International Court of Justice
Recent papers in International Court of Justice
U radu će se odrediti pojam i predočiti definicija međunarodnih obaveza, poglavito onih erga omnes. U prvome će se dijelu rada raspravljati o ključnim elementima materijalnoga međunarodnoga prava s ovim u vezi, dok će drugi dio biti... more
This Article addresses the development of obligations erga omnes partes and their legal status, and clarifies the extent to which the notion has had an impact on the enforcement of multilateral treaties and, in particular, human rights... more
Sommario: 1. Considerazioni preliminari. -2. La domanda riconvenzionale dell'Italia. -3. La difesa italiana e la posizione dei giudici dell'Aja. -4. Segue: la Corte e il primo argomento sull'immunità giurisdizionale: la tort exception.... more
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres acknowledged Rohingya, “one of, if not the, most discriminated people in the world”. In Myanmar, a country with a Buddhist majority, around a million Rohingya who is the minority having... more
This paper reviews death penalty perspectives from the United States, Mexico and international law. The United States practices the death penalty on not only its citizens, but those of other nations who commit capital crimes. Mexico is a... more
Published at Human Rights & International Legal Discourse (HR&ILD), 12 (2), 2018
Анотація В статті розглядається проблема юрисдикції Міжнародного Суду ООН щодо позову, який готується Україною проти Російської Федерації у зв’язку з подіями 2014 року. Докладно досліджуються можливості встановлення юрисдикції ratione... more
Although promoting, enforcing, and ensuring respect for human rights and humanitarian law norms has been high on the international agenda for over six decades, effective implementation and enforcement still leave ample room for... more
Taking steps from Judge Higgins’ invitation to the ICJ “mak[ing] clear what standards of proof it requires to establish what sorts of facts”, the contribution addresses the Court’s case law with a view to verifying the degree of... more
This article aims at providing a general assessment of the legal regime applicable to the optional clause system, as developed in the case-law of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). In particular, the said regime appears to be sui... more
Alfred Thayer Mahan described the sea as a“great common,” which would serve as a medium for communication, trade and transport. The seas of Asia are witnessing an intriguing historical anomaly – rise of an indigenous maritime power... more
The end of the Cold War was marked with hopes of many nations on the final elimination of nuclear weapon (NW) that had bred fear of the total elimination of humanity. First decade after the end of competition between USA and Soviet Union... more
Il presente volume è stato pubblicato con il contributo dell'Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fondi FARB anno 2019, dal titolo «Nuovi sviluppi in tema di giurisdizione e procedura internazionale», responsabile scientifico Prof.ssa... more
Duke law professors Curtis Bradley and Mitu Gulati (B&G) have written a very interesting, original paper questioning the conventional view of the binding effect of customary international law (CIL) - that once a customary rule becomes law... more
In recent times, claims concerning violations of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination have been brought by States parties to the Convention to the attention of the International Court of... more
This chapter presents a framework for understanding how international courts (ICs) use socialization strategies to influence their performance. ICs can influence both their actual and perceived performance through internal and external... more
On July 22, 2010, the International Court of Justice (the court or the ICJ) rendered an Advisory Opinion, Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo (Kosovo Advisory Opinion or... more
La opinión consultiva de la Corte Internacional de Justicia sobre el caso Kosovo (2010) determinó que las declaraciones de independencia unilaterales no son contrarias al derecho internacional. El fallo resultó restrictivo y no indagó en... more
The order on provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Gambia v. Myanmar case offers the opportunity for a comparison of the approaches of the ICJ and the International Law Commission (ILC) as regards... more
Self-determination has been one of the main controversial issue on international relations and law; therefore, it is not surprising that although the nature of such disputes has changed over time from political to legal, the International... more
The chapter explores the historical background to plurilingual treaty-making as well as the practice of the PCIJ and ICJ to the interpretation of plurilingual treaties. The chapter includes a detailed examination of Article 33 of the... more
In 2003, a Spanish company called ENCE was granted permission by the government of Uruguay to build a pulp mill along the Uruguay River, in Fray Bentos. The river is a natural border between Uruguay, and Argentina. The construction of the... more
With the aim of barring Nicaragua’s fresh request for the delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, Colombia raised the issue of the res judicata effect of the previous decision of 2012, rendered in the Territorial... more
The applications presented about the sovereignty over Antarctica by the United Kingdom on the International Court of Justice against Chile and Argentina in 1955 are analyzed. The documents delivered during the process are also revised.... more
The following contribution interprets the ICJ decision in the case of Jurisdictional Immunities of the State in a broader picture. Even if in the traditional view immunity is conceived as a ‘procedural’ rule, as the Court upheld in the... more
El artículo hace un análisis de la Costumbre como fuente del Derecho Internacional, en el que se explican sus elementos, los diferentes tipos de costumbre así como sus efectos. Así mismo, se hace referencia a la figura del Objetor... more
On 23 January 2020, the International Court of Justice (‘ICJ’) indicated provisional measures against Myanmar in the case brought by The Gambia under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (‘Genocide... more
Laurence Soula « La justice pénale internationale, un rêve de juristes », in Valérie Malabat (dir.), Juge national, européen, international et droit pénal, Paris, Cujas, 2012, p.9-24.
Recht" im Wintertrimester 2012 gestellt. Die Bearbeiter erreichten im Durchschnitt 10,00 Punkte. Die Klausur gliedert sich in einen menschenrechtlichen und einen allgemein völkerrechtlichen Teil. Im ersten Aufgabenkomplex sind... more
The manner by which the International Court of Justice (ICJ) deals with disputes requiring the assessment of complex scientific evidence has been the object of a rich debate in recent years. In this context, the article analyses the... more
Enforced disappearance is a human rights violation, which frequently occurs during armed conflict. Particularly, in situations of non-international armed conflicts parties to the conflict terrorise the population and suppress political... more
Resumo: Conforme previsto no Estatuto da Corte Internacional de Justiça, apenas Estados podem ser partes nos contenciosos deste tribunal internacional. Contudo, a Corte em alguns casos teve que observar a questão da distribuição interna... more