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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Drawings (Architecture)Collecting and CollectionsAntiquarianism
The admittance of individuals into a chivalric order was an important tool of late medieval diplomacy which contributed significantly to the reinforcement of political and cultural ties between the order’s leader and admitted member and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBosniaChivalry (Chivalry)
Never entirely analyzed until now, the pictorial iconography of Maria Carolina looks more vivacious and interesting than that of her sister Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, both for its various languages from different countries, as the... more
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      IconographyPortraitsHabsburg StudiesPortraiture
Saggio su aspetti ancora poco conosciuti della decorazione scultoria della reggia di Caserta
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      Art HistorySculpture18th Century Art18th Century
This article analyzes the De Bellis Gothorum, a long neglected and misunderstood history of the ancient Goths written in 1472–73 by Nicholas of Modruš, the leading Croatian-Illyrian bishop at the papal curia. By placing the work in its... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceCroatian History
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      Ancient HistoryIconographyAncient ReligionHistory of Collections
in D. Cecere et alii (ed.), Disaster Narratives in Early Modern Naples. Politics, Communication and Culture, Roma, Viella, 2018, pp. 93-108
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryItalian (European History)Disaster Studies
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureLiterature And ScienceLyric poetryThe Kingdom of Naples
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      Medieval NobilityThe Kingdom of NaplesBasilicataPrincipato Citra
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
'Taking Place Architecture Religious Devotion in 17C Italy', in Renaissance and Baroque Architecture, ed. Alina Payne, 2017; part of The Companions to the History of Architecture, ed. Harry Mallgrave (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,... more
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      ReligionArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCult of Saints
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      History of Economic ThoughtHappiness EconomicsHistory of Political Thought18th & 19th Centuries
I rapporti tra la repubblica di Venezia e il regno di Napoli durante il regno di Ferrante d’Aragona (1458-1494) non furono mai positivi. Una piccola eccezione si registrò negli anni dal 1470 al 1473, quando la minaccia dei Turchi a est... more
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      Medieval HistoryVenetian HistoryEarly Modern ItalyThe Kingdom of Naples
When Charles of Bourbon conquered the Kingdom of Naples in 1734, he set out to decrease the power of the Church and the privileges of the clergy. The Concordat between the Kingdom of Naples and the Holy See, signed in 1741, was designed... more
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      Confraternities and Luoghi PiiReligious HistoryThe Kingdom of Naples
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      Medieval ArtThe Kingdom of NaplesPittura del Duecento e TrecentoMedieval Frescoes
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
The interest on the relations between Naples and Vienna in the context of the historiography of the Southern Italy was not fortunate: on the Austrian vice-kingdom had an impact the judgment on the excessive fiscalism and the lack of... more
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      Austria (European History)HistoriographyXVIII centuryThe Kingdom of Naples
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      Architectural HistoryNaplesThe Kingdom of NaplesHouse of Bourbon
"De 1442 à 1501, les Aragonais occupent le trône napolitain. Grâce à une riche documentation textuelle et iconographique, cet ouvrage retrace la construction de l’imaginaire monarchique dans le royaume de Naples, puis sa diffusion dans... more
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      Medieval HistorySovereigntyItalian HumanismState Theory
The article addresses the flow of information through different territories the Spanish Monarchy about two late 17th century calamities: the 1687 Lima earthquake and the 1688 Samnium earthquake. The main focus of attention is the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory Of InformationHistory of CommunicationNatural Disasters
Aristocratico, arcivescovo e cardinale, Ascanio Filomarino è stata una delle principali figure del XVII secolo napoletano. Creatura dei Barberini, formatosi alla corte di papa Urbano VIII, egli diede vita a una lunga serie di contrasti... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPolitical HistoryThe Kingdom of NaplesSpanish Monarchy
Lecture on Rossini's remarkable group of operas written for the Royal theatres in Naples, looking at the personalities involved, the performers and the operas themselves
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      The Kingdom of NaplesOpera; Rossini; La donna del lagoRossini
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      Modern HistoryTaxationHistory of the CityThe Kingdom of Naples
Les commémorations du 150ème anniversaire de l’unité du pays ont suscité en Italie un regain d’intérêt pour l’histoire du Risorgimento national, ce long processus qui mena au cours du XIXème siècle à l’unification politique de toute la... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryCivil WarRisorgimentoHistory of Southern Italy
"Dei due volumi che compongono l'opera di Benedetto Croce Storie e leggende napoletane" (appena riedita da Bibliopolis, pagine 740, euro 65), il secondo, più corposo del primo, contenente una nota al testo e l'apparato critico, del... more
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      PhilosophyItalian (European History)Italian StudiesItalian Literature
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval Crown of AragonEarly medieval numismaticsBarcelona
