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Under oligopoly firms are often observed to specialise their production, with some firms producing highly reliable output and offering good warranty deals, while others produce less reliable output and offer less attractive warranties,... more
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      EconomicsReliabilityDuopolyProduct differentiation
Sur le marché des semi-conducteurs, deux géants se livrent une bataille féroce : Intel et AMD (Advance Micro Devices). Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à la compétition au sein du marché de microprocesseur de type x86 entre ces deux... more
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      DuopolyVertical Differentiation
Adidas and Nike currently control 74% of the global football market, a prime example of duopoly. Their share is predicted to increase; consequently, it is crucially important for consumers to assess whether such a duopolistic setting is... more
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      Football (soccer)Economics of Football (soccer)SportsSports economics
In many strategic settings comparing the payo s obtained by players under full cooperation to those obtainable at a sequential (Stackelberg) equilibrium can be crucial to determine the outcome of the game. is happens, for instance, in... more
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This is the illustrated version of the article "“The Lesser of Evils Versus the Common Good: On the Poverty of Ideology in the Washington Post," a critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPolitical SociologySocial Change
A critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils. Here’s why," from the Washington Post (6/1/16). Attached is a final draft and a link to a version on the "It Is What It Isn't" Blog. See also... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsSocial TheoryAmerican Politics
El presente trabajo aplica los modelos de Cournot y de Stackelberg a una industria de productos homogéneos con alto nivel de concentración. El objeto es usar estos modelos como criterio de decisión acerca de la alternativa de introducir... more
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      EconomicsMicroeconomicsMarket StructureDuopoly
Streszczenie: Autor artykułu opisuje najważniejsze momenty związane z kilkunastoletnią obecnością dwóch zagranicznych koncernów (Passauer Neue Presse i Orkla) na polskim rynku regionalnej prasy codziennej. Począwszy od pierwszych... more
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      Industrial EconomicsAugustin CournotDuopolyReaction Curves
This paper considers investment decisions within an uncertain dynamic and competitive framework.
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      SSRNStandard ModelDuopoly
We present a dynamic extension of the classic static model of Bertrand price competition that allows competing duopolists to undertake cost-reducing investments in an attempt to "leapfrog" their rival to attain low-cost leadership-at... more
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We test how a monopoly, a duopoly and a public monopoly manage and allocate water resources.
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      Water qualityWater resourcesWater Resources engineeringApplied Economics
Una política que fortalece la competencia a largo plazo en el sector postal es la actuación sobre los costes de cambio y de retención. En dos escenarios de duopolio, uno con costes de cambio y otro con costes de cambio y costes de... more
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      Social WelfareDuopolyRevista de ciencias sociales
A simple Ising spin model which can describe the mechanism of advertising in a duopoly market is proposed. In contrast to other agent-based models, the influence does not flow inward from the surrounding neighbors to the center site, but... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsAdvertisingMonte Carlo Simulation
This study investigates the effects of advertising on price and quality of products in monopoly and duopoly markets. We examine, by a diagrammatical approach, the state of profitability in a firm both before and after advertising being... more
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      EconomicsAdvertisingMarket StructureDuopoly
This paper explores the implication of evolutionary models (replicatordynamics) in a simple Cournot duopoly model. A firm type is a linear decisionrule in which the firm's output depends on the other firm's previous output.First... more
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      EconomicsComputational EconomicsEconometricsEvolution
This study showcases Uganda’s experience with the reform of the telecommunications sector that has taken place over the last decade. The reform of Uganda’s telecommunications sector has been billed as a more successful one in relation to... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipPolitical EconomyProperty Rights
This study examines the eflects of demand shifts upon the duopoly price level. The tool is a set of rich simulation models that include uncertainty, a multi-period horizon, learning, and realistic interseller competition embodying... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsApplied EconomicsDuopoly
Power market integration is analyzed in a two countries model with nationally regulated firms and costly public funds. If generation costs between the two countries are too similar negative business-stealing outweighs efficiency gains so... more
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      Development EconomicsDispute ResolutionArbitrationDeveloping Countries
Competition is the cornerstone of successful telecommunications development. Morocco's telecommunications reforms in 1995-1999, which among other changes introduced competition in mobile phones, led to fast growth, and improved sector... more
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      MediaFree TradeBusiness ModelsBusiness Strategy
In a duopoly market, aspirations express how much sellers want to earn given their expectations about the other's behavior. We define individually and mutually satisficing sales behavior for given individual beliefs and aspirations. In a... more
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      Bounded RationalityWorking PapersDuopolyBoolean Satisfiability
Despite the availability of source code, deploying open source software in an enterprise environment requires skills. Recent surveys and case studies show that the skills of IT staff in an organization are one of the key factors in open... more
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      Information SystemsMarket StructureApplied EconomicsDuopoly
It is well-known that switching costs may facilitate monopoly pricing in a market with price competition between two suppliers of a homogenous good, provided the switching cost is above some critical level. With heterogeneous consumers... more
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      Information SystemsLibrary and Information StudiesIncomplete InformationPrice Competition
In a general setting with uncertainty and spillovers in R&D activity, we consider the incentive to cooperate among firms at any or all of the following three stages. Firms can jointly agree on the level of R&D expenditures, they can set... more
