The Novel
Recent papers in The Novel
Firmly intertwining the personal with political history , this brilliant novel’s strength lies in Keki Nusserwanji Daruwalla’s trademark wit and underscored humour , effortlessly flowing prose, and a trenchant grasp of... more
introduction de l'ouvrage publié chez Classiques Garnier en 2010
Perché il teatro occupa una posizione centrale nella civiltà letteraria inglese? Come nasce il romanzo e quali forme specifiche assume nell’isola? Come evolve la poesia inglese da quando gli elisabettiani importano il sonetto dall’Italia?... more
Cette quête permanente du savoir (sur soi-même, sur autrui), en quoi consiste l’analyse, caractérise très justement La Princesse de Clèves. Mais paradoxalement, l’intérêt accordé à cet aspect du roman détourne d’une dimension essentielle... more
A short view on myth and novel
Belarus at Sea
(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020. Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
(review of Альгерд Бахарэвіч. 2020. Апошняя кніга пана А. Менск: Янушкевіч / Alhierd Bacharevič. 2020. Apošniaja kniha pana A. [Mr A.’s Last Book]. Miensk: Januškievič, 500pp, ISBN 9789857210541, 9788090735927)
Ben Winters’ latest mystery/thriller, Underground Airlines, is set in an America that never fought its Civil War. In the novel, a long series of political compromises between North and South allow slavery to continue to the present day.... more
Among the literary works produced by Jewish Polish immigrants in France during the Second World War, the works of Robert Bober stand out in terms of style, rhetoric of understatement and their treatment of memory without fixing it too... more
As a tool for understanding, narrative is fundamental to human cognition. A wealth of theory and growing empirical evidence strongly indicate that reading a narrative activates a simulation with critical cognitive and emotional... more
To the literary historian, Thomas Hardy's Wessex evokes the struggle of traditional Britain against the ravages of modernity. While nowadays we no longer see Wessex as an idealized portrayal of rural England, but rather a place under... more
We have destroyed something by our presence,' said Bernard, 'a world perhaps'.
Cose un po' ricordate, un po' risistemate, a volte nascoste: un romanzo epistolare di STEFANO COLANGELO
Didactic presentation of the novel The Angel of Oblivion by Maja Haderlap.
L'Indice dei libri del mese, Dec. 2011, XXVIII, No. 12, p. 24. "Se non sono me stesso, chi lo sarà per me? E quand'anche fossi me stesso, che cosa sono io? E se non ora, quando?". Questa nota citazione, raccolta nelle "Massime dei Padri"... more
Why did marriage become central to the English novel in the eighteenth century? As clandestine weddings and the unruly culture that surrounded them began to threaten power and property, questions about where and how to marry became urgent... more
Drawing on Roman Jakobson's study of aphasia, I first analyze how Jakobson's description of metaphor derives from his concept of the dominant, and demonstrate how that juncture pertains to Shoshana Felman's discussion of metaphor in The... more
The paper discusses how Jane Austen, in Persuasion (1817), presents a new response to the essential question of ‘how to tell the truth in narratives’. Through the composition of a narrative act that merges the voices of the 3rd person... more
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
A review essay on John McGahern's novel.
Programme of the 10th James Joyce Italian Foundation Rome conference
So beginnt der "Teil von den Verbrechen" in Roberto Bolaños Roman 2666. Hinter diesen zwei sachlich klingenden Sätzen verbirgt sich eine ambitionierte realistische Poetik. Durch den unbeirrbaren Blick auf eine Serie von horrenden... more
ปริทัศน์วรรณกรรมเรื่อง โต๊ะโตะจัง เด็กหญิงข้างหน้าต่าง
ผู้แต่ง คุโรยานางิ เท็ตสึโกะ
แปลโดย ผุสดี นาวาวิจิต
ปริทัศน์วรรณกรรม โดย รชต เอี่ยมตระบุตร
ผู้แต่ง คุโรยานางิ เท็ตสึโกะ
แปลโดย ผุสดี นาวาวิจิต
ปริทัศน์วรรณกรรม โดย รชต เอี่ยมตระบุตร
This essay argues that L. P. Hartley’s novel The Go-Between (1953) fits into the critical tradition of the Bildungsroman in one specific sense: its attention to matters of deception. First, this plot of formation and development involves... more
Osij ek, 28. kolovoza 2009. na 200. obljetnicu ustoličenja i proglašenja Osij eka slobodnim i kraljevskim gradom 1 Osijek, 28. 8. 2008. Vežemo se srodnostima, ali i suprotnostima. Vežemo se uspomenama, mjestima, mirisima, pripadnostima.... more
This essay has three more or less discrete parts; that is, no firm linear argument is developed across them. Each part informs the next, but the arguments taken up in each could also be contemplated separately. The first responds to the... more
Alur cerita dalam novel ini seakan melibatkan para pembaca masuk ke dalam. Terutama para rekan2 yang pernah melanjutkan studi di Timur Tengah, melihat bagaimana pesona wanita Mesir yang sungguh menggoda. Kisahnya sangat menyentuh. Selamat... more
This is a review of the MLA's volumes on teaching Bleak House and Wuthering Heights in particular, with a nod to other volumes such as that on Jane Eyre. I spend a good deal of time discussing each approach and the overall insights of... more
Tristram Shandy, de Laurence Sterne, et Jacques le Fataliste, de Denis Diderot, m'apparaissent aujourd'hui comme les deux plus grandes oeuvres romanesques du 18 e siècle, deux romans conçus comme un jeu grandiose. Ce sont deux sommets de... more
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
The Maximalist Novel sets out to define a new genre of contemporary fiction that developed in the United States from the early 1970s, and then gained popularity in Europe in the early twenty-first century. The maximalist novel has a... more
The monograph, "John Banville," offers a close analysis of most of Banville’s major novels, as well as the ‘Quirke’ crime novels he has written under the pseudonym Benjamin Black and his dramatic adaptations of Heinrich von Kleist’s... more
At the heart of this article is a fairly straightforward assertion: that literature has a trans-verbal level at which it affects us as a work of art. Hence discussing a novel means bringing to the fore not only its overt narrative... more