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The architect and planner Michel Ecochard has had a long career in developing countries, from its first works in Syria under the French rule, until the 1970s. He represented the modernist and functionalist approach to planning in a time... more
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      LebanonSyriaModernismUrban And Regional Planning
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      Ottoman HistoryBiographySufismEarly modern Ottoman History
A Mamluk Monument "Restored": The Da≠ r al-Qur'a≠ n wa-al-Hąd|th of Tankiz al-Na≠ sir| in Damascus INTRODUCTION Sayf al-D|n Tankiz al-Na≠ sir| governed the province of Syria and played a central role in the polity of al-Na≠ sir Muhammad... more
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      Mamluk StudiesMedieval SyriaDamascusIslamic art and architecture
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      AsharitesDamascusHistory of Islamic Sects
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Gustav Bauernfeind was born in southern Germany and trained as an architect before turning to painting. This panel depicting the northern gate of the Umayyad Mosque of Damascus, painted in Munich in 1890, was the result of the last of... more
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      History of ArtSyriaOrientalism in artDamascus
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      Missionary HistoryOttoman EmpireDamascusConsular Protection
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      Heritage StudiesUrban AnthropologyUrban StudiesSyria
H-Mideast-Medieval (November, 2013)
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      Medieval SyriaDamascusIslamic Medieval HistoryIslamic Cartography
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      Alexander the GreatPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryBabylonPtolemy
we searched about the urban patterns of walled city of Damascus
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureUrban Planning
This paper describes and discusses a complicated Halachic case. It begins with a quarrel between a husband and wife, who were members of the Jewish community in Damascus during the 16th century. Their marital row led to a serious argument... more
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      Ottoman StudiesSyriaVirginityEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire
As a leading Muslim thinker, 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi of Damascus creatively engaged with the social, religious, and intellectual challenges that emerged during the early modern period in which he lived. Yet, at a time of high... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPostal HistoryIslamic StudiesEarly modern Ottoman History
This Smarthistory essay examines the Great Mosque of Damascus
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      Cultural HeritageSyriaMosque ArchitectureDamascus
This study named “An Arab Poet in the Ottoman Period Ibn an-Naqib al-Hussainy and His Poems” attempts to analyze the life of Ibn an-Naqib al-Hussainy, a poet of the Ottoman period, and his poetries in terms of their contentual and formal... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryOttoman EmpireDamascus
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      Amarna LettersDamascusHabiruKamid El Loz
International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 46, no. 04 (November 2014),  pp 826-828.
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      History of LiteracyIslamic HistoryBook ReviewsDamascus
تمثل اختبارات المقررات المعمارية العملية أدوات لقياس تحصيل الطالب في مجالات هذه المقررات، يفترض بها أن تسهم في تحسين أداء العملية التعليمية والعلمية للمقررات، فالدرجة الممنوحة للطالب بنتيجة الاختبار يجب أن تعبر تماما عن القيمة النوعية... more
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      EducationArchitectureTeacher EducationDamascus
An examination of the development of the colonnaded axes in the cities of the Decapolis and Provincia Syria seeking clues to the evolution of the phenomenon in the wider region of Syria-Asia Minor.
