Cyrillo-Methodian studies
Recent papers in Cyrillo-Methodian studies
ICONS DEPICTING ST CYRIL AND ST METHODIUS FROM THE STRANDZHA MOUNTAINS (SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH – EARLY 20TH CENTURY). During the time of the Bulgarians’struggle for ecclesiastical emancipation from the... more
This article analyzes the speeches prepared by John Paul II for the annual visits of Bulgarian delegations on the occasion of celebrations of the Saints Cyril and Methodius (around May 24 th). The fourteen texts prepared for these visits... more
The Slovak Translations of Cyrillo-Methodian Sources. With a Special Focus on the Work of Ján Stanislav
Под 986 г. в Повести временных лет (далее: ПВЛ) читатель находит краткую компиляцию сведений из Священной истории, -от сотворения мира до Христа, -известную под названием «Речь Философа». По меркам самой летописи компиляция не столь уж... more
The Kiev Missal (or Kiev Fragments or Kiev Folios) is a seven-folio Glagolitic Old Church Slavonic canon manuscript containing parts of the Roman-rite liturgy. It is usually held to be the oldest and the most archaic Old Church Slavonic... more
Úvodem Je nepochybné, že literární vzdělanost slovanů počíná překladem textů biblických. Kulturně-politické pozadí tohoto výjměčného podniku začíná obratným politickým jednáním knížete sv. Rastislava. Rastislav sám již křesťanem byl, ale... more
The monograph is devoted to "Old Church Slavonic Prayer Against the Devil" which is one of the oldest examples of paraliturgical and exorcist literature in the Slavonic world.
Old Church Slavonic Literature and Its Manuscripts Tradition. In: Cyril a Metoděj - doba, život, dílo // Cyril and Methodius - Their Era, Lives and Work. Mitáček, J. (ed.). Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2013, p. 55-68.
В книгу вошли статьи и развернутые рецензии 1998–2009 годов. Все ранее публиковавшиеся статьи были заново переработаны, но в текст рецензий были внесены лишь минимальные исправления. Одна статья публикуется впервые. Том состоит из четырех... more
Kirilometodievistika 8/2014, 89-103; ISSN 1409-9861 Tekstovi Žitija Konstantina Ćirila i Metodija predstavljaju izvor podataka iz hagiografije i historiografije slavenskih učitelja. Priroda ovih tekstova je hagiografija. U temeljni... more
The seven holy Slavonic saints (Sts. Cyril, Methodius, Gorazd, Clement, Nahum, Angelar and Savva). The monograph examines the question of how this group came into being and how the common veneration of this group began. The book also... more
Целта на това изследване е да бъдат подредени славянските извори според тяхната хронология и установените от различни изследователи зависимости между тях и на базата на досегашните проучвания да бъдат представени в генеалогична схема.... more
Saints Constantine Cyril and Methodius (9th century) were by Pope John Paul II statement for European co-patrons in 1980. History of the cult have been very difficult, concerned at the Slavic peoples who are confessional divided into... more
The paper aims to sketch the basic role that the Theological Seminary if St. Cyril and Methodius had in the survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija from June 10, 1999 to March 17, 2004, as an institution of the Serbian Orthodox Church... more
Creation of the first Slavonic script, the following subjects are examined: Political conditions in which Slavonic literacy was created; the founders of Slavonic literacy, literature and culture in the vernacular of the Macedonian Slavs... more
Old Slavonic Book of Exodus forms a part of Pentateuch, Palaea interpretata and chronographs; many Old Rus’ writers used excerpts from Exodus in their compilations. A full translation of Exodus from Greek was made probably in Bulgaria in... more
Девети международен симпозиум 'Търновска книжовна школа' : Кръгла маса 'Старобългарската ръкописна книга- съдба и мисия' (В памет на проф. Куйо М. Куев - 100 години от рождението му). *Текстът е отпечатан в Старобългарска ръкописна книга... more
The Expulsion of St. Methodius’ Disciples from Great Moravia
VATICAN GOSPEL Old Bulgarian Cyrillic 10th Century Aprakos in Palimpsest Codex Vat.Gr.2502 In the Vatican Apostolic Library, under press-mark Vat. Gr. 2502, a Greek Gospel of the 12th-13th Century has been kept. It is a palimpsest,... more
Vor hundert Jahren erlag der ehemalige Chef des deutschen Generalstabs Helmuth von Moltke während einer Trauerfeier für den Generalfeldmarschall Colmar von der Goltz einem Schlaganfall. Goltz war von 1883-95 mit einer Reorganisation der... more
