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This article provides a critical analysis of the situationist challenge against Aristotelian moral psychology. It first outlines the details and results from 4 paradigmatic studies in psychology that situationists have heavily drawn upon... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologySocial Psychology
PURPOSE The purpose of the study is to explore how gender norms emerge in romantic relationships among early adolescents (EAs) living in five poor urban areas. METHODS Data were collected as part of the Global Early Adolescent Study. The... more
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      EducationPovertyAdolescent HealthCourage
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryVirtue Ethics
Cowardice is the service to death and the betrayal to Life within us. // Трусость — это служение смерти и измена Жизни внутри нас.
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      Virtue EthicsCouragePatienceHumility
Theorists have recently been exploring the prospects for a virtue-centred approach to aesthetics. Virtue aesthetics encourages a re-focusing of philosophical attention onto the aesthetic character traits of agents, in the same way that... more
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      AestheticsVirtue EthicsCharacter EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)
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      New Religious MovementsSocial MovementsFearHope
Courage is an ancient construct that has historically been regarded as a great virtue because it helps people to face their intrapersonal and interpersonal challenges. However, psychologists have conducted only limited research on the... more
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      Positive PsychologyPersonalityCourage
"'Democracy and Leadership: On Pragmatism and Virtue' presents a theory of leadership drawing on insights from Plato’s Republic, while abandoning his authoritarianism in favor of John Dewey’s democratic thought. The book continues the... more
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      AquinasThomas AquinasConscienceCourage
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This study examines the relationship between behavioral courage and job performance, and explores the possible effects of organizational level and gender on this relationship. With a sample of managers from mid-to large-sized for-profit... more
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ABTRACT: When Aristotle limits the manifestation of true courage to the military context only, his primary target is an overly inclusive conception of courage presented by Plato in the Laches. At the same time, Aristotle explicitly tries... more
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      HomerVirtues and VicesCourageAristotle's Ethics
In this chapter, DeYoung looks at the culturally and historically recognized virtue of courage. She specifically questions how we should think of all the pictures of courage and where we might look for Christlike examples of courage. To... more
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    • Courage
In this age of technology, globalization, and rapid change, we are faced with new situations that raise the universal question of what it means to be human in the face of our existential anxiety - anxiety that is rooted in our being and... more
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      Buddhist StudiesSpiritualityMysticismPaul Tillich
本文首先從《論語》的“ 勇者不懼”到《老子》的“ 勇於不敢”,再到《墨辯》的“ 勇,以其敢於是也命之,不以其不敢於彼也害之”,梳理出一條先秦“勇”觀念史的發展線索。對《老子》“慈故能勇”的歷代詮釋包括儒家、道家與法家三種傾向,其中儒家傾向的詮釋高度體現了儒道的德性倫理學的會通。最後,老子的“慈故能勇”與孔子的“仁者必有勇”背後所蘊含的德性倫理學的理論框架不同:孔子的“仁”與其他德目的關係可以用德性本末論和德性偏全論來概括,... more
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      DaoismVirtue EthicsCourageConfucianism
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      EducationTeacher EducationConscientiousnessTrust
TILL KINZEL Der Schmerz des Menschen in der Welt Überlegungen zu einem unvollständigen Dialog zwischen Ernst Jünger, C. S. Lewis und Josef Pieper Der Schmerz ist das, was den Menschen erst dann zum Problem wird, wenn er auftritt. Erst im... more
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      Virtue EthicsNihilismCourageErnst Jünger
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Se hace un análisis de la obra teatral sorprndendente de John Patrick Schalnley, llevada al cine bajo su dirección, para enriquecer el drama escénico, con su propio guión. Enfoco el artículo más desde la perspectiva del propio director,... more
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      Jurgen HabermasDramaSigmund FreudSchool Bullying
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
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      EthicsKantPhilosophical ScepticismAristotle
Courage has seen an explosion of research in all branches of psychology, and the most popular measure is Norton and Weiss's the courage measure (CM). Despite widespread use, limited investigations into its psychometric properties and... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologySocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and Methodology
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      CourageLibertéSciences de l'éducationHumboldt
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      PlatoAristotleHegelJacques Lacan
