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This report is the collective product of word-leading experts working in the branches of integrative medicine by predictive, preventive and personalised medicine (PPPM) under the coordination of the European Association for Predictive,... more
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    • EPMA
Bikilal iron ore deposit is a Kiruna-type magnetiteilmenite deposit in West Wollega Western Ethiopia. It is formed within syn-post tectonic intrusive gabbroic complex that intrudes the Precambrian gneiss. Bikilal gabbroic intrusion... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryEPMAFluid Inclusion
Predictive preventive personalized medicine Liver cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer worldwide [1], with an incidence rate almost equals the mortality rate and ranks 3 rd among causes of cancer related death [2]. The... more
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    • EPMA
The importance of electron bremsstrahlung has continuously grown since its early discovery more than one century ago, increasingly being involved in different scientific areas. The present work deals with the prediction of thick-target... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationBremsstrahlungPhysical sciencesEPMA
The Warburg effect is characterised by increased glucose uptake and lactate secretion in cancer cells resulting from metabolic transformation in tumour tissue. The corresponding molecular pathways switch from oxidative phosphorylation to... more
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    • EPMA
Sir Flinders Petrie’s excavations at Tell el‐Amarna in Egypt uncovered a large number of glass finds and vitreous debris from areas identified as palace trash heaps and industrial buildings, revealing that as early as the 14th century BC,... more
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      ArchaeometryArchaeometeryAmarna Studies18th Dynasty
There is great interest in the interaction between diet and immune system and concomitantly in the potential of probiotic bacteria, especially given recent advances in understanding of gut microbiota effects on health in the context of... more
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    • EPMA
This article reviews contemporary approaches for bridging Ayurveda with evidence-based medicine. In doing so, the author presents a pragmatic assessment of quality, methodology and extent of scientific research in Ayurvedic medicine. The... more
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    • EPMA
Major and trace elements are presented for 149 glass fragments ranging in date from the Roman to Early Islamic periods (1st – mid-8th centuries CE), excavated during the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project's fieldwork between... more
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      RecyclingRoman GlassLA-ICP-MSAncient Glass Analysis
Male infertility has largely idiopathic, multifactorial origin. Oxidative stress is a major factor that affects spermatogenesis, in particular in aging. Cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CNPs) due to their antioxidative properties are... more
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    • EPMA
Advanced drug delivery systems (DDS) present indubitable benefits for drug administration. Over the past three decades, new approaches have been suggested for the development of novel carriers for drug delivery. In this review, we... more
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      Drug deliveryDrug Delivery SystemEPMAControlled/living Radical Polymerization
Molecular diagnostic tests drive the scientific and technological uplift in the field of predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine offering invaluable clinical and socioeconomic benefits to the key stakeholders. Although the... more
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    • EPMA
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyPolandGlass BeadsEPMA
Nowadays, nanoelectroctronic, electro-nanotechnologies environmental friendly products become the roadmap in industry. Hence, nanoscale of reinforcement into lead-free solder becomes more popular rather than the micro size of... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesNanoparticlesTransmission Electron MicroscopyNanotechnology
Beads and pin heads made of glassy faience, often decorated with true glass, discovered at seven different cemetery sites in Poland and dated chiefly to the Hallstatt C period (c. 750/700e600 BC), were examined by the LA-ICPMS and EPMA... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceGlass
Crystal formation reflects the entire composition of the surrounding solution. In case of urolithiasis, induced crystal formation in native urine has led to the development of the Bonn-Risk-Index (BRI), a valuable tool to quantify an... more
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    • EPMA
Women are considered special groups who are uniquely vulnerable in the context of war exposures. To effectively target the resources aimed at mitigating mental health consequences and optimising and maximising the use of mental health... more
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    • EPMA
Introduction: Endometrial hyperplasia has a high risk for malignant transformation and relapses; existing mini-invasive treatments may lead to irrevocable endometrium destruction. The aims were to analyze receptor systems in endometrial... more
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    • EPMA
This report is the collective product of word-leading experts working in the branches of integrative medicine by predictive, preventive and personalised medicine (PPPM) under the coordination of the European Association for Predictive,... more
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    • EPMA
Manganocummingtonite occurs with spessartine, quartz and pyrolusite in the Chikmara area, Sausar fold belt, central India. Its composition is [Ca 0.3–0.35 (Mg 3.3–3.5 Mn 1.6–1.8 Fe 2+ 1.4–1.5)(Si 7.931-7.997 Al iv 0.003-0.069)O 22 (OH... more
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      GeologyMineralogyMineral ChemistryPetrology and Geochemistry
Predictive preventive personalized medicine Liver cancer is the fifth most common form of cancer worldwide [1], with an incidence rate almost equals the mortality rate and ranks 3 rd among causes of cancer related death [2]. The... more
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    • EPMA
Spectrum simulation is a useful practical and pedagogical tool. Particularly with complex samples or trace constituents, a simulation can help to understand the limits of the technique and the instrument parameters for the optimal... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials ScienceMonte Carlo Simulation
White-ground lekythoi ceramics offer important evidence for funeral practices in Ancient Greece (5th century BC). The images painted-on these oil containers provide the best visual narrative for the events surrounding death, including... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceSEM
The coat belt is part of a collection. An investigation with high-precision instruments revealed that it is made of copper alloy with silver coating. The artefact was covered by corrosion and surface defilement. It was broken and deformed... more
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      X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyRestauration and ConservationApplications of EPMA and SEM-EDSEPMA
Archaeological, historical and analytical evidence can identify trade patterns and the movement of people and products and thus reveal the cultural and economic connections that existed at a given time.
