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In 2020 and 2021, the German investment screening laws, namely Außenwirtschaftsgesetz (AWG) and Außenwirtschaftsverordnung (AWV) were again subject to considerable reform induced by new legislation at the European level and a reshaped... more
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      European LawSecurityForeign Direct InvestmentEuropean Union
Książka jest aktualnym i kompleksowym opracowaniem przedstawiającym główne komponenty wspólnej polityki handlowej (WPH). Przedstawiono w niej istotę i ewolucję WPH, proces zarządzania nią, instrumentarium oraz strategiczne priorytety jej... more
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      European Union external relationsEuropean Union Law, Competition Law, International Trade LawStosunki MiędzynarodoweUnia Europejska
Upon request by the JURI Committee, this study investigates the law and practice of arbitration across the European Union and Switzerland. It includes an in-depth examination of the practice and the laws relating to arbitration in each... more
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      European LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
EU Parliament Study
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      European LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
EU Parliament Study
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      European LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
In 2011, the European Union published its first integrated framework to address a regional crisis in Africa: the Sahel strategy. It aims at enforcing the principles of the comprehensive approach by using CSDP military and civilian... more
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      European StudiesDevelopment StudiesEuropean UnionRegionalism
Recently, some European countries and institutions have expressed concerns about a lack of reciprocity in foreign direct investment (FDI) treatment with third countries. Indeed, European investors in foreign countries often do not enjoy... more
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      International LawForeign Direct InvestmentEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
It seemed that Court of Justice of the European Union wanted to make it short and sweet: It took the Grand Chamber in its Achmea judgement less than fifteen pages to conclude that Investor-State dispute settlement in an intra-EU context... more
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      International LawArbitrationPublic International LawEuropean Union
This study presents an analysis of trade and investment relations between the EU and India and the possible impact of the free trade agreement (FTA), currently under negotiation. The methodology applied to assess the impact of the FTA is... more
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      European StudiesInternational TradeEuropean UnionWTO Trade Topics
This chapter discusses the European Union’s Trade Policy as one of the main connectors of the Union with the outside world, with the ensuing legal and policy ramifications going well beyond trade stricto sensu. Now that the dust of the... more
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      LawGeopoliticsInternational TradeEU External Relations Law
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      EU External Relations LawEuropean and International LawEU External ActionCommon Commercial Policy
ii iii La Faculté n'entend donner ni approbation ni improbation aux opinions émises dans ce mémoire qui doivent être considérées comme propres à leur auteur. iv REMERCIEMENTS Je tiens à remercier le Professeur Francis Snyder pour ses... more
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      International RelationsEuropean UnionInternational trade lawCommon Commercial Policy
EU external relations law is a doubly peculiar field of scholarship that has attracted significant scholarly attention over the last several decades. It is both part of EU law—considered a "new legal order" distinct from international... more
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      European StudiesComparative LawInternational StudiesInternational Law
In Opinion 2/15, the Commission, the European Parliament, the Council, and the Member States litigate whether the Union is exclusively competent to conclude the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA) alone, or whether the EU ought to... more
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      International TradeEuropean Union external relationsCommon Commercial Policy
This contribution analyses the implications of the Treaty of Lisbon for the nexus between the EU's Common Commercial Policy (CCP) and the protection of human rights. It is argued that the innovations of the Lisbon Treaty significantly... more
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      Human RightsEU External Relations LawCommon Commercial Policy
The article elaborates on the significance of the duty of sincere cooperation as a legal principle in the Common Commercial Policy (CCP) of the European Union (EU), in particular as regards the relationship between the Union and its... more
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      European LawInternational StudiesInternational LawInternational Trade
This Working Paper explores the current legal basis and governance structures of the European Union's (EU) "external action plus". In our understanding, the notion of "external action plus" not only includes the foreign, security and... more
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      EU External Relations LawEU External ActionEuropean Union Humanitarian Aid PolicyEuropean Union Development Cooperation
The first 16 months of the EU's common commercial policy (CCP) in the post-Lisbon period provide indicative insights into how the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers interpret their respective roles... more
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      European StudiesInternational TradeInternational trade lawTrade
This article analyses the impact that the Comprehensive Trade and Economic Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada might have on the European energy sector once concluded by the Parties. While the CETA should contribute to boost the... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawNational SecurityForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