THIS IS A BOOK PREVIEW. IT DOESN'T INCLUDE NOTES, BIBLIOGRAPHY, AND INDICES. The Slavic Letters of St. Jerome is the first book-length study of the medieval legend that Church Father and biblical translator St. Jerome was a Slav who... more
Bibliographic references on Cyril and Methodius tradition in Macedonia
Devotion to the papal martyr St. Clement of Rome spread dynamically throughout early medieval Eastern Europe as different social and political elites promoted his cult. The earliest hagiographic texts associated him with Cherson in... more
This is the second edition of “The Unknown Temple of Hagia Sophia. Part I: Cyrillic and Glagolitic Graffiti Inscriptions”, First edition 2016. The main task of this second, enlarged and revised edition of my book is to present 94 Cyrillic... more
The Slavonic eschatological apocryphon Solunskaja Legenda (“The Legend of Thessalonica”) is a direct translation from Syriac. The archetype of the extant recensions is datable to 893–972. It was created, in the First Bulgarian Empire, on... more
The article, whose theoretical foundation is the concept "sites of memory" (Lieux de Mémoire), formulated in the 1980s by Pierre Nora, traces the sites of Cyrillo-Methodian memory in Rome. The sites are classified into two groups:
BUKOVEC, Predrag: Der Glagolitische Usus des Römischen Ritus. In: Ostkirchliche Studien 64 (2015) 96–129
The oldest news contained in Granum Catalogi praesulum Moraviae relate to the history of Great Moravia already. However, with regard to the fact that Granum was compiled only at the beginning of the l 5th century, namely on the basis of... more
This research aims to identify the unique model of representation of St. St. Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles in the artistic work of Nikola Vasilev – the most famous iconographer from Shumen during the Bulgarian National Revival... more
Elektronski korpus tekstova
The text traces the changes the Scandinavian participation in the Baltic crusades made in the relationship between Scandinavians and Russians. From sharing a sentiment of being part of one common, universal Christian Church up to the... more
С ветският празничен календар, за разлика от религиозния, се основава не на повторението, а на разпределените функции и допълваща се символика, на комуникацията на различни нива на единен комплекс от (национални) ценности и послания, на... more
The character of Constantine and Methodius’ presence in Rome was also determined by the policy, ideology and ceremonial system of the Holy See. There are several primary literary sources mainly written in Latin and Slavonic that concern... more
> 1 1 В, град Солун живееше някой благороден и бо гат човек, 110 име Д а в, който заемаше длфМ$иоргта помощник на военачалника Той беше правоверен н ивпжлняваше точно всички божи заповеди, както ^ня кога Иов Като жив е сжс съпругата си,... more
Мотиви за българската история в Chrоnologia magna и Satyrica historia на Паулинус от Венеция (резюме) Стиляна Баталова В настоящата публикация се издават за пръв път откъсите, касаещи българската... more
The paper is dealing with bonds between the Cyrillo-Methodian idea and the Recatholisation effort in the Olomouc diocese in the 16th–18th century. At the time of a relative religious tolerance, the Cyrillo-Methodian idea has been used... more
THE “VENETIAN DISPUTE” IN THE ST CYRIL’S LIFE AND AUDIETUR ET ALTERA PARS The 8th century iconophiles’ efforts did not result in a unanimous decision in the debate on the Christian Image. The iconoclastic leanings, endorsed and... more
Although the general position within musicology is that all musical instruments originate from the Middle East, it is still possible that in the case of the gusla – at least regarding the way it was played, with a bow – that it was a... more
Aufsatz, der am 19.12.2017 in der Zeitschrift Die Welt der Slaven 63/1 (2018), 40-73 erschienen ist.
The paper aims at examining the Sermon on the Drought and the Punishments Inflicted by God, a medieval Slavic text which has no traced Greek original. The branches of the manuscript tradition are identified by the means of text critical... more
Der vorliegende Aufsatz, der zu umfangreich ist, um als Fachartikel publiziert zu werden, widmet sich Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Verbreitung des Kirchenslavischen und der slavischen Liturgie nach dem Tode der Slavenlehrer... more