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This volume is the second edition (expanded and revised) of BiAS 4. The articles in this volume are focused on shedding more light on the relationship between the Bible and Christian practices in African communities, African Churches... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentMissiologyPostcolonial Studies
A short meditation on Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamum church was faithful is spite of trials and suffering, and evildoers people. They hold fast the name of Christ and continued to witness but few things they needed to improve. We are good... more
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      HermeneuticsLiterary study of the BibleBook of RevelationGoogle
A college paper discussions the possibility of loss of salvation and the doctrine of Eternal Salvation as addressed by the author of the biblical book of Hebrews.
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      Early ChristianityThe Letter to the HebrewsTheological exegesisLiterary study of the Bible
Have you ever considered the apparent injustices, inconsistencies, and even contradictions of the doctrine of hell? For starters, do earthly parents love their children more than God? Does God ask you to forgive your enemies when He is... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPhilosophical TheologyOrthodox Theology
It's a research paper. This study helps us to understand how archaeology can illuminate biblical studies. However, archaeology does not have the final word on the interpretation of the Bible. The Bible has to be interpreted in its... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyHebrew Bible
Szesnat, Holger. 2015. "Gender-Based Violence and Ephesians 5: Reflections on the Ethics, Hermeneutics and Didactics of a Community Bible Study in Suva, Fiji." In Oceanic Voyages in Theology and Theological Education: Reflections and... more
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      Domestic ViolenceViolenceApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersIntimate Partner Violence
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      Bible TranslationMozambiqueZambiaMalawi
Josephus nailed Solomon's ff969/968 accession!: Hiram's Solomonic Temple contract in ff969/968 by Josephus' Tyrian, Greek, & Roman dating, confirms Thiele's 2005-2015 corrected chronology Valerius Coucke's 1928-published near-dating of... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyAssyriologyEgyptian Archaeology
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyAssyriologyEgyptian Archaeology
My correction of Thiele's at first perfected but by afterthought marred biblical chronology builds upon its foundational part I, correcting the chronology of Sennacherib's first five years, which revealed 702 BC as the true date of... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyAssyriologyEgyptian Archaeology
My correction of Thiele's at first perfected but by afterthought marred biblical chronology builds upon its foundational part I, correcting the chronology of Sennacherib's first five years, which revealed 702 BC as the true date of... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyAssyriologyEgyptian Archaeology
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      Bible TranslationBible TranslationsMozambiqueZambia
COVID-19 has, like other crises, thrown into relief social injustices and gendered inequalities. BiAS 31/ ERA 8 offers theological responses to and reflections on the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic. All are by African scholars and... more
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      AfricaAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaWomanist TheologyBiblical Studies
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      Biblical StudiesBible chronologyContextual Bible Study
Interpretational approaches to 1 Thessalonians tend either to (excessively) problematise and question the ‘authoritative voice of Paul,’ or to (naively) lionise that same voice, thereby creating a deep tension between what amounts to an... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesPauline LettersContextual Bible Study
Publikationen Joachim Kügler, Stand 07/2024
Publications Joachim Kuegler up to 07/202
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      Gender StudiesHistory of ReligionBiblical Studies20th Century German Theology
This is a pre-final draft edition. Please send any comments to the editor of this publication at the Bible Society of Malawi, Mr. Martin Ntambo at
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      Bantu languagesContextual Bible Study
Israel’s wisdom tradition reflects a profound and beautiful breadth in its ability to bring a wide range of lived experience to speech within an intentionally theological framework. Such breadth is evidenced in the number of genres, the... more