Ensuring good global governance through trade is not just a powerful idea, or a ‘global strategy’; it is also firmly anchored in the highest laws of the European Union. Promoting good global governance through trade policy brings together... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean LawInternational Studies
The study is divided in three main parts: In the e first part, the role of Common Commercial Policy (CCP) and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) is analyzed, providing information about the different actors and policy instruments... more
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      European Foreign PolicyEuropean UnionExport controlsCommon Commercial Policy
This paper tries to answer the following question: is it possible to create in the EU a Committee similar to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS)? The European Parliament considers that a European equivalent of the CFIUS... more
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      European UnionEU LawInternational Investment LawDefense and National Security
The most controversial issues regarding EU international investment agreements are, on the one hand, the actual extent of the EU’s exclusive external competence over international investments and, on the other, the opportunity to include... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawEU Law
Double case note on the scope of the EU's Common Commercial Policy and the future of "mixed agreements" based on the two ECJ Grand Chamber Judgements Case C-414/11, Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd and Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH v. DEMO... more
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      European LawEU External Relations LawEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean and International Law
One of the distinctive aspects of the current EU —beyond its conception as an economic organization— is the protection and promotion of human rights in its external action. In application of the mandate established in the TEU, in its... more
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      Human RightsEuropean UnionEuropean Union external relationsEU Conditionality
The European Parliament had long tried and failed to gain a substantive role in the Common Commercial Policy. The Treaty of Lisbon brought a breakthrough for the EP by giving it a veto over international trade treaties. The rule change... more
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      European ParliamentLisbon TreatyNew InstitutionalismProcess Tracing
Settant'anni dopo la conferenza di Bretton Woods, che segnò l'inizio del percorso post-bellico di apertura dei mercati in un'ottica di libero scambio dei fattori della produzione 1 , il mondo sta nuovamente sperimentando un'intensa... more
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      European UnionNational SecurityForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )EU foreign investment law
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide... more
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      European integrationInternational TradePolitical ScienceEuropean Union
Öz Avrupa Birliği (AB) dış eylemlerinde barış, özgürlük, demokrasi, hukukun üstünlüğü ve insan haklarına saygı ilkelerini, küresel ticaret politikası ile iç içe geçmiş normatif bir yaklaşımı benimsemektedir. Bu anlamda Birlik, üçüncü... more
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      Political EconomySustainable DevelopmentInternational Political EconomyFree Trade
Upon request by the JURI Committee, this study investigates the law and practice of arbitration across the European Union and Switzerland. It includes an in-depth examination of the practice and the laws relating to arbitration in each... more
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      European LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
In September, the EU Commission presented a proposal for the establishment of a common framework for the screening of non-EU FDI, which has recently been a hot topic in Europe. This Perspective tries to confront the Commission’s proposal... more
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      European LawInternational LawEuropean Security and Defence PolicyEuropean Union Law
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEU External Relations LawEuropean Politics
The European Union (EU) created a normative approach of external action in which global trade policy and the principles such as peace, freedom, democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights are interwoven. In this respect, the... more
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      Political EconomySustainable DevelopmentInternational Political EconomyFree Trade
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      LawEuropean integrationInternational TradePolitical Science
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      EU LawRegional IntegrationTransparencyGATT Article XXIV
Since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994, important international actors such as the United States and the European Union (EU) have engaged in a process known as ‘competitive interdependence’ (CI). Alberta... more
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      ChinaUnited StatesCommon Commercial Policy
Romania does not yet have a separate law regulating the screening of foreign investments. Therefore, it is difficult to argue that the 2011 amendment to Romania's Competition Law, which allows the blocking of a takeover for national... more
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      International Investment LawEuropean Union external relationsCommon Commercial Policy
“Commercial” and “non-commercial” aspects of the copyright law - consequences of the challenges related to setting the demarcation line This article discusses the issues related to the limits of the European Union competence in... more
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      Copyright LawTRIPsTRIPS AgreementCommon Commercial Policy
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      CopyrightEuropean Union LawCommon Commercial PolicyTTIP