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceCompositional Analysis
Apart from its principal role in bone metabolism and calcium homeostasis, vitamin D has been attributed additional effects including an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and possibly even neuroprotective capacity which implicates a... more
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    • EPMA
New data on faience production technologies in central Europe come from an analysis of 12 faience beads from an Early Bronze Age cemetery in Poland. The beads were tested with the EPMA method. Altogether 65 measurements were made. In... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)PolandCentral and Eastern EuropeFaience
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    • EPMA
Neurodegenerative disorders show an increasing prevalence in a number of highly developed countries. Often, these diseases require life-long treatment mostly with drugs which are costly and mostly accompanied by more or less serious... more
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    • EPMA
The artefact, which is from the late 16th century, is one of the beakers in the so-called ‘Szombathely Renaissance Hoard’, an assemblage consisting of 104 pieces.This hoard came to light in November 1963, during an archaeological... more
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      Renaissance ArtConservation and RestorationApplications of EPMA and SEM-EDSEPMA
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    • EPMA
This report is the collective product of word-leading experts working in the branches of integrative medicine by predictive, preventive and personalised medicine (PPPM) under the coordination of the European Association for Predictive,... more
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    • EPMA
This article reviews contemporary approaches for bridging Ayurveda with evidence-based medicine. In doing so, the author presents a pragmatic assessment of quality, methodology and extent of scientific research in Ayurvedic medicine. The... more
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    • EPMA
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    • EPMA
In 2019, the EPMA celebrated its 10th anniversary at the 5th World Congress in Pilsen, Czech Republic. The history of the International Professional Network dedicated to Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine (PPPM / 3PM) is... more
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Biobanks are an important compound of personalized medicine and strongly support the scientific progress in stratification of population and biomarker discovery and validation due to progress in personalized medicine. Biobanks are an... more
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    • EPMA
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    • EPMA
An archaeometrical study of Roman glass finds recovered in the Canton Ticino area was performed after the finding of traces of possible glass-working at Muralto near Locarno. The aim of this work is to provide chemical characterization of... more
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Major and trace elements are presented for 149 glass fragments ranging in date from the Roman to Early Islamic periods (1st-mid-8th centuries CE), excavated during the Danish-German Jerash Northwest Quarter Project's fieldwork... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGeochemistryIslamic Archaeology
An increasing interest in a healthy lifestyle raises questions about optimal body weight. Evidently, it should be clearly discriminated between the standardised “normal” body weight and individually optimal weight. To this end, the basic... more
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    • EPMA
The article overviews the potential biomedical applications of nanoscale gold particles for predictive, preventive and personalised nanomedicine in cardiology. The review demonstrates the wide opportunities for gold nanoparticles due to... more
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    • EPMA
This is the first structural refinement of the mineral wilkinsonite, Na2Fe4 2+Fe2 3+Si6O20. Wilkinsonite is a member of the aenigmatite group and consists of bands of Fe octahedra connected to eight-coordinated Na polyhedra forming sheets... more
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      Petrology and GeochemistryApplications of EPMA and SEM-EDSEPMAIgneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Severe durable changes may occur to the DNA structure caused by exogenous and endogenous risk factors initiating the process of carcinogenesis. By evidence, a large portion of malignancies have been demonstrated as being preventable.... more
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    • EPMA
To increase the cutting performance of WC-MC-Co cemented carbide tools, it is common to use a high temperature CVD process to coat them with thin wear resistant layers. During the process cracks are unavoidably introduced in the coating.... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringThermodynamicsMicrostructure
The influence of modifier and grain refiner on the nucleation process of a commercial hypoeutectic Al-Si foundry alloy (A356) was investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsScanning Electron MicroscopyTitanium
Silver enhancement of quantum dots resulting from (1) metabolism of toxic metals in animals and humans, (2) in vivo, in vitro and immersion created zinc-sulphur/ zinc-selenium nanocrystals, (3) metal ions liberated from metal implants and... more
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      EMHistochemistryIPQuantum Dots
Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden Cover illustration: Impression of a third millennium BC cylinder seal from Tell Arbid in Syria combined with the depiction of a mermaid -a motif from Warsaw's coat of arms. Designed by Łukasz Rutkowski.
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMethodologyArchaeometallurgyPXRF
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    • EPMA
The chemical composition, as determined by electron probe X-ray microanalysis of a series of ca. 100 archaeological glass fragments, excavated at the Raversijde site (Belgium) is discussed. In the 15th-16th century, Raversijde was a... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyQuantitative analysisPhysical sciences
White-ground lekythoi ceramics offer important evidence for funeral practices in Ancient Greece (5th century BC). The images painted-on these oil containers provide the best visual narrative for the events surrounding death, including... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArtArchaeological Science