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Disaster response and recovery cost the state of Wisconsin millions of dollars each year. By utilizing hazard mitigation activities which would help to lessen the impact that these hazards have and thereby reduce costs. Hazard... more
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      Disaster Response and RecoveryWisconsin
This special edition on disaster management had its genesis in the devastating impact of a runaway wildfire that started one Sunday morning on the slopes of Table Mountain in April this year. The confluence of the ongoing effects of... more
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      Disaster ManagementDisaster Response and RecoveryLibrary Preservation and Book Conservation
Despite decades of genuine experience derived from major disasters, emergency exercises and expert reviews of crisis events in reports and after action summaries it seems we know far less about post disaster restoration and recovery than... more
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      Disaster Response and RecoveryDisaster Recovery Planning
Throughout the years, various presidential administrations have responded to the needs of American citizens in distress after the devastation caused by natural and technological disasters. This paper traces the history of natural disaster... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesDisaster StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationHomeland Security
This study elaborates on the physical and socioeconomic impacts of catastrophic disaster like floods due to limited ability to respond to disasters. Using the case of recent flood occurred in Jammu and Kashmir, the paper foregrounds how... more
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    • Disaster Response and Recovery
We use a co-auto-ethnographic study of Hurricane Harvey where both authors were citizen responders and disaster researchers. In practice, large-scale disaster helps temporarily foster an ideal of community which is then appropriated by... more
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      Disaster ManagementDisaster Response and RecoveryHurricane Harvey
Effectively managing disasters and emergencies is the responsibility of local and state government, with the federal government serving as a source of support. In Oregon, state law requires the establishment of emergency management... more
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      Disaster ManagementEmergency ManagementDisaster PreparednessDisasters
This Applied Research Project is an exploratory study seeking to establish a theoretical framework for long-term disaster recovery efforts. Through the use of qualitative interviews conducted with senior managers of national nonprofit... more
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      Participatory DemocracyThe Theory and practice of democracyDisaster Response and RecoveryJane Addams
Problem, research strategy and findings: On January 10, 2011, the town of Grantham, Queensland (Australia), was inundated with a flash flood in which 12 of the town's 370 residents drowned. The overall damage bill in Queensland was... more
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      Community ResiliencePost Disaster ReconstructionDisaster Response and RecoveryDisaster risk reduction
This integrative review highlights the potential contribution of human psychology to disaster management, in terms of mitigation, advance preparedness, acute responses to events, and longer term psychosocial effects. The aim is not to... more
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      PsychologyDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDisaster Response
a. Do the different methods of backing up your data have a dependency on the type of recovery site that you use? Justify your answer. (7 points) The data is very important for any company; either it is a bank or an educational... more
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      Database SystemsDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDatabases
A Field Report by EEFIT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On 30 October 2020 at 2:51 pm Turkey and 1:51 pm Greece time, a Mw= 6.9 earthquake hit the Aegean coasts of Turkey and Greece. The epicentre (37.879°N 26.703°E) was 14 km northeast of Avlakia in... more
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      Disaster ManagementEarthquakeDisaster Response and RecoveryPost Disaster Recovery
Universitas XYZ sebagai perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia bagian timur bertekad untuk mewujudkan pelayanan dalam penyedia sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, pelayanan prima juga senantiasa diwujudkan melalui layananan Sistim... more
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      Disaster Response and RecoveryTugas kuliah
Recovery is as a “process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” (SAMHSA 2012) This is a direction for those who are ready to recover,... more
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      Addiction and RecoveryAddiction Relapse PreventionDisaster Response and Recovery
Since the turn of the century the global tourism industry has been impacted by an increasing and diverse range of external shocks including, terrorism, pandemics, earthquakes, civil unrest, tsunami, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and a... more
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      Crisis management (Tourism Studies)BaliDisaster Response and RecoveryDisaster risk reduction
Desastres e calamidades sempre despertaram uma forma de governo diante do acontecimento de crise. Perante plantações ressecadas pelo Sol, submersas pelas águas da inundação ou destruídas por pragas, faraós, imperadores e demais... more
