen and Zutphen.
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsCoins finds as archaeological artefactsCoin Hoards
v posledných troch desaťročiach sa archeologickými výskumami, počas prieskumov polí a ako náhodné nálezy objavili viaceré počítacie žetóny. Sú zaujímavé, pretože pochádzajú aj z dosiaľ neznámych lokalít a vyskytli sa medzi nimi tiež... more
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      NumismaticsHistory of HungaryNumismaticaCoins
Бери Эгнаташвили, Ахали Картлис Цховреба (Новая История Грузии), перевов текста с древнегрузинского на современный грузинский язык и коментарии Георгия Маджарашвили, издательство «Новый Ивирон», Тбилиси, 2012." ბერი ეგნატაშვილი, ახალი... more
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      GeorgiaAzerbaijanArmeniaHistorical Sources
A quarter gros of Burgundian duke Philip the Fair, circa 1482.
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      NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsCoins finds as archaeological artefactsMedieval Coinage
A detail PDF about Numismatic Forgeries
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Σύντομη περιγραφή του καταλόγου ελληνικών νομισμάτων του Β. Πετούση στη δεκαετία του 1970.
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      NumismaticsMedieval numismaticsNumismatica medievaleCoins
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      NumismaticsHistory of the Mongol EmpireIslamic NumismaticsHistory of Golden Horde
Reflet de l’imagerie du moment, l’iconographie des monnaies grecques apporte une vision « matérialisée » de l’histoire des cités (polis). Parfait support de l’idéologie, la monnaie se révèle constituer un élément « majeur » dans la... more
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      Olive OilFranceAncient CoinsGreek Coins
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The two main types of Rummen leeuwengroot (gros au lion) have been known to numismatists for some 180 years (RUMEN and FRAND). The numerous sub-types, however, have never before been cataloged.
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesNumismatics
This article forms an epilogue to the volume "Civil War in Ancient Greece and Rome: Contexts of Disintegration and Reintegration" (ed. H. Börm, M. Mattheis, J. Wienand; Stuttgart 2015). The cover of this volume is adorned by a reworked... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryCivil WarNumismatics
A booklet discussing the parish's token issuers and the story behind the tokens themselves. A published version of the talk I gave at the church in September 2020.
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      NumismaticsPost Medieval NumismaticsPost-Medieval ArchaeologyToken Economy
В статье описаны подделки польских монет редкого типа - полтораков 1614 года с изображением орла.
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      Medieval HistoryNumismaticsMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval numismatics
An article on the 20th century aluminium tokens of Ben Tawn of Fressingfield, Suffolk
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      DemographyEarly Modern HistoryNumismaticsSocial History
This paper studies banknotes and coins with woman images on the obverse side, privilege site, in Paraguay since the establishment of the guaraní as currency in 1943 until 2012. It unfolds the late appearance of a woman image (1963);... more
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The ultimate Toon Blast would, of course, be the one that gives you free coins. Coins are a highly valuable aspect of this game. Why? Well, simply because sometimes you really need a few extra moves at the end of the level in order to... more
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