Death of God Thought
Recent papers in Death of God Thought
Nietzsche om den greske tragedie som dionysisk kunst.
Appeared in : Filosofie, jrg. 24, nr. 6, 2014, pp. 30-34.
God died centuries before Nietzsche's madman exclaimed that "you and I have killed him": This colossal event was dramatized when artists started to focus on the moment of the death of the Lord and his dead body after the crucifixion and... more
A partir de la obra de Terry Eagleton "Cultura y muerte de Dios", el artículo se adentra en cuestiones como la relación entre religión y modernidad, cultura y fenómeno religioso o secularización, para concluir con Eagleton que no solo la... more
This paper is primarily focused on William Lane Craig's article The Absurdity of Life without God. The main focus is on challenging Craig on the grounds that 1) his assumption that moral relativism necessarily entails nihilism simply does... more
Draft of my PhD research project on Eliot's adoption of Dionysius the Areopagite's mystical theology via Dante as a poetic reply to God's death. Abstract Reading TS Eliot’s poetry as an instance of Dionysius the Areopagite’s... more
Edited by Lissa McCullough and Brian Schroeder.
This paper covers the theme of the death of God, considered from an Hegelian This paper covers the theme of the death of God considered from a Hegelian standpoint. For Aristotle, the image of God as ‘thought thinking itself’ was an image... more
This paper compares what the philosophers Paul Ricoeur and Slavoj Zizek have written on the biblical figure of Job and the topic of atheism.
John T. Robinson will make use of Tillich and Bonhoeffer to make the faith tradition sensible to the modern mind with his book, Honest to God—in which he rejects theism for Tillich’s notion of God as the “ground of Being” and adopts... more
Paul Tillich is best known today as a theologian of mediation. Many have come to view him as an out-of-date thinker—a safe exemplar of a mid-twentieth-century theological liberalism. The way he has come to be viewed contrasts sharply with... more
xviii + 416 pp. ISBN 0226791696 hese recent titles by a few seasoned cultural critics analyzing what the death of God continues to mean for theology, religion, faith, culture, and life in general, are significant for the common ground... more
In this talk I explore a possible a/theological response to what Nietzsche called the “death of God”—or Hölderlin’s and Heidegger’s “flight of the gods”—through a juxtaposition of the Christian-Pauline concept of kenōsis and the ancient... more
One of his more innovative works, this essay examines the literary features of one of Nietzsche's most personal works
“Simone Weil,” in Palgrave Handbook of Radical Theology, ed. Christopher D. Rodkey and Jordan E. Miller. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Open source:
Essay #10 in “Thomas J. J. Altizer & Radical Theology,” special issue of Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 18, no. 4 (Winter 2019), guest edited by Lissa McCullough.
Essay #10 in “Thomas J. J. Altizer & Radical Theology,” special issue of Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 18, no. 4 (Winter 2019), guest edited by Lissa McCullough.
This paper investigates the unique science of preservation that emerged around the task of maintaining Lenin's body for public display in mausoleum in Moscow.
In this essay, Logsdon discusses John Logan's _Penny Dreadful_ as a "codification" of the overwhelming anxiety of living in an age characterized by mass-shootings, generally perpetrated by deranged young white adults; by jihadists' acts... more
In this talk I explore a possible a/theological response to what Nietzsche called the “death of God”—or Hölderlin’s and Heidegger’s “flight of the gods”—through a juxtaposition of the Christian-Pauline concept of kenōsis and the ancient... more
Of the Maternym & the intricate deaths of God Within the confines of a four month "stretch" we see enter upon the scene four presiding figures (four pillars forming a fourum composed, or decomposed, of "the bishop," "the aristocrat,"... more
The paper offers an articulation of the relationship between contemporary Chinese art and " Western Theory" in terms of the complex dynamics of "hospitality".
Gianni Vattimo, the Italian Postmodern philosopher, has an understanding of the ‘Death of God’ that has drawn comparisons with the ‘death of God’ theological movement from the 1960s, particularly the work of Thomas J. J. Altizer on the... more
After the death of God, the hermeneutical nihilist Gianni Vattimo thinks we are living in an age where it is no longer possible to believe in ‘violent’ metaphysical notions such as ‘objectivity’ and ‘universality’. However, we still... more
‘Is there a renunciation when truth seizes me? Certainly not, since this seizure manifests itself by unequalled intensities of existence. We can name them: in love, there is happiness; in science, there is joy (in Spinoza’s sense:... more
Among the deeper strata of Rorty's philosophy is what I call his aversion to normative violence. Normative violence occurs when some specific group presents itself as having a privileged relation to reality. The alternative to normative... more
Resumo: O presente artigo pretende discutir o significado filosófico do conceito nietzschiano da morte de Deus como um acontecimento histórico incontornável. Para tanto, parte da análise do conhecido aforismo 125 de A Gaia Ciência,... more
At one time or another, most Contemporary Continental philosophers of religion make reference to Nietzsche’s announcement that“God is dead.” However, their interpretation and treatment of that announcement owes nothing to Nietzsche.... more
Chapter in Nothing Absolute. German Idealism and the Question of Political Theology, eds. Kirill Chepurin and Alex Dubilet New York: Fordham University Press, January 2021
Hermann Broch und Jacques Lacan teilen – unabhängig voneinander – ein Interesse an einer neuen, ‚lyrischen‘ bzw. ‚kreativen‘ Logik. Broch skizziert sie in seinen theoretischen Schriften und Briefen und setzt sie im 'Tod des Vergil' ins... more