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In this article, the authors compare alternative conflict resolution mechanisms in Colombia and Russia. In the former, conciliation is the most developed alternative dispute resolution mechanism, while in the latter, mediation is the most... more
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      ColombiaMediationMediation (Law)Russia
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesArbitrationAdjudicationHRM
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      Public Administration and PolicyConciliation
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      Legal HistoryMediationSaint LouisHistoire du droit
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      EthicsMeasurementShared ValuesConciliation
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      Cultural Property LawConciliationMédiationArbitrage
La tension qui se joue dans l’articulation travail famille, vie privée et vie professionnelle, n’est pas nouvelle. Les changements observés ces dernières décennies témoignent de la reproduction, encore présente à des intensités diverses... more
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      FamilleWorklife balanceConciliationégalité Hommes Femmes
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial PolicyEmployment LawDispute Resolution
La consulenza tecnica ha avuto inizialmente una funzione ancillare nell’ambito della procedura di mediazione, ma è via via cresciuta di importanza soprattutto nelle controversie relative a liquidazione di danno causato da incidente... more
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      Arbitration LawMediationMediation (Law)Italian Law
There are constitutional and statutory provisions for industrial conflict mediation in Nigeria. These include the Trade Dispute Act; the Arbitration and Conciliation Act; and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Trade... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Negotiation
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      Comparative LawArbitrationArbitration LawMediation
The paper discusses about the alternative method to litigation. When medical malpractice claim is filled against the provider, litigation takes years to come to a solution, which is beneficial to neither party to the dispute. So this... more
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      MediationAlternative Dispute ResolutionConflict Mediation StrategiesMedical Malpractice Law
This article looks outside the box of adversarial litigation of matters through the Courts of law. It explores a new trend in Uganda encompassing different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms. These include Arbitration,... more
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      ArbitrationMediationAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)Conciliation
La présente étude a pour objet la réflexion sur le rôle des autorités coutumières en matière de régulation des conflits en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone. L’objectif visé est de mesurer la portée de la contribution des autorités... more
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      JusticeHuman SecurityConflict ResolutionJustice traditionnelle
Devido à preocupação da crescente e significativa demanda de litígios e com a complexidade entre as relações humanas com o passar do tempo, o sistema de justiça brasileiro buscou implementar os movimentos de ampliação do acesso à justiça... more
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      ArbitrationMediaçãoConciliationMeios alternativos de solução de conflitos
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar como uma política judicial que prometeu criar um “novo acesso à justiça” - a política nacional de conciliação - tem afetado as práticas e o atendimento aos cidadãos dentro dos tribunais. Partindo... more
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      Access to JusticeJudicial PoliticsConflict ResolutionJudicial Reform
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      MediationConciliationAlternative Dispute Resolutions
Political parties provide the platform for the actualization of the objective of capturing and controlling the machinery of government. The process of achieving this objective is often fraught with conflict exacerbating elements.... more
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      Voting BehaviorPolitical ParticipationPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Parties
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Secondo il Parlamento europeo (9.12.2017) "L'Italia utilizza la mediazione sei volte più del resto d'Europa". La mediazione obbligatoria è stata normata in Italia nel 2010 ed è entrata in vigore nel 2011. Opposizione serrata da parte... more
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      Italian LawAlternative Dispute ResolutionThe role of the judiciaryItaly
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      DeathArbitrationMediationMultinational Corporations
O presente artigo aborda a solução de conflitos trabalhistas e a efetividade dos direitos social e processual do trabalho, em uma perspectiva de se pensar o tratamento de tais conflitos de forma adequada para se alcançar efetividade e,... more
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Versa sobre os meios consensuais de resolução de conflitos, especificamente a conciliação e a mediação. Investiga-se, de início, se tais meios alternativos à jurisdição tradicional se compatibilizam com os valores democráticos, de tal... more
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      MediationProcedural LawDemocraciaAcesso à Justiça
a book on adr-mediation, conciliation, arbitration, etc.
