Most downloaded papers in Delegation
"A competência é o conceito-chave da organização administrativa", segundo Ipsen. 1 A compreensão desse conceito, bem como de suas formas de distribuição, transferência e exercício é fundamental para a análise da validade de atos... more
The establishment of delegated acts should have brought forward significant innovations. In principle, under art.290 TFEU, the Commission now has the monopoly of delegated powers, which ought to be distinguished from implementing powers;... more
The article examines a form of communication between the Neapolitan parliament and city and the Spanish court in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. In this dialogue between the "centre" and the "periphery", local political bodies... more
Many directors and boards face challenges, difficult situations, multiple threats and related opportunities. Certain of them are shared, inter-related and multi-faceted. They impact upon many areas of corporate operation, supply and value... more
The study aimed at identifying the impact of the delegation of authority on employees' performance at great Irbid municipality. It has constructed on measuring the impact of delegation on efficiency, effectiveness and empowerment. Sample... more
What allows us to talk about the state as an active agent when we understand that only individuals act? This article draws comparisons between Quentin Skinner's exposition of the history of the concept of the state in major European... more
Par une présence régulière dans cinq collèges et dans un lycée, l’auteur a pu se livrer à une étude approfondie et envisager l’éducation sous trois grands aspects. Le premier considère les intitulés éducatifs attachés à des matières... more
This Article presents a range of definitions and descriptions from recent sources and elaborates on the concept of decentralization, again drawn from secondary sources. Thus it elaborates on decentralization in the context of alternative... more
Este módulo busca identificar los retos y los posibles caminos a seguir para mejorar la capacidad de intervención y de gobierno de los municipios miembros del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá (AMVA). Procura explorar las... more
This paper investigates factors that influence trust and advice taking among retail investors when consulting with financial advisors and making real-world portfolio decisions. The data reveal that non-expert retail investors trust their... more
Centralization of Authority is an organizational pattern that appears in many business organizations in Egypt and other countries around the world. This phenomenon has different implications on the flow of day to day business internal and... more
Non-state actors – including firms, non-governmental organizations, and networks – are now a permanent fixture in environmental politics. However, we know surprisingly little about when states choose to delegate to non-state actors... more
In the 20 years after its introduction, the principal-agent model has seen increasing use to study political processes in virtually all policy domains in which the EU is active. Relaxing the strict assumptions that guided the original... more
This paper empirically explore the impact of two strategies related to involving direct suppliers in NPD, these strategies are intervention and delegation. The paper is based on organizational behavior, traditional NPD literature and... more
Using cloud storage, users can remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high-quality applications and services from a shared pool of configurable computing resources, without the burden of local data storage and maintenance.... more
Three experiments and a computational analysis were conducted to investigate the effects of a delegation-type interface on human supervision of simulated multiple unmanned vehicles. Participants supervised up to eight robots using... more
It has been recently noted that the trade-off between risk and incentives that agency theory predicts turns out to be rather weak. We examine predictions from agency theory on the basis of data from a data set encompassing close to 1000... more
While regulatory governance can be theorized as a three-party game in which regulators use intermediaries to influence targets, I show how regulatory intermediaries can, through delegation and orchestration, engage their own "... more
Does the relationship between politcs and bureaucracy matter for ministerial performance? This dissertation aims to find empirical and theoretical fundaments that different presidential strategies of portfolio allocation produce impact on... more
In this paper, we consider some possible consequences for command and control (C2) of the technological characteristics of fifth generation aircraft. Delegation of decision rights may be needed to fully exploit fifth generation fighter... more
This paper presents a reappraisal of the international origins of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The most comprehensive study on the subject up to date is a book by J. Lawrence Broz. While Broz is correct to emphasize the impact of... more
L'acte de dialyse permet de substituer un organe déficient. Ce geste technique implique un investissement lourd en personnes, en temps et en argent. Dans une société qui valorise l'autonomie, la dialyse entraîne une grande dépendance.... more
Les limites du New Public Management Des résultats peu concluants Les risques de la marchandisation Les risques culturels Les risques de la délégation Le risque d'abandon du service Une déresponsabilisation des élus et des pratiques... more
Background Delegation by Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) to Allied Health Assistants (AHAs) was introduced in response to various challenges affecting modern health care delivery. However, the clinical and cost-effectiveness of using... more
Resumen: Este artículo utiliza la base de datos más exhaustiva sobre independencia de bancos centrales para ilustrar inconsistencias entre la “sabiduría convencional” y la evidencia empírica en relación con estas instituciones... more
Nursing faculty members are responsible for assuring competence and safety in the preparation of prelicensure students who are preparing to deliver care in diverse settings. The growing complexity of care and the rapid expansion of... more
What factors influence IO faithfulness to mandates assigned by member states? Although recent literature treats IOs agents as autonomous actors in global politics, most work continues to treat the bureaucracy of an international... more
Countless articles have urged managers to empower their staff, yet, few provide concrete suggestions about how to prepare staff for a more challenging role. Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1986, 1997) has identified the three main... more
The paper is a short contribution to the research on the influence the papal literacy exerted on the charters issued by Hungarian papal judge-delegates in the first half of the 13th century. The main aim of this topic is to identify how... more
L'acte de dialyse permet de substituer un organe déficient. Ce geste technique implique un investissement lourd en personnes, en temps et en argent. Dans une société qui valorise l'autonomie, la dialyse entraîne une grande dépendance.... more
In this paper, we conceptualise the role of headquarters not as bound to a unique physical location but as a set of functions distributed across the multinational enterprise. Specifically, we investigate the phenomenon of delegating... more
This paper investigates optimal mechanisms in a principal-agent framework with a two-dimensional decision space, quadratic payoffs and no monetary transfers. If the conflicts of interest between the principal and the agent are different... more
The objective of this work is to offer a political delegation approach for the analysis of the financial sector supervision. Focusing on the key issue in the debate on financial supervision structure -single authority versus... more
The provision of global public goods, such as climate change mitigation and managing fisheries to avoid overharvesting, requires the coordination of national contributions. The contributions are managed by elected governments who, in... more
The objective of this work is to offer a political delegation approach for the analysis of the financial sector supervision. Focusing on the key issue in the debate on financial supervision structure -single authority versus... more
As more sensitive data is shared and stored by third-party sites on the Internet, there will be a need to encrypt data stored at these sites. One drawback of encrypting data, is that it can be selectively shared only at a coarse-grained... more