I miracoli arrivano all'improvviso, come un fulmine a ciel sereno. La liquefazione del sangue di san Gennaro si ripete invece da secoli in occorrenze precise. «Nessuna legge naturale è in grado di spiegare un fenomeno che si verifichi... more
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      AnthropologyMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Science
One people? Swiss migrants in Naples (18th–20th centuries). From the 18th century to World War I, migrants from Switzerland played an important role in Southern Italy’s trade, industry, army and social life. As a whole, these migrants... more
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      European HistoryEconomic HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian History
The Popes in Caserta in the Modern and Contemporary Age
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryItalian (European History)
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      Urban HistoryArchitectural HistorySurvey ResearchArchitectural Conservation
This paper is based on a payment certificate ("Apodixa") released to royal "Curia" from a merchant of the Bonito amalfitan family after a calabrian struggle and a kidnapping done by Aragonese troupes in the Vespro's war (1289). TITLE :... more
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      Archival scienceDiplomatics (Medieval)Merchant networksThe Kingdom of Naples
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      Political HistorySpainEarly modern SpainThe Kingdom of Naples
Con il secolo XVIII ebbe inizio nei governi europei un’inedita e complessa sperimentazione di metodi e tecniche amministrative. Dentro questa temperie la nuova e straordinaria consapevolezza razionale e pragmatica degl’illuministi si... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEnlightenmentMichel Foucault
Brevi note sull'archivio familiare dei marchesi Forcella, recentemente depositato presso l'Archivio di Stato di Napoli
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      NobilityThe Kingdom of NaplesNobiltàStoria del Regno di Napoli
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEarly Modern HistoryXVIII century
The Mediterranean «Situation» of Naples and Mezzogiorno in the Political and Cultural Project of the 18th Century Reformers. The "Breve descrizione della città di Napoli e del suo contorno" (1792) by Giuseppe Maria Galanti begins with... more
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      Maritime HistoryEnlightenmentMediterranean StudiesMediterranean
This present essay focuses on the information that Hispanic spies collected in the Levant during the sixteenth-century. Based on archival and literary sources, the study is built around the typical structure of a lyric opera to show the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMilitary IntelligenceEarly Modern History
The growth of princely states in early Renaissance Italy brought a thorough renewal to the old seats of power. One of the most conspicuous outcomes of this process was the building or rebuilding of new court palaces, erected as... more
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      Early Modern HistoryItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesUrban History
L’Ottocento napoletano, fucina di compositori, di virtuosi e di costruttori di strumenti a fiato, affonda le radici in una oscura ma laboriosa tradizione settecentesca, illustrata da oltre 130 concerti superstiti entro un arco di tempo... more
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      Music HistoryInstrumental MusicJohann Adolph HasseRecorder
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      Eighteenth-Century MusicThe Kingdom of NaplesGiovanni PaisielloDomenico Cimarosa
published in: Brigitte Mazohl, Karin Schneider, Eva Maria Werner (Ed.), Am Rande der großen Politik. Italien und der Alpenraum beim Wiener Kongress
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      Austria (European History)Habsburg StudiesAustrian HistoryThe Kingdom of Naples
Rumours about vampire epidemics in Eastern Europe reached the west throughout the 18th century. Discussions on revenants en corps brought up complex theological questions, which had long divided Catholics and Protestants. Th ese included... more
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      Cultural History Of GhostsVampire LiteratureDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Relics (Religion)
EDIZIONE CARTACEA DI 368 PAGINE. - Per vent’anni, dal 1282 al 1302, la Sicilia e tutto il Mezzogiorno d’Italia furono devastati da una sanguinosa guerra, combattuta tra gli eserciti dei dominatori... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Crown of AragonStoria medievale
Il volume offre all’attenzione del lettore una forma di “hacer historia” di grande interesse negli ultimi decenni nell’ambito delle correnti storiografiche della nuova storia sociale: la vita quotidiana, e in particolare tra Spagna e... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryPoliticsMediterranean Studies
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistorySocial movements and revolutionThe Kingdom of Naples
Il contributo verte sull’amministrazione finanziaria e la cultura contabile
a Napoli nel XV secolo ...
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      Economic HistoryWelfare EconomicsLate Middle AgesMedieval History
Il saggio prospetta alcune considerazioni sull’allineamento internazionale del Regno di Napoli nel XVIII secolo e sulla graduale apertura realizzata nei confronti dell’Austria dopo la drammatica rottura del 1734, quando Carlo di Borbone... more
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      18th CenturyThe Kingdom of NaplesRegno Di NapoliXVIII Secolo
Naples, its cultural heritage and with it also its Language are a patrimony of all humanity, as UNESCO ​ reminds us when it decrees the ​ Historic Center ​ of the city of Naples as a world heritage, recognizing the uniqueness of cultural... more
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      LanguagesCultural HistoryCultural StudiesProgramming Languages
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      Patronage (History)Collecting and CollectionsLombard ArtNaples