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      Decapolis ArchaeologySyriaJordanDamascus
يُفترض أن لكل شيء قانوناً يحكمه ونظاماً يسير عليه ووفقه؛ وكلما كانت هذه القوانين واضحة ومفصلة ودقيقة، ومعممة على كل الأشياء، أنتجت صوراً مجازية متناسقة من العلاقات المنسجمة وفق ذلك النظام؛ وبخلافه، فإن تعدد القوانين ينتج صوراً متناقضة،... more
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      PhilosophyArchitectureArt TheorySyria
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      NumismaticsNational MuseumsFatimidsMedieval Islamic History
This paper is the text of a conference I gave in Dublin in 2010. My first paper dedicated to the find of the Qubbat al-khazna was published, with my late colleague prof. Paolo Radiciotti (02.10.1961-02.04.2012), as early as 2008 (see "Nea... more
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      Jewish StudiesRomance philologyCodicologyIslamic Studies
Traduction intégrale, introduite et annotée, de pages consacrées par Shihāb al-Dīn Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-‘Umarī (m. Damas, 749/1349) à Ibn Taymiyya dans son “Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik al-amṣār”, telles qu’éditées in SHAMS, M. ‘U. &... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Mamluk StudiesClassical Arabic PoetryHadith Studies
SAMER AKKACH ED., Letters of a SufiScholar: The Correspondence of 'Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulusi (1641-1731) Islamic History and Civilization, vol. 74 (Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2009). Pp. 560 (Arabic and English). $ 211.00 cloth.The... more
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      PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryPostal HistoryIslamic Studies
يبدأ جمال المدينة الخالدة من عبقرية المكان الجغرافي الطبيعي، ومن ثم ينتقل إلى نباهة سكانه في استخدام المكان وتطويعه، واستخداماتهم للنسب والمقاييس الإلهية الفطرية الطبيعية دون شذوذ في التراكيب والصور والمضمون، وتتفاوت تصنيفات الجمال في... more
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      PhilosophyUrban PlanningCitiesDamascus
Lear began his great oil panorama of Damascus in Rome on 17 February 1860. He worked from sketches made in Syria two years earlier (several of which are held by Qatar Museums), which he labelled with notes on the colours of the landscape.... more
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      SyriaOrientalismDamascusOrientalist art
French rule over Syria and Lebanon was premised on a vision of a special French protectorate established through centuries of cultural activity: archaeological, educational and charitable. Initial French methods of organising and... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryCultural HistoryDiplomatic History
Abstract: This article discusses briefly the tragic episode after the Shahadat of Moula al Husain (as) which was Qiyamat for Ahl al Bait (as). This painful history is recorded in the authentic Maqtal of Shaikh Abbas al Qummi. ‘Aahhin... more
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      Arabic LiteratureIraqi HistoryDevotional ShrinesIslamic Studies
Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert das Bild der Franken in Usāmas Buch „Kitāb al-I'tibār“, mit der Leitfrage „Wie charakterisiert Usāma die Franken in seinem Buch?“ mit dem Ziel, ein präzises Bild der Franken aus der Sicht Usāmas zeichnen... more
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      LiteratureArabicSyriaArabic translation
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      Ceramics (Art History)DamascusTürk çini sanatı
l-vesâiki't-târîhiyye Esed Kütüphanesi vakfiyeler ve diğer belgeler Dımaşk Sicillâtü'l-mahkemeti'ş-şer'iyye, 4.1.
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      DamascusTarihOsmanlı Tarihi
Table of Contents (revised edition 2019) Abbreviations List of Illustrations in the Text List of Maps (after page …) Foreword Introduction Four Roads to Damascus The setting Legends of a birth For want of a spade Chapter 1... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyOttoman HistoryHellenistic HistoryUrban History
يُفترض أن لكل شيء قانوناً يحكمه ونظاماً يسير عليه ووفقه؛ وكلما كانت هذه القوانين واضحة ومفصلة ودقيقة، ومعممة على كل الأشياء، أنتجت صوراً مجازية متناسقة من العلاقات المنسجمة وفق ذلك النظام؛ وبخلافه، فإن تعدد القوانين ينتج صوراً متناقضة،... more
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Traduction intégrale, introduite et annotée, de la notice biographique consacrée par Ibn Rajab (m. 795/1392) à Ibn Taymiyya dans sa « Continuation des classes des Ḥanbalites » (al-Dhayl ‘alā ṭabaqāt al-Ḥanābila), édition ‘A. R. b. S.... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Mamluk StudiesHadith StudiesDamascus
A painting dated to 1511 sheds light on the reality of the economic, diplomatic, and cultural relationship between the Mamluk sultans and the city of Venice.