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What qualities do we need in order to be good philosophers? Wittgenstein insists that virtues of character – such as honesty, humility, courage, and strength – are more important for our philosophizing than the relevant intellectual... more
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      Virtues (Moral Psychology)WisdomLater WittgensteinCourage
“Il giorno che l’Italia morì” è la storia di Sabatina e Silvano, dal 1943 al 2018. Tutta la storia di quei lunghi anni, che hanno formato e deformato l’Italia dal dopoguerra in poi. La storia è vista con gli occhi della malattia e del... more
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      GlobalizationIdeologyNeoliberalismSecond World War
The book offers the first comprehensive account of the debate on true courage as it was raging in ancient Greece, from the times when the immensely influential Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, were composed, to the writings of... more
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      History of IdeasVirtues and VicesCourageAncient Greek Philosophy
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeology
This essay does two things. First, it provides a framework for understanding Brecht within analytic philosophy by demonstrating how his use of his adaptation's Fabel positions him within philosophical discourse. Second, it provides a case... more
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      PlatoSocratesBertolt BrechtCourage
Risk aversion, courage and sacrifice during the "war" against coronavirus Courage, cowardice and cowering? Honouring the risk takers? Misrepresentation of the scope of the crisis? Collateral damage and tolerable fatalities in warfare --... more
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High rates of desertion and surrender during the battles in North Africa in the summer of 1942 were a major factor in Eighth Army’s poor combat performance. At the time, some suggested that these problems were symptomatic of a lack of... more
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      Military HistoryCourage
Paper presented at the XVIII ISFNR Congress, held in Zagreb, 5-8 September 2021 (BNN Panel "Fear of the Other").
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Almost sixty years ago Philippa Foot published an article that began: To many people it seems that the most notable advance in moral philosophy during the past fifty years or so has been the refutation of naturalism; and they are a little... more
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      EthicsKantMeta-EthicsPhilosophical Scepticism
Although long-established military virtues, such as honor, courage and loyalty, are what most armed forces today still use as guiding principles in an effort to enhance the moral behavior of soldiers, much depends on whether the military... more
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      Business EthicsMilitary HistorySociologyMilitary Science
Тема мужества и военно-вирильной доблести далека от чистого академизма, и самая, по видимости, мирная политическая и социальная повестка может неожиданно актуализировать ее. Уже в платоновском «Лахесе» ставится вопрос о том, нужно ли... more
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      PlatoVirtue EthicsAncient PhilosophyCourage
This paper examines the concept of courage within medieval ethics and uses the Battle of Agincourt as a case-study for how medieval writers discussed this virtue. It shows how courage was defined as the virtuous mean between the vices of... more
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      CourageGiles of RomeAgincourtMedieval Ethics
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Courage has been linked to important workplace outcomes, but little is known about the antecedents of courage. To identify possible methods to develop a more courageous workforce, the current... more
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      Positive PsychologyProfessional Moral CourageCourageMoral Courage
This paper analyzes Aristotle's discussion of courage, the first and paradigmatic virtue in his account of moral virtue, as the perfection of human beings' natures as both political and rational. It identifies unrecognized complexities in... more
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      Military EthicsPolitical PhilosophyEthicsAristotle
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      EducationTeacher EducationConscientiousnessTrust
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      Risk TakingGrounded TheoryCourageUnited Kingdom
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      ReligionMilitarismCivil WarPolitical Violence
Hoje em dia, devido a muitas mudanças políticas, económicas e culturais na Europa e no mundo inteiro, as noções da identidade, das fronteiras e de culturas nacionais tornaram-se muito permeáveis e flexíveis e dá-se cada vez mais... more
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      FolktalesCourageSerbian folkloreSame Motifs in Different Works
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyEthicsMedieval Philosophy
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      Applied PhilosophyEthicsStoicismSeneca
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySociology