Cyril of Alexandria
Recent papers in Cyril of Alexandria
The mystery of union beyond distinction is a key of the eucharistic doctrine for Cyril of Alexandria who compares it to the intra-trinitarian union and the union of Christ with his flesh. These three unions do not imply confusion nor... more
A revised translation & notes for St. Cyril's extended discussion of the Tabernacle in "De adoratione" (Book 9).
In his Commentary on John, St. Cyril of Alexandria follows the divine Apostle in understanding Christ’s body – or more specifically, His assumed human nature – as the true Temple, the fulfillment of the Mosaic Tabernacle and Jerusalem... more
Cyrille, archevêque d'Alexandrie en Égypte (vers 375-444), est un des plus grands exégètes et théologiens de son temps. Il est également un des plus célèbres représentants de l'école théologique alexandrine. Il nous a légué un immense... more
Cuando Eusebio de Dorilea, un "simple laico" de tan sólo unos veinte años, en la vigilia de Navidad del año 428 se alzó en protesta en la magnífica catedral de Santa Sofía de Constantinopla, en pleno centro político y cultural del... more
Any theory of the atonement is fundamentally shaped by one's view of the identity of Christ. Depending on how one thinks of his person and nature will determine how one thinks of the cross. In this essay, I will explain the person of... more
An Orthodox Homily on "The Parable of the Great Banquet" in Luke 14:15-24 with glosses from Cyril of Alexandria
Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien († 444) zum 1. Korintherbrief des Apostels Paulus gehörte bisher wohl zu den unbekanntesten Schriften der patristischen Literatur. Die vorliegende Studie stellt die erste umfassende wissenschaftliche... more
Taina Întrupării lui Hristos în opera Sfântului Chiril al Alexandriei. Dialogurile „Despre Întruparea celui Unuia-născut” și „că Unul este Hristos”
Eirini Artemi
Traducere: Alexandru Prelipcean
Eirini Artemi
Traducere: Alexandru Prelipcean
Ὁ θάνατος καὶ ἡ ἀνάσταση
τοῦ ἐνανθρωπήσαντα Λόγου
ὡς νίκη ἔναντι στὸ κακὸ
στὰ κείμενα τοῦ Κυρίλλου Ἀλεξανδρείας
τοῦ ἐνανθρωπήσαντα Λόγου
ὡς νίκη ἔναντι στὸ κακὸ
στὰ κείμενα τοῦ Κυρίλλου Ἀλεξανδρείας
"Abstract. Cyril of Alexandria was not only one of the finest Christian theologians of his day, he also stands out in the ranks of the greatest patristic writers of all generations as perhaps the most powerful exponent of Christology the... more
We surface a brief overview of a few of the problems of contemporary theology, in hope that readers will find a fresh starting place in old evidence: a place to build a consensus that reaches for unanimous agreement in the Spirit.
Cyril of Alexandria left to posterity a sizable body of exegetical literature. This monograph attempts to reconstruct his theology of Scripture in order to suggest that his exegetical practice is inseparable from, and must be interpreted... more
There is no doubt that one of the biggest conflicts in the history of the Church is the Christological controversy that culminated in the fifth century. This controversy is forever linked to the names Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius of... more
Hypatia of Alexandria was remembered as an inspiring teacher of philosophy, a devoted pagan, and an important mathematician. While her violent death in 415 CE has brought her the most subsequent fame, she also lived an extraordinary life.... more
The movie Agora is a study on the life of the Alexandrine philosopher Hypatia, during the turbulent era from the end of the 4th to the beginning of the 5th century A.D., in Alexandria of Egypt. To begin with, it should be noted that the... more
Alexandria adalah sebuah kota pelabuhan yang terletak di selatan laut mediterrania, ditemukan oleh Alexander yang Agung pada tahun 332 SM dan menjadi pusat perdagangan, karena letaknya yang strategis sebagai persinggahan kapal-kapal... more
Jerusalem was the center of the world for early Christians. Anyone who wants to understand the Bible needs to know the mysterious role of Jerusalem and the many symbols and prophecies surrounding her in the Scriptures. The present work’s... more
The mystery of the incarnation of the Logos holds the power of all the hidden meanings (logoi) and fibres of ^ripture as well as the knowledge of visible and intelligible creatures. Whoever knows the mystery of the cross and the tomb... more
This dissertation explores the implications of the christology of Cyril of Alexandria for contemporary evangelical spirituality. Cyril’s christology is traced through his soteriology to his spirituality, giving attention to the... more
Οι χρήσεις της εθνικής γραμματείας στο έργο του Κυρίλλου Αλεξανδρείας» Ειρήνης Αρτέμη πτ. Θεολογίας, Φιλολογίας. Mphil. Θεολογίας. Υποψήφιας διδάκτορος Θεολογίας. Ο Κύριλλος Αλεξανδρείας είναι μία από τις σημαντικότερες μορφές της αρχαίας... more
This innovative study uses one well-documented moment of violence as a starting point for a wide-ranging examination of the ideas and interactions of pagan philosophers, Christian ascetics, and bishops from the fourth to the early seventh... more