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      Mamluk StudiesDamascusGentile Bellini, Venice
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      Ayyubid historyMedieval Islamic HistoryMamluks (Islamic History)Damascus
تعد مادة التصميم المعماري من أهم المواد التدريسية في مناهج الهندسة المعمارية، يتم تدريسها في السنوات التحصيلية الخمسة؛ من خلال مجموعة من المشاريع، وأخرى من التمارين؛ تمثل في مجملها المنهج العلمي للمادة، ويتم التعامل مع هذه المادة في... more
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      ArchitectureTeacher EducationSyriaDamascus
Syria's sectarian fragmentation was not created when the war began in 2011; it had its genesis in an inherited Ottoman millet system whose traits were accentuated by the "divide to reign" policies of Hafiz al-Assad. The war has compelled... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsGeopoliticsKurdish StudiesMinority Studies
في اكتشاف جديد لمخطوطة تسمية كتب يوسف بن حسن بن عبد الهادي، يُقدِّم سعيد الجوماني وكونراد هيرشلر أضبط قائمة ببليوغرافية بمؤلفاته الشخصيَّة وبخط يده؛ فنبَّهت هذه القائمة إلى جزءٍ من إنتاجه الفكري كان مجهولاً تماماً، وصححت الكثير من أخطاء... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookMamluk StudiesMiddle Eastern History
This article examines a group of twelve fragments in different languages and different scripts previously held in the Schøyen collection in London and Oslo. After they first emerged on the market in 1993, these fragments received... more
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      CrusadesRare Books and ManuscriptsMamluk StudiesManuscript Studies
Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. Muslim b. ʿUbaydallāh b. ʿAbdallāh b. Shihāb b. ʿAbdallāh b. al-Ḥārith b. Zuhra b. Kilāb, better known as Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī (d. 124/742), was one of the founders of Islamic tradition in the widest sense of the... more
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      JerusalemDamascusHadithBiography of the Prophet Muhammad
Reassembles the books of a medieval Arabic library that are today dispersed around the world . Sets out a new approach to the study of Arabic book culture . Edits the most important Arabic medieval book list . Provides a new... more
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      Medieval HistoryMiddle East StudiesBook HistoryMiddle East History
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      Arabic LiteratureMalteseArabic Language and LinguisticsArabic
Although ‘Abd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī of Damascus (1641–1731) was not formally a Mawlawī Sufi, he claimed to have absorbed the spirituality of Rūmī and wrote passionately in defence of Rūmī’s Sufi poetry and the Mawlawī tradition. He ably... more
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      SufismEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryIslamSacred Music
This article covers one topic on the history of military campaigns and diplomacy of Amir Temur. It analyzes the causes, processes and consequences of the Amir Temur campaign in Aleppo.
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
Since the Middle Ages, Saladin has been one of the most influential figures of historical memory in Eurasia. He was used as a symbol of the noble enemy, of war with the West and Israel, and of peace. In various incarnations he was also a... more
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      Visual CultureIslamic ArtIslamic StudiesIraq
This essay challenges the still prevalent historiographical trope of the decline of the Jewish communities under Muslim rule in the later Middle Ages. The essay critiques the ideological underpinnings of this notion of decline and then... more
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      Jewish StudiesHistoriographyJewish HistoryMedieval Syria
**Feel free to email me if you'd like a Pdf of my thesis**
PhD Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2018 /
Abstract and Table of Contents /
Supervisors: Hugh Kennedy, Konrad Hirschler
Examiners: Yossef Rapoport, Andrew Marsham
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      Medieval SyriaHadith StudiesIslamic HistoryArabic Historiography (History)
The scroll Vatican Gr. 2282 represents one of the oldest and most important witnesses to the eucharistic liturgy attributed to St James (JAS), which was widely celebrated in medieval Jerusalem and beyond. Though most liturgiologists have... more
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      Near Eastern StudiesLiturgical StudiesLiturgyBiblical Studies