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      Product innovationInformation SharingProfitabilityWorking Papers
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      EconomicsEconomic integrationApplied EconomicsDuopoly
In this paper, author examine the issue of the optimal tariff in circumstances in which trade between the ‘North’ (a developed country) and the ‘South’ (a developing country) takes place. Firms compete in quantities (‘Cournot... more
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      EconomicsIntellectual Property RightsSocial WelfareDeveloping Country
In a duopoly industry with environmentally differentiated products, we examine the effects of introducing a mandatory environmental quality standard on firms' environmental quality choices, profits, and the average environmental quality... more
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      BusinessProfitabilityDuopolyEnvironmental quality
Although Cournot's mathematical economics was generally neglected until the mid-1870s, he was taken up and carefully studied by the Scientific Club of Cambridge, Massachusetts even before his "discovery" by Walras and Jevons. The episode... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsEconomic TheoryPerfect CompetitionOligopoly
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      Industrial EconomicsLaw and EconomicsDuopolyBrewing industry
We study the effects of market structure on entry using data from the UK fast food (counter-service burger) industry over the years 1991-1995. Over this period, the market can be characterized as a duopoly. We find that market structure... more
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      EconomicsMarket StructureLearningProfitability
This paper derives equilibrium government policies towards parallel imports in a North-South model where the Northern …rm produces high quality and the Southern …rm produces low quality. Given policies, each …rm decides whether or not to... more
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      MarketingEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsGame Theory
In this paper we apply the Complete Analysis of Differentiable Games (introduced by D. Carfì in [3], [6], [8] and [9]) and already employed by himself and others in [4], [5], [7]) and some new algorithms employing the software wxMaxima... more
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      Nash EquilibriumDuopolyMicroeconomic PolicyNormal Form Games
In a duopoly market, aspirations express how much sellers want to earn given their expectations about the other's behavior. We define individually and mutually satisficing sales behavior for given individual beliefs and aspirations. In a... more
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      Bounded RationalityWorking PapersDuopolyBoolean Satisfiability
Consider a symmetric, differentiated duopoly. If firms' strategy choices, in the repeated game, follow a stochastic Darwinian process, then they cluster around a strategy profile that is typically not a one-shot Nash equilibrium. This... more
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      Industrial OrganizationEconomic TheoryEvolutionImitation
This paper extends the literature dealing with the option to invest in a duopoly market for a leader-follower setting. A restrictive assumption embodied in the models in the current literature is that investment opportunities are... more
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      European Financial CrisesOptimal investmentDuopolyMarket Share
To study the coexistence of two different ownership forms within an industry, I develop a simple model of competition between one forprofit and one nonprofit firm. The two firms have different objectives and face different constraints due... more
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      DuopolyMarket Share
This note further characterizes the tacit collusion equilibria in the investment timing game of Boyer, Lasserre and Moreaux [1]. Tacit collusion equilibria may or may not exist, and when they do may involve either finite time investments... more
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      DuopolyFirst Mover AdvantagePreemption
Anyone who keeps the track of political activity and process in United States, knows very well that both so called major political parties remain in continuous campaign mode, all the time
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      Political PartiesU.S. historyPoliticsCorruption
In this study, we analyze an advertising competition in a duopoly. We consider two different notions of equilibrium. We model the companies in the duopoly as major players, and the consumers as minor players. In our first game model we... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomicsMathematical Economics
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      EconomicsMathematical EconomicsMicroeconomicsSocial Sciences
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      Industrial OrganizationVoting BehaviorEconomic TheoryElections and Voting Behavior
The aim of this paper is to study the option to invest in a duopoly market, allowing for more competitors to enter the market. In fact, we relax the common assumption which states that (only) two firms compete for the two places in the... more
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      BusinessReal OptionsDuopolyReal Option
We study the effects of market structure on entry using data from the U.K. fast food (counter-service burger) industry over the years 1991--1995, for which the market can be characterized as a duopoly. We use both reduced-form estimations... more
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      BusinessEconomicsMarket StructureLearning
Competition is the cornerstone of successful telecommunications development. Morocco's telecommunications reforms in 1995-1999, which among other changes introduced competition in mobile phones, led to fast growth, and improved sector... more
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      BusinessFree TradeBusiness ModelsBusiness Strategy
In this paper we apply the Complete Analysis of Differentiable Games (introduced by D. Carfi in [3], [6], [8] and [9]) and already employed by himself and others in [4], [5], [7]) and some new algorithms employing the software wxMaxima... more
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      Quantitative analysisMaple Computer Algebra SystemNash EquilibriumDuopoly
This article considers a Cournot duopoly under an isoelastic demand function and cost functions with built-in capacity limits. The special feature is that each …rm is assumed to operate multiple plants, which can be run alone or in... more
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      EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsProfitability
This article considers a Cournot duopoly under an isoelastic demand function and cost functions with built-in capacity limits. The special feature is that each firm is assumed to operate multiple plants, which can be run alone or in... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsProfitabilityWorking PapersDuopoly