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The following study, conveys the needs, of a project that unfolds itself onto two types of mutually symbiotic research. The first one is of a practical nature, that intales my work production - not only, physical, visual and touchable... more
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      ArtesJogoAna HatherlyLinguagem
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      Philosophy of TechnologyModern PoetryDigital PoetrySanat Eleştirisi
El artículo analiza un corpus de obras contemporáneas que desde las convergencias del arte y las tecnologías exploran el terreno de la inteligencia artificial, a través de la confluencia de diferentes clases de materialidades, tanto... more
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      Historia del ArteInteligencia artificialArte y tecnologíaArte Conceptual
¶ 1 This essay is part of the third iteration of the anthology. Since public review and commentary help scholars develop their ideas, the editors hope that readers will continue to comment on the already published essay. You may also wish... more
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If, as Jacques Derrida once claimed in a New York Times interview, 'Everything is a text' (Smith, 1998), then, of course, we are correct to seek methods of textual analysis appropriate for those media we choose to scrutinize,... more
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Resumo: Com o advento da literatura digital, produzida e fruída em ambiente digital, pululam inquietações, mormente pela ausência de tradição críticopedagógica e por certo temor diante dos novos objetos, em termos de sonoridades,... more
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      HumanitiesTexto digital
This is a collaborative practice-based investigation which aims to outline some of the key lessons and implications from a number of the uses of gesture in the sculpture of Barbara Hepworth. This mini-research project consists of this... more
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      Creative WritingArtGesturePoetry
This study focuses on the work of Jim Andrews, whose electronic poems take advantage of a variety of media, authoring programs, programming languages, and file formats to create poetic experiences worthy of study. Much can be learned... more
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      ArtPoetryPoeticsLatin American literature
impõe pelo menos dois constrangimentos à análise crítica. Um deles relaciona-se com o fato de que a peça submete a leitura, desde o título, à estética clariceana, quando elege como ponto de partida da criação o conto de Clarice Lispector,... more
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Si l'etude bio-bibliographique revele la variete des lectures linguistiques de Raymond Queneau, elle montre aussi, de maniere spectaculaire, le role majeur qu'a joue un seul ouvrage, dans lequel on peut presque dire que s'est... more
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      Computer ScienceMultimediaInteractive MediaReading Process
Resumen: el texto reflexiona acerca de algunas corrientes y obras consideradas como provocadoras en el arte contemporáneo y la fusión entre arte-vida como una de las tantas máximas buscadas en el arte. (Revisión y actualziación de un... more
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      Performance ArtHistoria del ArteArte contemporáneoMujeres Artistas
Resumo: Com o advento da literatura digital, produzida e fruída em ambiente digital, pululam inquietações, mormente pela ausência de tradição críticopedagógica e por certo temor diante dos novos objetos, em termos de sonoridades,... more
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      HumanitiesTexto digital
Computers, smart-phones, tablets etc. expose most people to new cultural and artistic practices made possible through digital technologies. Among these practices and objects for scholarly research and analyses is literature-electronic... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryLiterary studies
Lori Emerson's book Reading Writing Interfaces is a compelling work, deftly maneuvering through territory that might easily have veered toward the conspiratorial. Emerson has pierced the bubble of outward appearance presented by Apple and... more
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      Computer ScienceCommunicationAudience MeasurementReading Process
During 2022, both transformer-based AI text generation systems such as GPT-3 and AI text-to-image generation systems such as DALL•E 2 and Stable Diffusion made exponential leaps forward and are unquestionably altering the fields of... more
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      Computer ScienceCreativityLEAPS
Como um signo digital do código de sinalização que zela a entrada para o seu universo, o poema "Para o leitor 1er de/vagar", de Herberto Helder,i plan teia o "modus". Já o título em forma de apelo imediatamente conativo, já nos próprios... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesLiterary studiesRevista Artes Y Letras
The article explores the work of two contemporary poets, Alice Oswald and J.R. Carpenter, with reference to the material and immaterial aspects of their poetic projects. It is argued that although disparate in their form, both artists’... more
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      Contemporary PoetryConcrete PoetryDigital PoetryMateriality
O intuito do presente artigo é pensar e discutir a subjetividade na poesia contemporânea, partindo daquela que foi proposta pelo movimento dos poetas concretos até a que se apresenta nas obras das literaturas digitais. Tal argumentação... more
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      HumanitiesArtTexto digital
Este trabalho pretende, primeiramente, apresentar as etapas e as operações que levaram à criação da obra literária digital A derrubada do Sarrià. Num segundo momento, o foco da análise faz com que se saia da criação e se chegue à leitura... more
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      DatReading Process livro das pequenas coisas foi produzido a partir da oficina “Criação poética digital” ministrada pelo coletivo formado por Nupill, 1maginári0: poéticas computacionais e Ateliê Ciclope de... more
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      HumanitiesArtTexto digital
O meio digital, como é já notório, alterou qualitativa equantitativamente a materialidade das obras que nos pomos a ler. Esteartigo propõe que, para ler criações digitais, não basta ser alfabetizadoe ter noções medianas de computadores e... more
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      HistoryHumanitiesArtLiteraturas Digitais
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      ArtLiteraturePoetryElectronic Literature
