Public Theology
Recent papers in Public Theology
Taking the church (CCCS) to court breaks fa’avae. The thesis argued that Samoa's fa’avae (foundation) is no longer solid as it previously was, but now fa'a-vae has feet, it is mobile and moving. Taking the church to court is just one... more
Contemporary political theology often defines itself against Lutheran social ethics, which is portrayed as politically disengaged and overly deferential to state power. At the same time, contemporary political theology often embraces the... more
This essay offers a panoramic study about the concepts of public theology and public sphere, especially concerning the Brazilian context. In the first chapter, different understandings of public theology are identified and classified... more
This chapter explores the biblical themes and explicit teachings that undergird a belief in the idea of religious liberty.
Amos Yong, Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2007), pp. xiii + 450, £22.99, ISBN 978-1-60258-006-0 (pbk)
The What Does Theology Do, Actually? project aims not to do theology, but to observe what theologies do, around the world today, in and for the communi- ties in which they circulate and hold meaning. How is theology understood and... more
This article explores the background to the British National Party's high profile during the 2010 General Election, and the development of its use of Christian identity in its campaigning and its internal discourses. This is set alongside... more
The paper provides an account of an emerging critique of the implicit assumptions underpinning HR Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture typology, particularly those related to Christology, culture, and Christendom. A consideration of this critique... more
A ideologia em geral diz respeito a um modo operacional pelo qual a consciência acredita em algo, indicando que tal anuência é condicionada por fatores externos à própria consciência de ordem histórica, social, cultural, psicológica... more
A preliminary reflection on sermonizing and our use of God's Name in the public sphere
Nyilvánosságszerkezet -autenticitás -olvasói elvárások "Akkor eljönnek napkeletről és napnyugatról, északról és délről, és asztalhoz telepednek az Isten országában. " (Lk 13,29)
У статті представлене дослідження впливу релігії на політику. На думку автора, Церква Христова здатна позитивно впливати на суспільно-політичні процеси та забезпечувати здорові взаємостосунки всередині суспільства. Дослідження більше... more
This is a study of Pentecostal theology on public service and political participation.
During September 1961, a charge of heresy was laid against New Testament scholar and antiapartheid activist Prof. A.S. (Albert) Geyser. The charge was brought by three senior theological students of the University of Pretoria. They... more
This article is a contribution to a festschrift in honor of Rev. Chris Ferguson's leadership of the World Communion of Reformed Churches. It engages the Accra Confession and suggests that the next step for bringing the Confession to bear... more
Why did the New York Times persistently bury news of the Holocaust? asks Laurel Leff in her dramatic historical account of '' America's most important newspaper. '' Leff, associate professor at Northeastern University and former... more
Excerpt from the book: Interruption and Imagination. Public Theology in Times of Crisis (Pickwick Publishing, 2016). Used with Permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers,
This paper is inspired by the experience of a black student who underwent racist treatment in Brazil. Nowadays, racism may appear in any societal structure. Misuse of power is one of the causes of violence and racism. A person who finds... more
„Wohl keine andere politische Leitidee hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten vergleichbare Relevanz gewonnen wie das Postulat universeller Menschenrechte“ (Reuter 1999, S. VII). Weitaus strittiger als ihre Aktualität erscheint daher die konkrete... more
Restorative justice, aimed at restoring human relations instead of just punishing offenders, is often defended with reference to biblical values like reconciliation, forgiveness, and mercy. Advocates of retributivism, which is the... more
The issue of political power and its use or misuse is a looming concern the world over. In that at least some measure of power and influence is an integral part of most public political offices, questions of social ethics necessarily come... more
Existential Theology: An Introduction offers a formalized and comprehensive examination of the field of existential theology, in order to distinguish it as a unique field of study and view it as a measured synthesis of the concerns of... more
This is my five minute speech as part of the Book Launch of "Whispers and Vanities: Samoan Indigenous Knowledge and Religion" held on Friday 21 November, 2014, at the Fale Pasifika of The University of Auckland. I am grateful to Dr.... more
THIS STUDY EXPLORES David Tracy's approach to public theology with theology of culture as background to the topic. More specifically, writing as an evangelical theologian from the Philippines, I seek to develop a basic understanding of... more
Insofar as public theology is one of several contextual theologies in the world that is focused on and limited to specific contexts, its raison d'être may be understandable. But we argue that if or since public theology has ambitions to... more
Proferida como conferência na I Consulta Internacional Geminada sobre Reforma - Educação - Transformação, desenvolve reflexões sobre a presença de igrejas cristãs no espaço público, especialmente no Brasil mas também com um olhar para os... more
Public theology has become an important mode of theological engagement in secular and pluralistic contexts yet there is debate as to the character of this engagement. This article argues that an analysis of the nascent public theology... more
The far right is on the rise across Europe, pushing a battle scenario in which Islam clashes with Christianity as much as Christianity clashes with Islam. From the margins to the mainstream, far-right protesters and far-right politicians... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo responder a seguinte pergunta: como cristãos devem se engajar com as tecnologias digitais? O autor argumenta que a doutrina da vida comum desenvolvida pelos reformadores continua sendo promissora se aplicada... more
Contextual Black Liberation Theology:
A South African perspective, by Seth Naicker, is a guest lecture delivered in 2008 at Bethel University for professor Samuel Zalanga, within a sociology class focused on sociology of development.... more
Cet article propose une analyse critique de la théologie d’implication culturelle de Timothy J. Keller. Selon lui, si des Églises ayant des bases doctrinales proches parviennent à des conclusions divergentes lorsqu’il s’agit d’établir un... more
After critically reviewing the ongoing development of various publics in public theology , this article attempts to develop an additional public in nonanthropocentric terms in order to ground adequately public theology's approach to the... more
This essay proposes that the Reformed theology of ordinary life has promising principles that can be applied to the recent challenges of the digital age. It first examines how contemporary scholars have grappled with the challenges posed... more
The paper given at Orientale Lumen XXIII conference describes the recent trends in the Orthodox Church in Ukraine including the process of transmission of parishes from the Moscow Patriarchate to the new canonical Autocephalous Church of... more