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    • Contextual Bible Study
Biblical Performance Criticism (BPC) is a provincial practice with particular North American and European historical indices. When entering into a new context, this methodological genealogy needs to be recognized, because within those... more
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      IdeologyBible TranslationBiblical Performance CriticismContextual Bible Study
This article offers insights into the narrative of the Gerasene Demoniac (Luke 8:26-39) from grassroots interpreters in Owamboland, Namibia. The participants' perspectives on the 'Living Landscape'—contextualised against a background of... more
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      Space and PlaceCultural LandscapesBiblical StudiesBiblical Interpretation
Initially presented at the "Mennonites and Friends" forum held at the Society of Biblical Literature meetings in November, 2010,this appreciative response questions Seibert's central thesis re: the need to distinguish between the "textual... more
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      Violence in the BibleAnabaptist TheologyReligion and Violence/NonviolenceBiblical Interpretation
Jika kita membaca Yohanes pasal 17 ini, kita akan menemukan ada banyak isi doa Tuhan Yesus. Dalam nas hari ini kita akan belajar ada tiga isi doa Yesus, yakni:
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      Bible StudyContextual Bible Study
Kita pasti punya pengalaman meminta kepada bapa kita. Entah itu duit, barang kecil, sederhana maupun mewah. Minta waktu, perhatian, bermain, bercanda, dan lain sebagainya. Itu wajar dan manusiawi. Persoalannya adalah apakah setiap... more
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      Bible StudyContextual Bible Study
Efesus 4:24 (TB) "Dan mengenakan manusia baru, yang telah diciptakan menurut kehendak Allah di dalam kebenaran dan kekudusan yang sesungguhnya" Ephesians 4:24 (NET) "And to put on the new man who has been created in God's image-in... more
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    • Contextual Bible Study
This paper explores how Christiane Nord’s ethic of translator loyalty could be invigorated in African Bible translation by engaging the social commitments of Contextual Bible Study, a practice of Bible... more
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      Translation StudiesHermeneuticsLiberation TheologySkopos Theory
The Sabbath often runs the risk of being reduced to the idea of simple rest. However, Exodus 31:12–17 proves the Sabbath to be one of the most important concepts of the Torah. It connects the royal priesthood, sanctification, the... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureHebrew BibleJewish HistoryChristian Ethics
Renungan hari ini: DI DALAM DIA KITA DIBENARKAN 2 Korintus 5:21 (TB) "Dia yang tidak mengenal dosa telah dibuat-Nya menjadi dosa karena kita, supaya dalam Dia kita dibenarkan oleh Allah" 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NET) "God made the one who did... more
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    • Contextual Bible Study
Lection al 6 and Luke 10 for the Fourth Sunday in Pentecost, Year C
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      Gospel of LukeBible StudyRevised Common LectionaryEpistle to the Galatians
How can Contextual Bible Study, which was developed in South Africa and which seeks to affirm expressions of local liberation through a process of community Bible interpretation, be re-contextualized in a different postcolonial context... more
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      Disability StudiesPost-ColonialismGhanaContextual Bible Study
Im dritten Teil geht es schwerpunktmäßig um die Eroberung Lachischs durch Sanherib von Assyrien.
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      Biblical ArchaeologyHebrew Bible/Old TestamentContextual Bible Study
The search for a readily identifiable situation as the context for understanding the laments may, however, be illusory or unnecessary. The language of these psalms with its stereotypical, generalizing, and figurative style is so... more
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      Gender StudiesPovertyHIV/AIDSLiberation Theology
Provides basic information on every book in the bible for church people. It is written in both English and Samoan. Information such as the background, meanings of names and places, period and time, who wrote the book and a 3-4 summary of... more
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      Contextual TheologiesBiblical StudiesPublic TheologyTheology and Public Life
Deze bijdrage gaat in op de vraag in hoeverre het model van rentmeesterschap bijbels onderbouwd kan worden aan de hand van twee verschillende contexten: hedendaags en bijbels-historisch.