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
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      Conflict ResolutionConciliationConciliación
By thе late 16th century the laws of the Polish-Lithunian Commonwealth evince a shift in the perception of law infringements: they are no longer viewed as a private matter of the victim, but rather as a transgression against society at... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of LawIncarceration
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      Intellectual PropertyHuman RightsBusiness LawCommercial Law
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    • Conciliation
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      Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)NegotiationsConciliation
2001. aastal võttis Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu vastu raamotsuse ohvrite seisundi kohta kriminaalmenetluses, mis kohustas liikmesriike soodustama lepitusmenetluse kasutamist kriminaalasjades. Eestis on võimalik leppimise tõttu... more
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      Criminal LawMediationMediation (Law)Estonia
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    • Conciliation
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      Civil EngineeringEconomicsProject ManagementDispute Resolution
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      International ArbitrationPublic International LawInternational Commercial ArbitrationInternational Court of Justice
Este Informe es el resultado del proyecto transnacional “Servicio domésti- co y de cuidado: estrategias de conciliación y condiciones de empleo en diferentes unidades familiares. Desigualdades de género, clase y etnia”, promovido y... more
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      GenderTransnational migrationReconciliationHousework
Moriconi Massimo, Non solo sentenze, febb. 2020, ed. Il pensiero giuridico. . Il Dr. Massimo Moriconi è un giudice del Tribunale di Roma e dal 2012 ha applicato l’istituto della mediazione in più di 300 cause presenti nel suo ruolo,... more
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      CourtsMediationItalyAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Currently, there are a few law schools in Bangladesh which has ADR as a course module. The subject is mostly taught in the first semester of a 4 year Honors programme. By the time a student graduates, he would forget what he studied on... more
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      Access to JusticeInternational LawArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
Diplomacy is an extremely wide concept, therefore to specify its special relationship with the category of security, individual appointments were taken into account. Methodology was based on the analysis of literature. The following... more
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      International SecurityPublic DiplomacySecuritySecurity Studies
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      Dispute ResolutionArbitrationPolitical ScienceControl
"ÖZ Türkiye Barolar Birliği tarafından hazırlanan “1136 sayılı Avukatlık Kanunu Değişiklik Önerisi Çalışma Metni”, 21.03.2012 tarihinde görüşe açılmıştır. Metinde Avukatlık Kanunu’nda köklü değişiklikler önerilmiştir. Bu çalışmada... more
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      MediationAlternative Dispute ResolutionAlternatif Uyuşmazlık ÇözümüAdr
This article presents six cases of conciliation (ṣulḥ) that took place in Baghdad between 460/1068 and 537/1142, in the context of the political domination of the Seljuq sultans over the Abbasid caliphate. These are the only cases for... more
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      JusticeAbbasid HistoryAbbasids (Islamic History)Asharites
Öz ICSID Sözleşmesi ile oluşturulan Merkezin amacı, Sözleşmenin 1. Maddesi kapsamında yatırım uyuşmazlıklarının arabuluculuk ve tahkim yollarıyla çözümünü kolaylaştırmaktır. Bu çalışmada, Merkezin söz konusu amacı doğrultusunda Devletler... more
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      Private International LawMediation (Law)International Investment LawConciliation
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      MediationAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)ConciliationLok Adalat
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    • Conciliation
Power is a dynamic that every mediation practitioner and academic will have confronted at some stage. Much has been written on the nature and types of power, and the implications of power differences for participants, the mediator and the... more
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O presente artigo possui como objetivo averiguar a eficácia dos três principais ramos do Poder Judiciário brasileiro (Justiça Estadual, Justiça Federal e Justiça do Trabalho) no cumprimento das metas de conciliação estipuladas pelo... more
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      Políticas PúblicasConciliationConselho Nacional de JustiçaCNJ Resolução 125
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Reconciliation is the possibility of harmonising work, personal, family and com- munity life to this e ect, it is essential to promote social, economic and time policies, as well as strategies that can enable the right of presence and the... more
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      Gender StudiesSocial Studies EducationSocial PedagogyPrimary Education
La conciliación como método alternativo de solución de conflictos fue concebida como una oportunidad cierta y adecuada para que los sujetos de derecho solucionaran sus conflictos de manera pacífica y concertada con la presencia de un... more
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      International Dispute SettlementAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)MediacionConciliación Vida Familiar y Vida Laboral
A massive decrease in successful mediation procedures at the Alternative Dispute Resolution Department at the District Court in Ljubljana raises the question of what its causes are. To recognize factors that contribute to a successful... more
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      ManagementEconomicsDispute ResolutionManagement Science