Nobody There: Acousmatics and an Alternate Economy of Meaning in Latin American Poetry of the 1970s
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      HistoryPoetryLatin American literatureLatin American Poetry
Še vedno? Diskurz o intermedialnosti je dandanes že dodobra koloniziral družboslovne in humanistične vede, kajpak tudi literarno vedo. Nekateri govorijo kar o intermedialnem obratu (intermedial turn) v sodobni kulturologiji (gl. Wolf,... more
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A partir das reflexões que surgiram durante a apresentação guiada da obra “SAÍDA game” no “Congresso LitDig-BR da Electronic Literature Organization – ELO 2022” (28/06/2022), proponho nesse texto recordar brevemente o processo criativo da... more
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      PoetryReadingDigital PoetryLiterature and Technology
O presente trabalho analisa o livro Poemas de Brinquedo (2016), de Álvaro Andrade Garcia, poeta e artista mineiro. Nesse livro o autor apresenta uma prática poética que ultrapassa o impresso ao expandir o espaço do poema para outras... more
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The chapter offers an overview of the history of intermediality, from ancient visual poetry to new media formats, lists various conceptions of “medium” dominating in the field, and explores a range of approaches to intermediality, from... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
Dès les années écoulées, les humains tentent de se faire une machine ou une technologie fonctionnelle dans le but de se soulager, se divertir et s'exprimer facilement. C'est de cette détermination est née l'avis d'engager les Twitterbots... more
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      AutopoiesisTwitterDigital PoetryTeaching and Twitter
Kolektívna monografia TOP 5 prináša literárnokritický návrat k piatim knihám poézie a piatim knihám prózy vydaným roku 2017, ktoré zaujali odbornú čitateľskú verejnosť. Týchto desať kníh naznačilo potenciál zaradiť sa v budúcnosti do... more
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      PoetryAuthorDigital PoetryModel Reader
Este texto es una mezcla entre reflexion teorica y provocacion artistica. Mi investigacion se refiere al arte de la performance y los efectos de la presencia en escena, con estrategias performaticas enfocadas en la copia y el cover . Lo... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureMedia Studies
Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir o problema da tradução em textos e poemas escritos através de regras explícitas, as chamadas contraintes. Qualquer texto possui restrições inatas e traduzi-lo requer que tais restrições sejam levadas... more
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In the 1990s and the first decade of the new millennium, electronic literature was a topic of considerable interest to literary scholars from the Low Countries. In the last decade, however, this attention has waned. This is surprising,... more
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      Digital LiteratureNederlandse LiteratuurNederlandse letterkundeModerne Nederlandse letterkunde
Degenerativa y Regenerativa constituyen una pareja de obras de Eugenio Tisselli cuyos procesos creativos y productivos están materialmente vinculados. Degenerativa consiste en una página web que se corrompe cada que vez que se visita.... more
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      RomanticismLiterary TheoryElectronic LiteratureDigital Poetry
As a Mexican, we can expect NAFTA's continued impact on local people, the environment, and the economy, to be issues relevant for him to vindicate. In The 27th. El 27, the digital creator constructs an artivist discourse: he combines... more
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      AlgorithmsLiteraturaLiteratura DigitalFronteras
on the system more over the next six months, broadening and expanding the template language to give more control to InkWell, deepening its understanding of language and the music of language, and adding more observations InkWell could... more
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      Computer ScienceBanquet
Esta tese tem por objetivo realizar o estudo crítico de duas obras da poeta portuguesa Ana Hatherly (1929-2015), escritas uma fase mais avançada de sua produção literária, intituladas Fibrilações (2005) e O Pavão Negro (2003). A partir da... more
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      NeobarrocoBarrocoDialogismoAna Hatherly
La conversacion entre Delicia Cebrian y Rodolfo Mata gira en torno a la pregunta acerca de que es un poema electronico y cuales son los rasgos que lo distinguen de un poema en papel. Se esboza una genealogia del poema electronico, la... more
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      HumanitiesDigital HumanitiesArtDigital Poetry
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      Climate ChangeDigital LiteratureDigital PoetryWater scarcity
Welcome to ELO2019, Cork ELO2019 marks the first time that the annual Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival comes to Ireland. That this gathering should be hosted at University College Cork is indicative of... more
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This essay provides a revision of North American sound poetry from the perspective of the digital culture. In an effort to describe the role that sound plays in digital literature creations, we have tried to find points of suture between... more
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      ArtSound ArtJohn CageConcrete Poetry
The main object of this electronic essay is to show in what respect hypermedia encourage multi-disciplinary approach es, and also to provide evidence suggesting that this presentational format is just as essential to knowledge acquisition... more
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Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is reported to be frequently associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Because of the common characteristics of the clinical appearance of CDI and IBD the diagnosis and treatment of the same... more
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesPoetryContemporary Poetry
meaning as the potential meaning of form, Grizelj 65ff.)⎯“signifying every cause whereby anything proceeds from that which is not, into that which is” (Plato 54). Poetry, in this medium generates itself in all possible ways and therefore... more
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      SociologyLiterary studies
Resumo: O presente artigo pretende investigar as diferentes adaptações de um poema que Herberto Helder extirpou do conjunto de sua obra depois de assistir, durante sua estadia na África nos anos 60, a um curta-metragem baseado em seu... more
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    • Art