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In the years after World War II, American Pentecostal discourse revolved around a separation narrative. The authors of the narrative asserted that Pentecostalism’s success depended on the ability of the movement to remain separate from... more
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      Popular CulturePentecostalismCulture IndustryProsperity Gospel
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      Theodor AdornoCreative IndustriesCultural IndustriesCulture Industry
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      Representation of OthersWalt Disney CompanyCulture Industry
The following is a draft excerpt from my forthcoming book, Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. It concerns the the commodification of nonhuman animals, particularly endangered species. Climate... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyApplied EthicsClimate ChangeGeopolitics
Kampung Inggris merupakan sebuah kampung di mana kursus-kursus informal atas Bahasa Inggris menjamur. Ada beberapa kursus bahasa asing lainnya, namun hanya satu dua, yang kalah pamor dengan ratusan lembaga yang menawarkan program Bahasa... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCulture Industry
A commentary on the section »Schein und Ausdruck« of Adorno's Aesthetic Theory.
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
The paper investigates the people who organize live music concerts: promoters. In contrast to recent contributions analysing the production of music, I argue that the work done by promoters must be analysed separately from the... more
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      Cultural SociologyCreative IndustriesLive MusicMusic Industry
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      NeuroethicsCulture IndustryEnergy drinksBiocapital
For many of us, we have always known and loved the world of Walt Disney. We grew up with these characters, these stories, and these songs. But how often do we ever think deeply about Disney, even discuss and analyze it at length? Studying... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesAnimation
이 글은 2000년대 초반부터 본격적으로 등장했던 웹툰산업의 성장 과정을 웹 툰산업의 플랫폼화로 특징짓고 살펴보고자 하는 논문이다. 오늘날 문화산업 분 야에서 디지털 기술의 지배적 영향력은 전혀 새로운 소식이 아니다. 디지털 기 술의 컨버전스화를 배경으로 만화에 대한 재매개로서 등장했던 웹툰산업도 예 외가 아니다. 더욱이 웹툰플랫폼을 빼고 오늘날 한국 콘텐츠산업에서 가장 주목 받는 문화산업 분야의 하나로 자리 잡은... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCulture Industry
Child labor engaged in the digital culture industry is still missed from the handling of government and child institutions. There are forms of exploitation and violation of rights that occur when the child works. This study aims to see,... more
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      SociologyCulture IndustryChild Labour
A Revolution in Rhyme: Poetic Co-option under the Islamic Republic tells the story of the lives and works of Iranian poets whose personal and literary career were shaped by the Iranian revolution in 1979. By drawing on similar examples,... more
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      World LiteraturesPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesLiterary Theory
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPopular CulturePragmatism (Philosophy)
c RT ' TH All Wl~ 4 P 0 P III DAS ENDE DER KUNST ALS POLITIK-ERSATZ Tatsächlich glaubt jede Generation dass es früher i~gendwie einmal "besse;" war. ~nde:d, every generation believes that it Der Popdiskurs macht da keine Ausbas better zn... more
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      Walter BenjaminPunk CultureCulture Industry
This article proposes the idea of a "hardboiled literary history" through readings three novels of the culture industry published in the 1940s: Raymond Chandler's The Little Sister (1949), Fredrick Wakeman's The Hucksters (1946), an Budd... more
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      Crime fiction20th Century American LiteratureHardboiled crime fictionCulture Industry
“Adorno Kab Utsahakam-Wattanadham: Koranee-Suksa Pleng Samai- Niyom” [Adorno and his idea of Culture Industry: The Case Study of Popular Music], in Thirawuth Senakham, editor. Leow-Nair Lair-Lang Wattanadham- Pop [Looking back to the... more
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      Popular MusicCulture IndustryDialectic of EnlightenmentAtonality
Cancer has long been a cultural touchstone: a metaphor of devastation and a spectre of social as well as bodily anomie and loss. Yet recent years have witnessed significant transformations in perceptions of cancer, particularly in... more
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      Advertising and MediaGender and the BodyFeminist theories of the BodyCulture Industry
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomyCulture IndustryIdolatry
A decade ago, in 2007, it was an important year in the realm of celebrity studies, Britney Spears had a meltdown and shaved her head, Lindsey Lohan checked into rehab and in February, Ray J “leaked” a sex tape exposing little-known Kim... more
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      AestheticsSelf and IdentitySocial SciencesPhotography
A survey of the cultural landscape of David Robert Mitchell’s film "Under the Silver Lake," and a critique of neoliberal culture, that proposes the film depicts a cultural hegemony that demonstrates the industrialization of the culture... more
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      Film TheoryTheodor AdornoGramsci and Cultural HegemonyCulture Industry
Due to its worldwide influence, binge-watching has become one of the important research topics for philosophy and social sciences such as sociology, psychology, and media studies. Although noticable articles and books have been written... more
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      Theodor AdornoCulture IndustryNetflixRedemption
This chapter examines recent proposals to use the blockchain, the underlying database that records and verifies Bitcoin transactions, as a mechanism to secure, authenticate and commodify digital culture. While these proposals are still in... more
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      Digital Media ArtDigital ArtCulture IndustryBitcoin
Kitle iletişim araçları kitle kültürünün oluşumunu sağlama noktasında devletin ve kapitalist sistemin en güçlü araçları arasında gelmektedir. Adorno ve Frankfurt Okulu medyanın kültürü ve sanatı kitleselleşerek standartlaştırıldığına ve... more
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      New MediaFacebookCulture IndustryYeni medya
Today, the concept of sports is associated with commercialized and industrialized elite sports instead of the activities that are required to sustain healthy lives. Sport is the first area in which capitalism can deepen its hold on... more
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      Media StudiesCulture IndustrySports
Astrology has been defined in various ways throughout history, starting with the definition of knowledge that appears in Plato's Theaetetus dialogue in which knowledge is considered to be a "justified true belief". If knowledge can only... more
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      MarketingHistoryAdvertisingCulture Industry
Be it Bollywood or Hollywood, all their catching tune concentrates on the ‘sexy lady on the floor’. Her ‘Baby Doll’ like figure and burning passion like ‘Shila’ and ‘anaconda’ like bum make them the centre of attraction and the very... more
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      Popular MusicMaterial Culture StudiesPopular CultureFeminism
Lecție legată de industriile creative.