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      Disaster Studiespesquisa relacionada a Defesa Civil ou Proteção CivilDisaster Response and RecoveryDisaster Culture
In January 2015, Malawi faced its worst flood disaster on record that affected 15 of its 28 districts. A post-disaster needs assessment was conducted that culminated in the development of a national recovery framework. This paper presents... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationDisaster risk managementAfricaSub-Saharan Africa
This dissertation aims to explore the use and impact of social media in natural disaster response. The research project will seek to evaluate the impact of social media through the examination of the case study of typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)... more
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      Community ResilienceSocial MediaDisaster Response and RecoveryTyphoon Haiyan
Flooding and poverty are the two social problems that have coexisted within the rural communities of Tsholotsho district. As a result, both problems have negatively affected and disrupted the everyday pattern of lives of people living in... more
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      Sociology of DisasterDisaster MedicineDevelopment StudiesClimate Change
Rapid manufacturing using 3-D printing is a potential solution to some of the most pressing issues for humanitarian logistics. In this paper, findings are reported from a study that involved development of a new type of 3-D printer. In... more
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Disaster Mental Health Community Planning is a step-by-step book to developing mental health disaster plans, assisting communities to act on long-term resilience and recovery. As disasters continue to increase in severity and number,... more
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      CollaborationDisaster ManagementDisaster ResponseDisaster Risk Communication
At the national level, the role of education in promoting social cohesion, economic growth, and technological and scientific advancement cannot be underestimated. For individuals, education helps to develop the skills, attitudes and... more
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      Disaster Response and RecoveryDisaster Preparedness in Education
A government that takes El Niño occurrences as serious quasi-periodic threats and seek to enact policies to protect their citizens and their livelihoods and properties, public and private, can be considered an El Niño-ready nation. El... more
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      ImprovisationClimate ChangeResilienceDisaster Response and Recovery
The study was conducted after the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti and focused on disaster impact and recovery, as well as discourses of recovery, media, policies, and interventions. A key concern of the research was the interplay... more
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      Capability ApproachCritical Discourse AnalysisDisaster Response and RecoveryEnvironmental justice, global sustainability, Environmental Politics and Governance, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Education for Sustainable Development, Environmental Sustainability. Global Development and Environmental Protection
The paper aims to apply the community resilience approach in the post-disaster case of Pescomaggiore, an Italian village affected by L’Aquila earthquake in 2009. A group of residents refused the housing recovery solutions proposed by the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographySustainable CommunitiesCommunity Resilience
The Air cushion vehicle floats above the ground surface on a cushion of air supplied by the lift fan. Air is blown into the skirt through a hole by the blower .The skirt inflates and the increasing air pressure acts on the base of the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringNaval EngineeringMarine EngineeringDisaster Response
This text later appeared as Chapter 7 of the book The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism. It incorporates much of the material from the articles entitled "A Letter from New Orleans" and "Postscript to a Letter from... more
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      Social TheorySociology of DisasterPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Much has been talked and written about the Sikkim earthquake of 2011 as one of the worst affected disasters to have happened in the Eastern Himalayas. Studies have been conducted on the immediate disaster relief and response aftermath the... more
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      Disaster StudiesPost Disaster ReconstructionEarthquakesDisaster Response and Recovery
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      Sociology of DisasterDisaster StudiesAnthropology of DisasterDisaster Response and Recovery
After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico experienced the second-largest blackout in modern history, with parts of the island left without power for up to 18 months. Because the problems of Maria are multifold, this case study and review... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationAction research (Methodology)Resilience (Sustainability)Latin American Environmental History
This paper conceptualizes a social repair orientation to disaster recovery for policy makers and programmers. It locates the concept of social repair in a variety of academic disciplines and identifies two distinct understandings of... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyPublic ManagementSocial Sciences
