Recent papers in Engagement
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
The aim of this study is to explore how bringing art to life using Augmented Reality (AR) technology can affect viewer engagement and interest compared to the viewing of traditional static artwork. To... more
A ring for every occasion, buying diamond wedding rings for couples are very special, these rings cherish memories and moments of a lifetime. Follow the above points when shopping for a diamond ring for your partner and make it memorable... more
The aim of this article is to explore student participation in teaching and learning, focusing on third-year students’ experiences in a Swedish teacher education programme. Student participation is here defined as students being active... more
In this poster we present a study exploring the benefits of using audio guides instead of human tour guides to foster children’s engagement and learning outcomes during their visit to a natural science museum. We conducted an experiment... more
This paper aims to evaluate the viability of 'democratizing' eLearning within the global neoliberal economy. 'Democratization' is examined through several focus areas, namely the digital divide, socioeconomic status,... more
As concerns have grown over the decline of TV viewership, especially among younger viewers, many networks have begun transmedia extensions in an attempt to increase audience engagement for their programs, and with second-screen... more
Background: Social media has grown into a prominent marketing and communication tool, and Instagram is a leader in this regard due to its distinctive supports for medial rich contents. Due to the challenges faced by... more
‘Vrij, want betrokken: Een briefwisseling tussen Jean-Luc Nancy en Aukje van Rooden’ Correspondentie tussen Jean-Luc Nancy en Aukje van Rooden over de thema's vrijheid, autonomie, betrokkenheid en engagement.
This article examines the relationship between youth, digital technology and civic engagement, within the context of the authoritarian democracy of Singapore. In-depth interviews with 23 young activists were conducted to provide... more
Lässt sich die politische Problemlage unserer Zeit literarisch erfassen? Was ist die Rolle von Literatur im globalen Kapitalismus? Lässt sich ein dauerhafter Arbeitszusammenhang von Autorinnen und Autoren organisieren? Diesen Fragen... more
Collaborative methodological approaches, increasingly popular within anthropology, emphasize the need to build meaningful engagements with participants that include them more deeply as partners in the process of research, from inception... more
Borrowing from film and filmmaking styles, techniques and devices that manipulate spectators ’ attention and experience, this paper proposes an approach to inform design of games and gameplay to manipulate player’s focus of attention and... more
The distribution of vegetation within urban zones is well understood to be important for delivery of a range of ecosystem services. While urban planners and human geographers are conversant with methodologies for describing and exploring... more
The use of mobile interactive technology, in museum settings, has the potential of providing young audiences engaging and enjoyable learning activities. As museum visitors are increasingly looking for entertaining experiences inside... more
The allocation of rewards for faculty members in universities has been of much interest to organizational scholars. Though faculty members play a pivotal role in the execution of higher education strategy, the performance management... more
This chapter in an edited collection, published by the CNRS, seeks to establish a new critical approach in Beat Studies; taking the form of a conceptual framework foregrounded in the ontological that intermingles French Existentialist... more
This study explores how digital storytelling (DST) approaches can be used for social media campaigns to create more engaging digital content. The ability to better engage with networked publics offers benefits to entities of different... more
PALABRAS CLAVE: Homeland, Sully, Clint Eastwood, locura, compromiso, héroe Mediante el análisis de algunas escenas seleccionadas del último capítulo de la sexta temporada de Homeland y de la película Sully, reflexiono sobre el origen... more
Resumen El presente trabajo pretende conocer si existe una estrategia de comunicación transmedia en Gadis, una empresa de supermercados gallega cuya publicidad destaca por las campañas “Vivamos como galegos!”. Se ha llevado a cabo un... more
Souvent rabattue sur des stéréotypes réducteurs, la protection animale constitue une cause militante des plus anciennes et complexes. Du début du XIX e siècle jusqu'à nos jours, de multiples entrepreneurs de morale s'indignent du... more
Purpose -This study seeks to extend research on the relationship between empowering leadership, empowerment and outcome variables by examining the mediating role of employee engagement. More specifically, the study sets out to test... more
This book is now available for FREE to download at: https://tinyurl.com/MotivatingStudents2pdf The title of the book, Motivating Students by Design, was chosen because the author explains how instructors can motivate students... more
This report summarises the research conducted by the Australia India Institute for the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training on developments in India’s higher education sector. It outlines key areas of difference between the... more
Engagement with the school community is always a challenge for principals and school leaders, especially when contact is instigated from the school. This article looks at the ways one school and its community developed new ways of... more
FR : Cet article s’intéresse aux modalités de médiation interpersonnelle et numérique mises en œuvre au sein d’un musée de beaux-arts à l’intention du public adolescent. Une étude réalisée au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal (MBAM) a... more
In this chapter, our objective is to explore the past, present and future of measuring the construct of engagement. We first introduce some of the more prominent approaches to measuring student engagement from general education, including... more
With growing digitization, the challenge for marketers is to understand how consumers consuming Over-The-Top (OTT) content adopt and consume messages in this format effectively. Superimposing the theoretical framework of Uses and... more
L’articulation des émotions et des sentiments moraux avec les logiques d’engagement est désormais bien documentée, en revanche, elle l’est moins avec les processus de désengagement et de démobilisation. Ce sont ces deux articulations... more
Le Time vient de déclarer Greta Thunberg personnalité de l'année.
In dit survey-onderzoek is onderzocht welke invloed het communicatieklimaat heeft op de betrokkenheid van medewerkers. Het communicatieklimaat is geoperationaliseerd met de dimensies openheid, participatieve besluitvorming en communicatie... more
Students are at risk of food insecurity. We aimed to determine: the prevalence of food insecurity among students; the variables associated with student food insecurity; and appropriate solutions. Participants: We collected data from 339... more
Academic engagement describes students' investment in academic learning and achievement and is an important indicator of students' adjustment to university life, particularly in the first year. A tridimensional conceptualization of... more
B 454 G5 opy 1)OWN THE GARDEN PATH (3y Dorothy Qiles SB 454-.G 5 Down the Qarden Path PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS for FLOWER and VEGETABLE GARDENING is one of a series of service books issued by McCalL'S for its readers. The purpose of the... more
Si certains en doutaient encore, les années 2010 ont démontré que les jeunes ne sont pas que des « citoyens de demain en formation », rôle dans lequel les cantonnent trop souvent les institutions. Ils sont dès aujourd’hui des acteurs... more
Fantasy sport has risen in popularity in the last decade with the advent of web 2.0. As people from around the world watch sporting events today, the Internet has become an ideal site to instantly disseminate results and achievements for... more
Approaches to students with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) are frequently the subject individual interventions in schools that range from disciplinarian to medical model in flavour. The presumption is that... more
O presente estudo tem como objetivo apresentar os conceitos e fundamentações teóricas, através de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de estatísticas, de uma estratégia que utiliza a mecânica e o pensamento do design de jogos com o intuito... more
This paper explores the relationships between existential fulfillment, engagement and burnout, as well as the contribution of the first two concepts to burnout. In a cross-sectional survey a random sample was drawn (n = 106) from a... more