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      CultureCultural DiplomacyCulture IndustryCultural Industry
Operating within a television landscape that is characterized by the increasing competition between different media formats, American prime-time dramas of the last 15 years have relied strongly on complex strategies of serialized... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
Bollywood, or the Hindi Film industry, embraces a truly enigmatic world of its own. The craze and euphoria surrounding it, not only in India but also in foreign lands, is something worth witnessing. One of the major attractions of... more
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      GlobalizationGlocalizationDanceCulture Industry
Challenging ideas about class, debt, and labor as set forth by such arts and culture writers as Dave Beech, Ben Davis, Coco Fusco, Kerstin Stakemeier, Marina Vishmidt and Hans Abbing among others, this essay proposes that "there are... more
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      Contemporary ArtArts EducationCreative IndustriesNeoliberalism
Elinizdeki çalışma, Theodor Adorno’nun eleştirel yaklaşımı ışığında bir yandan kültür endüstrisini açımlamaya ve sorgulamaya çalışırken, diğer yandan okuru beğenilerimizi tartışmaya çağırıyor. Kültür endüstrisinin kıskacında yaratılan... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyMarxismSocial Philosophy
Update: If you'd like to watch an accurate, funny, and brief take on Eco-Nihilism, please go to #wisecrack on Youtube: Did South Park Turn Anti-Capitalist, where the central argument from Eco-Nihilism is quoted at several junctures:... more
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesGender StudiesLabor Economics
Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray & Ulf Wuggenig (eds.), Critique of Creativity: Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the 'Creative Industries' (London: Mayfly, 2011) Creativity is astir: reborn, re-conjured, re-branded, resurgent. The old... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsMax HorkheimerCreative Industries
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      Media StudiesIdeologyReality televisionCulture Industry
Amidst the deindustrialization and global economic crises of recent decades, cultural and creative industries from advertising to the arts have been hailed as the new motor of sustainable economic growth and cultural labor has been lauded... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of CultureMedia and Cultural StudiesSociology of Work
This article utilises the new reading of Marx found in the work of Michael Heinrich to analyse the creative industries. It considers the role played in the production of value by the labour that takes place in the sphere of circulation.... more
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      MarxismAdvertisingGraphic DesignValue Theory
Jean Baudrillard’ın “Tüketim Toplumu” Kavramının Etkilerinden Biri: “Hürrem” Ekonomisi adlı makale çalışmamızda kültür ve onun alt birimi olan popüler kültürün kitle iletişim araçları yoluyla toplum üzerinde yaptığı tüketim odaklı yeniden... more
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      Media StudiesParasocial InteractionConsumer CultureMedia
El libro pretende recorrer, de la mano de textos tutelares, el debate sobre la cultura de masas en su momento inaugural y sin duda más apasionado: el periodo de entreguerras del siglo pasado. Fue en ese momento cuando el fenómeno “de las... more
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      Theodor AdornoVirginia WoolfMass cultureSiegfried Kracauer
Obreros y empleados en vísperas del Tercer Reich, que hoy se publica en español, comenzó en 1931. El libro no vio la luz sino hasta 1980, cuando a instancias de Wolfgang Bonß, Erich Fromm aceptó su publicación en idioma alemán. Ésta era... more
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsTheodor AdornoMax Horkheimer
In this chapter I offer a critical re-reading of the Frankfurt School’s concept of culture industry by arguing that this concept can only be understood in connection with the goals of critical theory [1] as a theory of society, [2] as an... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomyMarxismPopular Culture
Abstract This article briefly delves into the issue of the role of social media (aka, cyber space) on the formations of economic and cultural developments of nations. First, a brief account of a socio-economic background of South Korea... more
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      GlobalizationPopular CultureKorean StudiesEast Asian Studies
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesFootball (soccer)Radio
"The Culture Industry Reconsidered" is Theodor W. Adorno's one of the most important texts, dealing with the hypocrisies of the modern cultural dispositive. Its sarcastic tone and sharp criticism makes it one of the most delicious pieces... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryArchitecture
In questo articolo ci proponiamo di enucleare alcuni aspetti del concetto di cultura elaborato da Adorno in testi pubblicati in momenti diversi della sua attività e di tematizzare la sua concezione della Kulturkritik che in questi stessi... more
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      Theodor AdornoMax HorkheimerCulture IndustryBildung
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      Media StudiesTransnationalismMediaCulture Industry
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesGovernmentalityKorean Studies
The relationship between culture and consumer culture is a topic frequently discussed in the academic field. Prevailing across the world capitalist economic order on the fact that people have to consume and how consuming gave a rise to... more
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      MarketingCorporate Social ResponsibilityPublic RelationsCulture
Today, Forum Theater has become mainstream practice in Singapore. But from 1994 to 2004, the government tried to ban it. This article explores the political and economic dimensions of the birth, death, and re-birth of Forum Theater,... more
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      CensorshipPerformance ArtSingaporeCommunity-based art, performance and dialogue