Most downloaded papers in Dialog
Abstract: The presence of certain motifs associated with pietism in the music of J. S. Bach has led some scholars to conclude that the composer was profoundly influenced by the 17th century movement within the German Lutheran Church.... more
In the global conversation over religious ideas, a de facto debate is raging between atheism, pluralism, and Islam. Pluralism respects the claim of every religion. Atheism respects the claim of no religion. Islam respects the claim of its... more
Awan Lembayung wrote: Salam sejahtera, smoga Tuhan slalu memberkahimu, Melati, maaf ya aku ngganggu kamu lagi, Met, beribadah menyambut hari besarmu Natal dan Tahun Baru 2004. Dan kuucapkan selamat Natal dan Tahun Baru 2004 buatmu,... more
The doctrine of the Trinity has, in the past couple of decades, reclaimed its central place in Christian God talk. Theologians are now using it to render every doctrine more explicitly Christian, and to sharpen interreligious dialogue.... more
For many people the names "Arab Christians" and "Palestinian Christians" seem to be oxymoronic. Christianity was, however, born in the Middle East, in a little town called Bethlehem. This article explores the ways in which Palestinian... more
This review expresses great concern with so-called Christian Zionism. The author explains the confusing push-pull relation of Pentecostalism to Christian Zionism's underlying apocalyptic eschatology, premillennial dispensationalism. He... more
Kajian berkaitan dengan integrasi kaum di Malaysia agak kompleks. Ini kerana, sosio politik setiap kaum bersifat perkauman. Agen-agen seperti sejarah, pendidikan, media, parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan amat kuat mencengkam... more
Kajian berkaitan dengan integrasi kaum di Malaysia agak kompleks. Ini kerana, sosio politik setiap kaum bersifat perkauman. Agen-agen seperti sejarah, pendidikan, media, parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan amat kuat mencengkam... more
The doctrine of justification is of highest importance for Lutheran theology. But regarding their worship practice Lutheran churches seem to be less aware of this priority than Orthodox, Roman-Catholic and Anglican churches. David... more
Abstract: This article relates the sacrament of the Eucharist to world migration and hospitality. To weave these themes is to find borders all around the Eucharistic table/altar, borders often unnoticed but borders that define economic,... more
Latino/a Theology is rising among theologians of Latin American descent in the United States. This article describes five characteristics: 1) it is specific to the cultural context of marginalized Hispanic history; 2) it focuses on the... more
In dialogue with Ted Peters this article argues that atheists can and do respect other religions; that the term "respect" itself is a slippery word that requires careful delineation; that what we call religious pluralism ("parity model")... more
Luther research in the Nordic countries is characterised by both continuation and discussion of its own legacy. Finnish Luther studies have a prominent position here, but are by no means the only actors in Nordic Luther research. Giving... more
Kajian berkaitan dengan integrasi kaum di Malaysia agak kompleks. Ini kerana, sosio politik setiap kaum bersifat perkauman. Agen-agen seperti sejarah, pendidikan, media, parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan amat kuat mencengkam... more
Historically, confirmation ministry among Batak's took the form of missionaries presenting the Christian religion in an apologetic and persuasive tone, in an effort to ready Batak converts for Baptism. Today, confirmation ministry among... more
The best-selling Scandinavian crime fiction of the last ten years extensively deals with the problem of remaining evil in a peaceful and just welfare society. It develops a view of "secular theodicy" which aims at explaining the presence... more
First, I summarize the major findings of a new comprehensive resource, Torture and Democracy, by Darius Rejali, as corrective for the current state of confusion and concealment in United States with regard to the persistence of torture.... more
Informed by body phenomenology and contemporary concepts of the social body,
This essay applies pressure to Douglas John Hall's use of Luther's theologia crucis in his calls for the church to become an ecclesia crucis. In my analysis, the theology of the cross is best used not as a hermeneutical key for discerning... more
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of Lynn White's critique of Christianity, which set off the field of eco-theology. At that time, apologetic theologians responded to the White critique, that the Genesis "dominion" command is largely... more
Abstract: When Pope Benedict XVI delivered his September 2006 address at the University of Regensburg, Faith, Reason, and the University, he pined at the diminishment of universal reason in church life. He blamed the Protestant... more
The doctrine of justification-by-faith has gathered enough dust on its shelf in the museum of antiquated doctrines. When we draw justification-by-faith out where we can take a good look at it, it glistens like a mirror. It reflects back... more
Henriksen discusses what it means that God is personal, with special regard to the claim that God is love. If God is love, God must be understood as personal. This approach is related to different elements concerning human life and human... more
The essay explores the motives for dialogue, the conditions for a meaningful dialogue, and the benefits of a successful dialogue in order to understand the significance of doing interreligious dialogue interreligiously.
Ateizm jest prawdziwym i dramatycznym wyzwaniem przyszłości. Dopiero przyszłe pokolenia ludzi wierzących zmierzą się ze światem zdominowanym przez myślenie, dla którego Bóg jest wrogiem lub intruzem. Dopiero najbliższe dziesięciolecia... more
This article digs beneath the surface of American assumptions regarding war to explore the ethical interconnections between national identity, war, and religion. Striking differences emerge between the dynamics of religion and politics... more
Abstract: In this article I raise the question of whether and how Christians can become captive to a kind of constricted imagination, and how this does not serve the church well in its work with youth and young adults. I draw on examples... more
The focus of this paper is a reassessment of the apparent opposition between technology and human nature. Paleoanthropologists have argued that human evolution is closely connected to the use and development of tools. Tool use is also... more