Cultural Property
Recent papers in Cultural Property
The hope has long been that the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) would finally bring ancestors and their cultural items home to their communities to be reconnected and rest. However, 30 years later, museums... more
Abstract Graphic Design students learn and practice design theories to articulate their creative ideas through design project management. In doing so they follow design methodology considering current design trends and technology to... more
Bu çalışmada Hatice Turhan Valide Sultan, Havâtin ve Cedid Havâtin Türbeleri’nin, koruma, güçlendirme, restorasyon ve konservasyon süreci, mevcut yasa ve yönetmelikler çerçevesince koruma sorunlarına çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir. (Mevcut... more
While the Romans did not have museums, practices of collecting and display were fully developed in Rome. Romans used collections of objects to substantiate, reinforce, and broadcast particular views of the world. This chapter shows how... more
This article suggests three critical inquiries for formulating a feminist analysis of patent law. The first questions how patent law functions as a strategy within neoliberal, biopolitics. The second examines how patent law is structured... more
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
International conventions that criminalize wartime abuse of cultural property and bilateral treaties that target trafficking in antiquities reflect evolving consideration for looted art in foreign policy. Since the poignant plunder of... more
Comments by Ford. W. Bell, Neil G.W. Curtis, B.L. Murphy, and Anthony M. Snodgrass.
Followed by by reply: "universal museums and the Parthenon sculptures"
Followed by by reply: "universal museums and the Parthenon sculptures"
The Ancient Coin Collectors Guild (ACCG) has launched multiple legal challenges aimed at undermining import restrictions on ancient coins into the United States in bilateral agreements with foreign countries. One key component of the... more
Kamil Zeidler, Zabytki. Prawo i praktyka, Gdańsk University Press - Wolters Kluwer, Gdańsk-Warszawa 2017, ISBN 978-83-7865-595-4, ss. 633
Cultural property symbolises a nation’s identity and culture. The Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP) at its... more
This paper is aimed primarily at archaeologist. It provides archaeologists with discribes the preventive conservation treatments rather then full scale conservation procedures in the field. Because of the absence of professional... more
This paper uses Iraq as a case study via which to begin to investigate the complex inter-relationships between cultural and historical destruction on the one hand and identity politics and sectarian violence on the other. This paper... more
With empirical touchstones from Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, the authors argue that heritage and property represent different approaches to subject formation, produce distinct bodies of expertise, and belong to... more
The complexities of the cultural heritage protection regime within international humanitarian law can be seen as it is applied in two case studies
This paper is written on the basis of a poster presentation at the InSEA European Regional Conference in Limesos, Cyprus, in June 2012. It presents a preliminary theoretical approach to arts education’s use in the cultural heritage... more
Simpson, E., ed. The Spoils of War—World War II and Its Aftermath: The Loss, Reappearance, and Recovery of Cultural Property. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1997.
Egyptian mummies, Scythian gold, and Chinese terracotta soldiers in blockbuster exhibits and permanent galleries all attest to widespread public interest in museum-going, in seeing visible remains of the past in well-lit, attractive, and... more
In the wake of the Nazi regime’s policies, European Jewish cultural property was dispersed, dislocated, and destroyed. Books, manuscripts, and artworks were either taken by their fleeing owners and were transferred to different places... more
The issue of acquiring fragmented Athenian pottery has frequently been overlooked. Yet the pattern of acquisitions presents a rather more complicated narrative about the working of the market. The pattern of donating a fragment followed... more
Der Band schließt mit einem Beitrag zu Ethiken des Verhandelns, wie sie in verschiedenen internationalen Foren dokumentiert wurden. Groth und Döpking zeigen für multilaterale Verhandlungen über Cultural Property, dass normative Ansprüche... more
El Plan Director de la Alhambra y el Generalife se concibe como el documento de planificación estratégica para la gestión del Conjunto Monumental en un horizonte temporal a corto y medio plazo, en el que se han previsto los ejes... more
This paper focuses on the impact of the war and subsequent occupation (2003–2011) on Iraq’s heritage, documenting the most significant and devastating instances of heritage damage and destruction that occurred. Moving forward, this... more
Museums are a valuable and valued part of the civic and national landscape:
Advisory Opinion/Legal Report commissioned by the Panhellenic Lawyers' Association (Π.Ε.Δ., Πανελλήνια Ένωση Δικηγόρων) In the present advisory opinion/legal report the status of the Elgin marbles under the norms and principles of Public... more
Who owns the art from the Global South that fills the galleries of museums in the Global North? That has become the most vexing question facing museums in the United States and Europe today. This month historian Sarah Van Beurden examines... more
Sanat eserlerinin ve kültür mirası olanlar dâhil taşınır kültürel varlıkların Türk hukuk sistemindeki yerinin belirlenmesini amaçlayan bu makalede bilhassa temel tanımlara, metinlere ve ilgili kurumlara yer verilmiştir. Makalenin... more
Historically, empires recruited scholars to capture artworks as a complement to military victory. Over the past century, cultural scholars have integrated fine art and antiquities into campaigns of conquest and assessed the political... more
This study explores Jamaican popular music’s changing engagement with globally networked media technologies. I combine ethnographic analysis of the street dance as a site of urban poor and Black resistance to colonial institutions with... more
On 21 May 2013, I was bestowed the Heart at East Lifetime Achievement Plaque in Tel Aviv's Cinematheque. “Heart at East” is a coalition of 20 NGOs dedicated to promote community consciousness as it exposes and defies Israel’s folkloric... more
Is there something morally wrong with cultural appropriation in the arts? In this paper, I argue that the little philosophical work on this topic has been overly dismissive of moral objections to cultural appropriation. Nevertheless, I... more
The tightening interrelation of cultural property and international security—cultural security—creates a need for the collection and analysis of specialized intelligence. “Cultural intelligence” enables assessments of the tactical and... more
Imperial Japanese scholars investigated Buddhist art in Korea prior to their country's annexation of Korea, and shortly after that annexation they commenced their restoration work on those investigated cultural artifacts. This paper aims... more