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      European UnionASEANCommon Foreign and Security Policy
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      European UnionCommon Foreign and Security Policy
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      European StudiesNATOEuropean Security and Defence PolicyEuropean Foreign Policy
Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 49 L. Antoniolli et al. (eds.), Highs and Lows of European Integration
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      International SanctionsCommon Foreign and Security PolicyEconomic SanctionsInternational Trade Law and Sanctions
There is broad academic consensus on the fact that the fragmentation of regions presents a significant challenge for the EU. Fragmentation undermines the authority of central states, the EU’s most natural counterparts, and distributes it... more
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      Middle East & North AfricaEuropean UnionCommon Foreign and Security PolicyEthnic conflict and state fragmentation
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      European StudiesInternational LawEuropean Foreign PolicyEurope
Once again the European Union (EU) foreign policy is characterized by a capability-expectations gap: the expectations towards the redesigned High Representative of the Union (HR) are high, with the hope of a single voice representative... more
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      International RelationsEuropean integrationLeadershipEuropean Foreign Policy
Although cybersecurity as an unifi ed domain is still a recent fi eld of common policy for the EU, it is widely perceived as an area of growing importance for the global position and security of the Union. This development of EU's... more
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      ResilienceDeterrenceEuropean UnionCyberspace
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      Common Foreign and Security PolicySanctions
In 2015, the release of a Regional Action Plan updating the EU Sahel Strategy triggered the progressive apparition of a new paradigm: regionalisation. Building on the implementation of a comprehensive approach in Sahel, this paradigm... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionRegionalismEuropean Foreign and Security Policy
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      European LawRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyCommon Foreign and Security Policy
This paper is the product of my work for my bachelor thesis in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Cagliari. Its aim is to analyse the role of the European Union as a conflict manager in the frozen conflicts... more
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      European StudiesInternational Relations TheoryEastern EuropeDemocratization
At the beginning of this decade, the EU’s foreign and security policy was leaderless, while several crises put Europe under pressure. The economically strong Germany had to become Europe’s new political engine. The way in which Germany... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisTransatlantic relations
The UK’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) has presented innumerable challenges for both the leaving state and the EU. In these unchartered waters, the future of UK involvement in EU policies is very much in doubt. The Common... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawForeign Policy AnalysisEuropean Foreign Policy
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
The cooperation between the European Union and the United Nations in the context of peacemaking and peacekeeping has been vital at all times. The UN peacekeeping efforts recognize the help from member countries and other regional and the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesUnited NationsEuropean UnionPeacekeeping
Short dissertation on the acts and decisions that the European Council and the EU Council adopt on the basis of Article 25 TEU and on the voting procedure that they follow in this field.
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      European LawEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean UnionEuropean Union (International Studies)
Instability and conflict in Africa create a range of security problems for Europe. Rapidly increasing migration via the Mediterranean Sea, extremism and terrorism, as well as cross-border crime, all have implications for security in... more
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      European StudiesAfricaDiplomacyEU development policy
The future of the transatlantic relationship is rarely out of the headlines in Europe or North America. Despite the closeness, the relationship faces – as it has always done – new and familiar challenges. This report offers views on the... more
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      European integrationTransatlantic relationsBritish Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
This paper addresses the main changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon for the EU as a global actor. One of the main motivations for overhauling the basic setup of the European Union had been to make it a stronger, more visible and more... more
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      EU External Relations LawEuropean Foreign PolicyLisbon TreatyEU Foreign Policy
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      European UnionCommon Foreign and Security PolicySanctions
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      Common Foreign and Security PolicyCoherence
This chapter addresses the changes and the implications they have had for the EU Global Strategy (EUGS) and European foreign policy more generally. When talking about resilience and the integrated approach in North Africa, the Middle East... more
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      European UnionCommon Foreign and Security PolicyEuropean Union global strategy
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      European UnionEastern PartnershipMigration StudiesPoland
The EU foreign policy towards its southern neighbours in North Africa and Near East is pressured internally to deliver on security goals and normative values, while being challenged in the Mediterranean region. Uprisings and instability... more
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      European Neighbourhood PolicyEuropean UnionMENA regionMultilateralism
In the Rosneft judgment the ECJ proclaimed its jurisdiction to give preliminary rulings both to monitor the compliance with Article 40 TEU by CFSP acts and to review the legality of CFSP decisions providing for restrictive measures... more
