Recent papers in Disruption
La doctrine s’est déjà penchée à de nombreuses reprises sur les assurtechs, la menace concurrentielle qu’elles pourraient représenter pour les acteurs traditionnels de l’assurance ou encore sur les technologies dont elles font usage. Elle... more
Through three sciences: Positivism, critical rationalism and social constructivism I found my field of research; Hjem-IS and the socials constructions in young people, that makes barriers for sale. How can we re-position Hjem-IS in the... more
Microneedles are a modestly invasive technique that gained mass popularity, and is utilized to break the top skin layer into tiny holes which self regenerate and rejuvenate the skin and facilitate the delivery of certain nutrients,... more
Fuelled by accelerating digitization, increased global interconnectivity, and transparency (coupled with shifting overarching political agendas, altered user expectations, and technological advances), the legal industry faces... more
This article explores the issue of preparing trainee teachers for the challenges of how to face their students’ ‘disruptive behaviour’ which sometimes marks the beginning and sets the tone for the remainder of sessions. In this paper I... more
This paper describes an integrated framework for handling disruptions in supply chains. The integrated framework incorporates two main views on managing disruptions, namely pre- and post-disruption views, which are usually treated as... more
This paper offers insights into production of vernacular architectural heritage that result from disruption caused by disaster such as a flood in a city. To understand the complexities surrounding vernacular heritage, this paper proposes... more
Since the 1970s, autonomist feminists have critiqued Karl Marx for failing to appreciate the sphere of reproduction as a key driver of capitalism. They have shown how unpaid reproductive work contributes to the production of... more
Since the microcomputing revolution in the 1970s we live in the age of permanent technological disruptions, but institutional and educational practices remain unchanged. As noted by Flavin, " technologies come and go but the university... more
Discipline plays an important role in the success of every learner and is considered as a crucial part of the educational process. Undesirable behaviors in the classroom should be interrupted to ensure a smooth flow during the educational... more
Nine questions for the diffusion of innovation, strategy and innovation. The application of the DSI Model in the case Havaianas Brazil Sandals.
This paper will give a comprehensive overview of how the political collapse of the Visigothic kingdom after the Muslim conquest of the Iberian and southern Gaulish world changed not only the socio-political and religious, but also the... more
"Aufstörung", "Verstörung", "Zerstörung" – damit wurde Jelineks dramatisches Schreiben von Beginn an belegt, ohne jedoch den Begriff der Störung zu definieren oder zu differenzieren. Ging es zunächst um die Zerstörung des bürgerlichen... more
Over centuries innovative methods and new technologies are developed and opened up. paved. And so on and on. In the history of technology, emerging technologies are contemporary advances and innovation in various fields of technology..... more
"Visualizing Art History: Experimental Animation and Its Mentor, Jules Engel" by Janeann Dill, phd, mfa A dictionary begins when it no longer gives the meaning of words, but their tasks. --- Georges Bataille It is most often the... more
Since the end of its civil war, Lebanon has been ruled by a political elite that maintains a sectarian clientelist hegemony characterised by corruption and public services deterioration. The 2015 protest movement (Harak) was provoked by a... more
Kebudayaan adalah segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan daya dari budi, yang berupa cipta, karsa dan rasa (Sidi Gazalba, 2010). Pemajuan Kebudayaan menurut Undang-Undang No. 5 tahun 2017 adalah tindakan yang dilakukan terhadap objek... more
By describing the Anthropocene as an 'entropocene', Bernard Stiegler suggests that this geological period corresponds to a massive increase in entropy, that is, an acceleration of the process of dissipation of energy that characterises... more
Wie identifizieren Unternehmen potenziell disruptive Technologien? Wie werden diese bewertet? Und wie werden potenziell disruptive Technologien in Unternehmen entwickelt und umgesetzt? Diesen Fragestellungen widmet sich die Praxisstudie... more
Digitization, new entrants and the disruption of business models prompt concern about the media’s societal mission. The article investigates how media managers conceptualize societal responsibility in an era of turmoil. Based on 20... more
Attraverso alcuni elementi del quadro teorico elaborato da Bernard Stiegler, questo lavoro ha lo scopo di descrivere senza pretesa di esaustività in che modo lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle tecnologie digitali istiuisce nell'ordinario... more
Purpose ---This article examines the new phenomenon of the convergence of platform and pipeline business models. It examines the potential synergies and challenges for platforms to add pipeline components and vice versa for pipeline... more
In this paper I use the example of the Gāyatrī mantra to outline a number of ways in which a religious text can be made resistant to disruption. Towards the end of the Vedic period, the Gāyatrī mantra (Ṛgveda III 62.10, also known as the... more
Resumen Este trabajo presenta una valoración del proceso socio-cultural que afecta nuestras sociedades y que está mediado por la presencia de las Gigantes Tecnológicas (GT). El objetivo es de formular una propuesta de acción que permita a... more
The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) is here. Recent reports have listed some 30 top companies that have already placed machines in key functions, and chatbots are widely moving from basic support roles into mentoring and counselling. To... more
In order to explore how emotions contribute positively or negatively to understanding the meaning of complex socio-culturally specific phenomena, I argue that we must take into account the habitual dimension of emotions-i.e., the emotion... more
Der Begriff der Störung erfährt eine zunehmende Konjunktur in den Geisteswissenschaften und etabliert sich dort als epistemologische Analysekategorie. Diese Studie untersucht die Texte der Shoah-Überlebenden Imre Kertész, Liana Millu und... more
The aim of this paper, especially written for educational therapists, is twofold. First, it is to provide educational therapists a systematic symptomatological-nosological framework to identify or distinguish learning disruptions (LDs)... more
VUCA = volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
In an age of turbulence, academia is faced with all of these.
In an age of turbulence, academia is faced with all of these.
In the fifth century, it would seem as if all heaven breaks loose in controversy and violence. The Dyophysite versus Monophysite/Miaphysite dispute dominates everything else. Contrary to popular opinion, we show that Cyril and... more
While human rights education (HRE) provides the tools for emancipation, it remains susceptible to appropriation by authoritarian regimes who seek to entrench state power. Classification scholars who typologize approaches to HRE fail to... more
Als populäres Sujet innerhalb der Künste markiert Blindheit keinen Gegensatz, sondern eine spezifische Ausprägung visueller Wahrnehmung. Vor dem Hintergrund der von den Visual Culture Studies, der Kunst-, Theater-und Kulturwissenschaft... more
Publié le 1ier mai 2020 dans Zone Critique :
Traditional approaches to education are evolving in order to improve student engagement in course content and enhance learning outcomes. The image of students passively absorbing information from an educator who is lecturing from behind a... more
The rapid developments in digital technologies caused digital disruption for almost all existing businesses. Digital disruption represents high threat for existing business as the new innovated services can partially or completely... more
During the 1970s and 1980s, emerged a second wave of architectural criticism to Modernism related with the global oil and fiscal crises of the period. This criticism, targeting the issues of the ongoing urbanization, the unlimited... more
Disruption is a fact of life. It's something we have to learn to cope with or we may become disabled by it. However uncomfortable, painful and difficult somehow we have to come to terms with the disruption - confront the new reality - and... more
Aim: An ever-increasing number of people seek asylum in Iceland. The wait for resolution on application for asylum can take up to three years. During this time participation in daily occupations is disrupted. This study was carried out to... more
Either dealing with products, communication or services, design projects present an increased complexity that calls for the collaboration of multidisciplinary experts. This generates a large pool of creative ideas coming from different... more