Contemporary American Fiction
Recent papers in Contemporary American Fiction
This essay reads Colson Whitehead’s novels John Henry Days, Apex Hides the Hurt, and The Underground Railroad as articulating a frustration with foreclosed possibilities for Black Americans’ flourishing outside the North-South binary. His... more
This paper examines how contemporary literary fiction responds to the climate crisis and the attendant call for a seemingly universalist "species view" of human beings. What does it mean to think of the human as a species, how can we find... more
Ghost Writing in Contemporary American Fiction is about the appearance of the specter in the work of five major US authors, and argues from this work that every one of us is a ghost writing, haunting ourselves and others. The book’s... more
New media studies has often focused on the difference between traditional and new media objects while neglecting the perspectival difference in worldview and subjectivity concomitant with the becoming-ubiquitous of the digital. In this... more
I want to begin this essay by pointing out what I think has become a salient feature, or at least significant trend, in contemporary British and American literary fiction: namely, a prominent reappearance of the ostensibly redundant... more
This volume examines a range of novels and novellas published over the course of nearly forty years, from 1968 to 2014, including E.L. Doctorow’s Andrew’s Brain, John Gardner’s “The King’s Indian,” Paul Auster’s Travels in the... more
As attested to by the anxious international media coverage of the recent U.S. debt ceiling crisis, the United States’ economic instability following the late 2000s financial crisis remains headline news. Anticipating the sense of ongoing... more
Recent book of collected poetry reflecting American mindset, early 21st century and beyond
[First Page Pdf provided as preview; please follow link to website for full access] ‘I decided to replace the book I’d proposed with the book you’re reading now, a work that, like a poem, is neither fiction nor nonfiction, but a... more
To this day, Salem, Massachusetts, is synonymous with the witch trials of 1692. Their unique pace and structure has not only made the infamous town a strong cultural metaphor, but has generated countless novels, short stories, and plays... more
In the Comte de Lautréamont's Les Chants de Maldoror (1868), the hero copulates with a female shark in the frenzied sea of a shipwreck. Tender Girl invents a daughter as the offspring of that coupling. A visceral Little Mermaid, Girl... more
A rare example of a contemporary climate-change novel, Ben Lerner's 10:04 joins reflections on our increasingly unrecognisable planet with a remarkably realist attention to everyday life. This paper examines three aspects of the book's... more
This book marks the first in-depth examination of Pynchon's debut novel, which was immediately recognized as a breakthrough masterpiece. The eight essays collected in the volume provide both scholars and avid readers with new and... more
In this article, I explore the experiential texture of literary fictionality and ontological blurrings, using Lance Olsen’s multimodal works Theories of Forgetting and there’s no place like time as case study texts. In doing so, I argue... more
In Remediation: Understanding New Media, Bolter and Grusin contend that the composition of contemporary media texts is influenced both by the history of textual production and by newer technological developments. Specifically, Bolter and... more
Marilynne Robinson’s novel Housekeeping is the narrative of a family defined by traumatic loss. In a functioning of post-memory, the death of the patriarch ripples through three generations onto the protagonist Ruth, who by the end of the... more
This article argues that Dave Eggers’s You Shall Know Our Velocity invites the reader, via various textual markers, to enter into a “metafictional pact” with the author, through which the reader agrees to view the text as a writerly act,... more
The attacks on September 11, 2001 ushered in the Age of Terror, which is an epistemic shift in American polity from the virtual capital that fueled the dot-com boom of the 1990s to a twenty-first century marked by asymmetrical warfare... more
A highly experimental work presenting itself as an anti-novel without plot, characters, or setting, yet interspersing the musings of a central authorial voice with a wry collage of "factoids," quotations, and anecdotes, all focusing on... more
"""""Contemporary American Fiction "This interdisciplinary module explores the role of the writer in America in the Twenty first century, and seeks to account for the seemingly paradoxical energy of the novel in an age of apparent... more
My introdution for a Special Edition of the journal Alluvium on Contemporary Speculative Fiction which I guest edited.
I include the contents list with links to the work of the individual contributors.
I include the contents list with links to the work of the individual contributors.
Abstract This article examines James McBride’s National Book Award winning novel The Good Lord Bird (2013) as an example of both posthistorical fiction and postracial passing. These twin ambiguities, the article argues, structure... more
Tal vez no sería mala idea que la escritora Amy Tan impartiese un curso intensivo de escritura a algún que otro novelista español autor de best-sellers o, mejor, autor de fast-sellers, término de la industria editorial americana que... more
This paper presents an inquiry into the understanding of temporality in a postmodern context in Thomas Pynchon's novel Bleeding Edge (2013). Relying on theories that understand eternal present as the predominant temporality of... more
On disability, the medical model, the social model, the ecosomatic paradigm, The Unnamed, and mind-body duality. [Online publication; click on "1 File" above.]
Статья посвящена изображению еврейской общины Нью-Йорка 40-50 годов ХХ века. Хаим Поток показывает специфику американской еврейской жизни через восприятие подростков.
Five years after David Foster Wallace’s passing, Wallace’s literary legacy remains widely discussed and debated. If the opportunity to reassess Wallace’s career in its totality since his death has resulted in a something resembling a... more
"The Return of the Omniscient Narrator: Authorship and Authority in Twenty-First Century Fiction by Paul Dawson argues that the omniscient narrator, long considered a relic of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century novel, has reemerged as... more
From the Delivered to the Dispatched: Masculinity in Modern American Fiction (1969-1977) focuses on masculinity in late twentieth-century American fiction. This rigorous study shows the ways post-war American authors engage with the... more
In fact—regardless of the countless debates across beer soaked bars or dinner tables packed with steaming dishes—the dumbing of America has led to a serious threat to creative standards throughout the once-great-and-free-and-brave land of... more