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      Book of GenesisEcotheologyHuman-Nature RelationshipsBeliefs and attitudes
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      ContextualismWomanismDomestic workersIntersectionality
Setelah minggu yang lalu membahas mengenai Israel dalam hubungannya dengan Allah dalam konteks ritual atau Ibadah, bagian ini nampaknya memulai suatu pembicaraan yang baru. Sejalan dengan Francis Landy yang mengatakan bahwa bagian ini... more
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      Biblical TheologyBiblical InterpretationBook of HoseaContextual Bible Study
The genre of laments (both individual and communal) can be traced historically, even up to today, to periods of crisis. The psalms of lament in the Hebrew Bible point to periods both of national crisis such as wars, exile, and individual... more
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      Gender StudiesPovertyLiberation TheologyOld Testament
Unterrichtsmaterial für eine Gastsitzung im Seminar "Armut und Reichtum im Neuen Testament", auf freundliche Einladung von Prof. Dr. Claudia Janssen und Prof. Dr. Carsten Jochum-Bortfeld, an der Kirchlichen Hochschule Wuppertal (17. Dez.... more
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      Liberation TheologyContextual Bible Study
How is the Bible read in actual fact by people in a secular context? This question drives the course The Bible in a Secular Setting: Contextual Biblical Interpretation in the Netherlands. The course explores both research into the use of... more
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      MissiologyContextual TheologiesSecularizationBible
In the 104 years of the existence of the African National Congress (ANC), many a black person in South Africa has been exclusively led by men. Also, 24 years into a democracy, patriarchy continues to raise its ugly head in our parliament,... more
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      ChristianityAfrican StudiesGender StudiesSocial Sciences
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      Contextual HermeneuticsDecolonial ThoughtPlanetary ConsciousnessAsian Biblical Hermeneutics
A study of Psalm 27 and Revelation 22 for Bible Study
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      Book of PsalmsBible StudyThe Book of RevelationContextual Bible Study
在台灣工作多年,我發現許多新領洗的教友為了擺脫舊習而接受新的基督徒生活方式的辛苦。在皈依基督之前,他們可能崇拜了各種的神靈。海神信仰的媽祖、王爺、玉皇大帝、王母娘娘是台灣所崇拜的主要神明。除此之外,還有許多其他代表雷電,閃電,風,雨,山脈,河流,農田,水井和橋樑的較小的神像,例如土地公,觀音等。台灣民間信仰或民間宗教還包括祖先的崇拜,特別是在農曆新年和清明節時舉行的。... more
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      Biblical InterpretationPauline TheologyPauline LettersContextual Bible Study
Salah satu penemuan paling menarik di bidang gerontologi (ilmu mengenai orang lanjut usia) adalah bahwa setiap orang ternyata sekaligus memiliki tiga usia yang berbeda: Usia kronologis yang dinyatakan dalam jumlah tahun seseorang hidup;... more
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    • Contextual Bible Study
This is an older study, and I have more recently revised the translation assessment model,* but the examples may still be of interest to some readers.
(*Studies in the Psalms, ch. 10, SIL International, 2017)
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      Biblical StudiesBible TranslationBible TranslationsZambia
A survey of autobiographical biblical criticism during the past twenty-five years, in English, German and Dutch biblical studies. Special issue "Bijbel en context in Nederland" (Biblical contextual studies in the Netherlands).
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      New TestamentContextual TheologiesBiblical StudiesAutobiography
Pengakuan Daud bahwa TUHAN adalah gembala hidupnya lahir dari sebuah penderitaan yang sedang dialaminya. Dia sedang berada dalam sebuah pelarian dari kejaran pembunuhan dirinya dari raja Saul ketika itu. Di tengah situasi yang tidak baik,... more
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    • Contextual Bible Study
Bersyukur kepada TUHAN merupakan respons kita atas segala kebaikan TUHAN dalam hidup kita. Kebaikan-Nya harus kita syukuri dengan hati yang sungguh. Yang dimaksudkan Paulus dengan syukur di sini adalah syukur yang keluar dari hati yang... more
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    • Contextual Bible Study
An 'interactive Bible Study' on Eph 5:21-33 with an ecumenical gathering of Christians (women and men), meeting in Suva, Fiji Islands, on 4 December 2014, as part of "16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence" programme organised by the... more
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      TheologyDomestic ViolenceIntimate Partner ViolenceSexual and Gender-Based Violence