A theological assessment of the recent turn to Chalcedon and the non-competitive relationship between Christ's divinity and humanity. In response to Rowan Williams' Christ the Heart of Creation and Ian McFarland's The Word Made Flesh, the... more
The Eucharist is central to Christian doctrine. This may be seen by comparing Oriental Orthodox and Reformed doctrines of the Eucharist. The Eucharist and debates over it have never simply involved how we speak of the Sacrament in... more
This thesis is an attempt to understand Cyril of Alexandria’s largely ignored and seemingly oxymoronic notion of Christ’s impassible suffering vis-à-vis the idea of divine passibility reflected earlier by Origen of Alexandria and later by... more
Cyrille, archevêque d'Alexandrie en Égypte (vers 375-444), est un des plus grands exégètes et théologiens de son temps. Le Commentaire de Cyrille d’Alexandrie sur l’Épître aux Hébreux (CPG 5209 (3)) ne nous est parvenu que dans les... more
The author addresses the continuing importance of the Reformation and its ongoing relevance for theology today through an exploration of Luther's understanding of Christology, the doctrine of the person of Jesus Christ. "In Luther's... more
In this essay, we look at what the the Eastern Church fathers of the first eight centuries say about the immortality of the soul. As we will see, the answer to whether or not the soul is immortal depends on what one means by the words... more
The rule that opera Trinitatis ad extra indivisa sunt, servato ordine et discrimine personarum is best understood when its two clauses are read together as mutually informative. Read thus, and grasped according to its principles and... more
published in L. A. Guichard, J. L. García Alonso & M. P. de Hoz (éd.), The Alexandrian Tradition : Interactions between Science, Religion, and Literature, IRIS 28, Berne - Berlin 2014, p. 97-114
“This union is impossible, but it is nonetheless accomplished as a simple act of God’s infinite power.” Insisting on Jesus’ divinity, that he is not a messenger or a prophet, but God himself, is what distinguishes his followers from... more
This book chapter, which is part of an edited volume devoted to a reassessment of the seven ecumenical councils from the fourth to the eighth centuries, analyzes the Council of Chalcedon (i.e., Fourth Ecumenical Council of 451).
The development of Christology has a rich history, and there are many fine works that cover this study. My interest is to develop a study of this doctrine through the early church. My intent is to provide an introduction into the most... more
Author’s note: anticipate typos, mistranslated items, and/or incomplete translation. This translation supports a forthcoming article and my own research on Cyril’s use of Hebrews. However, I would still like to share this translation in... more
The hesychast controversy -is it a doctrinal conflict between the East and the West in the byzantine arena 1 or an inner-byzantine debate betwixt nominalists and realists, dogmatic development and theology of repetition? 2 Irrespective of... more
The work of St Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, is primarily focussed on Christology. He is possibly most famous for his part in the Nestorian controversy, where he argued that Θεοτόκοσ (God-bearer) is an appropriate and necessary title... more
This article gives an account of Luther's Christology. Luther's theology is strongly Christocentric, but Christology is rarely the central focus of his writings. In some of his most considered summaries of his own faith, he presents... more
Deeply informed by the biblical witness and his ecclesial faith, Aquinas held that Christ’s humanity is an instrument of divine agency. Because Christ’s human will is always aligned with his divine will, every human action of Christ... more
"Abstract. Cyril of Alexandria was not only one of the finest Christian theologians of his day, he also stands out in the ranks of the greatest patristic writers of all generations as perhaps the most powerful exponent of Christology the... more
Χαρά μεγάλη καί τιμή ἀποτελεῖ γιά ἐμᾶς ἡ συμμετοχή μας μέ τή συγκεκριμένη ἐπιστημονική μελέτη στόν τόμο αὐτό, πού εἶναι ἀφιερωμένος στή μνήμη τοῦ μακαριστοῦ Τ. Ἀθ. Γριτσόπουλου. Τό θέμα τῆς μελέτης μας ἀφορᾶ τήν ἑρμηνεία τῶν Α΄ καί Β΄... more
ΚΥΡΙΛΛΟΥ ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΤΑ ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝΟΥ Προσφώνημα πρὸς τὸν εὐσεβέστατον καὶ φιλόχριστον βασιλέα Θεοδόσιον.
“Gathering a mob of rustics, [Memnon] has convulsed the city, sending his clerics to the houses of the most God-beloved bishops and uttering countless dire threats” (ACO I.1.5, 121). This passage reveals an underlying common understanding... more
Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: November - December, 2024. In this research thesis we will discover that Augustine’s opinion that concupiscence was an evil, hereditary stain of original sin was not in line with... more