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      European Union LawEU LawCommon Foreign and Security Policy
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Fractious domestic debates, the fragmentation of regional politics and growing interstate competition all affect the capacity of the EU to forge a joined-up and sustainable foreign and security policy (EUFSP) in crises and conflicts. The... more
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      Crisis ManagementEuropean UnionCommon Security and Defense PolicyCommon Foreign and Security Policy
Through a rigorous analysis of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, we will see what competences the European Union has in external action, as well as determining what institutions of the... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Law
With some 40 different types of restrictive measures in force, the European Union is undisputedly one of the major protagonists of today's sanction regimes. Measures such as selective trade embargos, asset freezes and travel bans have... more
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      Preliminary References to the European Court of JusticeCommon Foreign and Security PolicySanctionsEconomic Sanctions
The investigation of European Union Member States’ international political consensus, regarding their approach towards the creation of a Common Security and Defence policy (CSDP) throws light to the dynamic of this new constitution. This... more
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      European StudiesCommon Security and Defense PolicyCommon Security and Defence PolicyCommon Foreign and Security Policy
L`Harmattan - Paris ; 2013. "commander le livre : sur le site de l`Harmattan : Ce deuxième ouvrage de l'auteur... more
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      European HistoryAfrican StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesViolence
Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the EU has intensified its efforts to establish closer coordination between the internal and external dimensions of the EU’s security policies, i.e. between the fields of justice and... more
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      Lisbon TreatyJustice and Home affairsCommon Foreign and Security PolicyCoherence
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      European UnionNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear DisarmamentUnited States
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationGeopoliticsNATO
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisMiddle East & North AfricaNATOUnited Nations
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      European UnionCommon Foreign and Security PolicySanctions
The EU’s commitment to integrate and fine-tune security and development policies has been considerably complicated by three main obstacles: (1) the legal distinction between development cooperation and CFSP/CSDP; (2) the diffused... more
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      European StudiesEU External Relations LawEuropean Union LawEuropean Union external relations
In: Szakmai Szemle 2020/3 pp. 92-116. Nicolas Sarkozy „hiperaktív” elnökségéhez képest az elnökséget átvevő, szürkébbnek, ugyanakkor konszenzuskeresőbbnek tartott François Hollande elnök külpolitikai ígéretei a mitterrand-i alapokhoz... more
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      French HistoryForeign Policy AnalysisEuropean Security and Defence Policy20th century France
Avrupa Birliği (AB)’nin Ortak Güvenlik Politikası, özellikle operasyonel deneyimleri bakımından oldukça kurumsal ve politika değişikliğine tanık olmuş dinamik bir siyasa alanıdır. Birleşik Krallık'ın AB’den ayrılma kararının ardından, AB... more
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      European UnionUnited KingdomCommon Security and Defense PolicyCommon Foreign and Security Policy
The book is also available in print from Amazon Germany: The 2009 Lisbon Treaty reform created the remodeled version of the High Representative of the Union as a potentially powerful agent to... more
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      International RelationsEuropean integrationEuropean Foreign PolicyDiplomacy
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit) is not only a source of political and legal upheaval in Europe but will also prompt a recalibration of transatlantic treaty relations. This Article argues that it is a... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawBritish PoliticsTransatlantic relations
Europe’s “Strategic Compass” proposes a number of initiatives to enable the EU to act in the security and defence domain and confront the many challenges impacting European interests. The document, prepared by the European External Action... more
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      NATOTransatlantic relationsEuropean UnionCommon Foreign and Security Policy
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      European integrationPolitical ScienceForeign PolicyApplied Economics
The European Union's restrictive measures or sanctions may be provided against one or more countries, international organizations, natural or legal persons (such as terrorists and terrorist group). In practice most used restrictive... more
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      European UnionMacedoniaCroatiaCommon Foreign and Security Policy
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      Nuclear WeaponsEuropean UnionNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyCommon Foreign and Security Policy
The EU has shown considerable consensus and resolve in responding to the war in Ukraine. There surely have been differences between the member states, but this has not prevented the EU to put together ambitious sanctions packages and... more
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      European UnionRussiaUkraineCommon Foreign and Security Policy
[Português] A partir de uma abordagem histórica da chamada Era Espacial desde seu marco inicial, o lançamento do primeiro satélite artificial do mundo Sputnik 1 pela União Soviética, e das relações políticas entre Brasil e China, o... more
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      BrazilInternational CooperationChinaChinese foreign policy
ZEI Insight No.11
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      European Foreign PolicyEuropean UnionCommon Foreign and Security PolicyHigh Representative of the Union for the Foreign affairs and security policy