Food insecurity within households is a risk to people's livelihoods. If not addressed in good time it could results into a disaster that will require foreign intervention for that affected community. Households in Bungoma county of Kenya... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster Response and RecoveryDisasterProtection and Humanitarian Assistance
Government recognizes the valuable contribution of the private sector during disasters. In the Philippines, we have witnessed how the private sector has pulled together their resources to respond to disasters during the relief and... more
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      Community ResilienceDisaster risk managementPost Disaster ReconstructionPublic Private Partnerships
For disaster survivors, recovery requires more than regaining material losses and includes a need to incorporate the profoundly disruptive experience into individual and collective memory. Contemporary literature on post-traumatic stress... more
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      Traumatic StressDisaster StudiesPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma Studies
There is no doubt that as the world’s population continues to grow and expand in hazardous environments, so too does our vulnerability to disaster. Researching disaster risk is therefore an ongoing challenge requiring a continual process... more
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      DemographyVolcanologyFire and Emergency ServicesDecision Making
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      Disaster StudiesDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDisaster Response
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      BusinessMarketingComputer ScienceComputer Security And Reliability
Los desastres constituyen siempre la manera más contundente e inobjetable de evaluar la eficacia de los esfuerzos que hacen los países, tanto para evitar y/o reducir sus escenarios de riesgos socionaturales, como para responder articulada... more
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      Disaster Response and RecoveryDisaster risk reductionHuman and Institutional Capacity DevelopmentCrisis/disaster Management
In Japan as well as in other countries social media is now part of daily life. During fieldwork, researchers are confronted with decisions to be made concerning the engagement in social media activities in the course of ongoing research,... more
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyDisaster StudiesSocial Media
This research report introduces a social repair orientation to disaster recovery for humanitarian policy makers and practitioners. It draws on four months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in two remote Himalayan valleys in Northern... more
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      HumanitarianismDisaster StudiesPakistanHumanitarian Intervention
A largely undistinguished, former politician who briefly led an extremely minor (territorial) jurisdiction in the outback of Australia a long time ago wants the city of Lismore moved. To higher ground. Where it will cost taxpayers less.... more
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      RetailDisaster ManagementAustralian PoliticsNatural Disasters
In order to better understand and respond to the tropics as part of the global environment, we need to accept the unique features of the regional weather, such as cyclones, and be prepared to embrace their larger meaning for life in the... more
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      Environmental StudiesThe SublimeTropical cyclonesNatural Disasters
Drawing on interviews with the chaplains and archival material from Disaster Chaplaincy Services--NY, this article discusses the formation of the chaplaincy at the Temporary Mortuary at Ground Zero after the terrorist attacks on September... more
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      Disaster Response9/11 LiteratureDisaster Response and RecoverySpirituality and Multifaith Chaplaincy in Variety of Contexts
Business Continuity Management processes aim at getting businesses backup and running after a crisis or disaster, but do not necessarily have a focus on the longerterm, people-related challenges that can follow. This study, based on a... more
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      PsychologyDecision MakingCrisis ManagementOrganisational Resilience
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      Emergency ShelterDisaster ManagementDisaster ResponseDisaster Response and Recovery
This paper brings together the findings of two projects, one on citizenship and the other looking at community responses to climate change-driven disaster. Citizenship and community resilience are central to each project. The findings are... more
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      Cultural StudiesDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationClimate Change
In the early morning hours of December 21, 1946, a M 8.0 earthquake struck off the coast of southern Japan, triggering multiple tidal wives, causing major destruction and death in 15 prefectures, and other damage in a total of 25... more
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      Japanese StudiesDisaster ManagementDisaster ResponseUS/Allied occupation of Japan
PDFs of cover and complete text of FLOOD BOOK, an illustrated post-Katrina rant about natural and unnatural disasters, tragedies and triumphs.
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      Disaster StudiesUrban HistoryPoetryLocal Identities
Short report
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      Humanitarian InterventionPuerto RicoDisaster Response and RecoveryHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief