Recent papers in Archaeometallurgy
Magnetic survey data presented as filled contour maps with a non-linear scale reveals the characteristic dipolar signal from iron smelting furnaces. High resolution data, from 10cm spaced surveys, can be modelled mathematically to recover... more
Iron-production sites of the early historic period in Mainland Southeast Asia (fifth to fif-teenth centuries AD) are rare. Recent excavations at the Tonle Bak site in central Cambodia now provide the first evidence for furnace technology,... more
The 18th century water-powered ironworks at Agoreggi, in the Basque country, was reconstructed based on contemporary historical records and archaeological investigations. In 1994-1999 three campaigns of experiments were carried out with... more
This paper describes our 17th experiment (XP17), which was the first occasion on which a reasonable bloom was made. The smelt was of 7.5kg of moderately rich bog iron ore, in a low shaft furnace, resulting in a low carbon bloom of 1600g.... more
In 1987 to 1989 15 experiments were carried out, smelting bog-iron ores in a low shaft furnace. The data from XP13 to XP28 are presented, with quantifications of the smelting and of the refining to billets and bars. Analyses of the bog... more
This PPT was presented at the 2009 'World of Iron' conference. It is a comparative study of bloomery iron made from different ores, refined to bars and forged to knives, looking at the metallography and the slag inclusions. This... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
SUMMARY: Chapter 8, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers what typically survives, what constitutes an "artifact", interpreting usage, obtaining materials (e.g., quarrying; mining),... more
This paper aims at highlighting a methodological flaw in current biblical archaeology, which became apparent as a result of recent research in the Aravah's Iron Age copper production centers. In essence, this flaw, which cuts across all... more
This paper discusses the Neolithic beginnings of metal-using and metal-working in the central Mediterranean region. In particular, a basic yet surprisingly long-standing question is addressed: when did metallurgy appear in this region? In... more
The article’s aim is to foster an interdisciplinary debate regarding the direction that archaeometallurgical studies in the central Mediterranean region, from the late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (c4500-1650 BC), ought to take in... more
A diachronic view of the metallurgy in the Portuguese territory during the first three millennia after its appearance in the Iberian Peninsula is presented based on the current state of the art. Results of micro-energy dispersive X-ray... more
Die Entdeckung einer fast lebensgrossen Bronzehand und eines Dolches im Oktober 2017 bei Prêles (Plateau de Diesse) im Berner Jura überraschte die Fachwelt und löste ein grosses Medienecho aus. Die Nachgrabung vor Ort und die... more
Description of the metallurgical remains of the site of Le Landeron, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Medieval smithing workshop and slags. Extract from : Hofmann Rognon, P. : Le Landeron-Les Carougets, vestiges protohistorique, villa romaine,... more
Full excavation of this small hillfort produced remarkable evidence for ironworking, both smelting and refining, in the late Iron Age, with a second phase of activity in the 2nd/3rd century AD. At the time the 1200kg of slag was the... more
The Terracotta Army that protected the tomb of the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuang offers an evocative image of the power and organisation of the Qin armies who unified China through conquest in the third century BC. It also provides... more
After several decades of archaeologists interpreting Thailand's metal age development using top-down approaches drawn from 1980s archaeological theory, it has become evident they do not work for this region. When the metal assemblages... more
The gold deposits of Verespatak belong to the famous 'Golden Quadrangle' (Romania). They have probably been exploited since ancient times. In order to obtain more detailed compositional information, native gold samples were analysed by... more
Observations on South Levantine Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age metallurgy. The Transition from Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze in southern Levant: Continuity or Discontinuity?
Raně středověký meč, který je uložen ve sbírkách Středočeského muzea v Roztokách u Prahy, je spojován s hradištěm na Levém Hradci, byť jeho nálezové okolnosti nejsou známy. Zbraň má jílec Petersenova typu Y, a již předchozí rentgenový... more
Desde el mar Tirreno hasta la Península Ibérica: proyecto de investigación y datos preliminares sobre el hierro, cobre, plomo y plata
We would call the attention of students of the history of chemistry to these early 16th century attempts at analytical chemistry; for in them lie the foundations of that science. (Hoover and Hoover 1912, 220) This paper tries to do that,... more
We had two tasks in the course of the analysis of the latest Hajdúböszörmény situla
that had been released from impoundment in the autumn of 2015.
that had been released from impoundment in the autumn of 2015.
Combinando las fuentes arqueológicas, literarias y epigráficas, se revisan los elementos metálicos empleados en las obras hidráulicas y la maquinaria de achique. Según la frecuencia de su uso, hemos de mencionar el plomo, seguido del... more
Danebury is one of the more extensively excavated hillforts in Britain and the nearly 500 iron objects found are one of the largest assemblages from a single Iron Age site in Britain. Both currency bars and pieces of bulk iron, in the... more
This is an abstract of a more important paper in preparation. It addresses the emergence of iron metallurgy in Africa, a hotly debated topic
This paper examines the evidence for ironworking in the town of Kilkenny during the late medieval period. It takes into account both the written and archaeological sources for ironworking and is based on recently completed doctoral... more
In Eldagsen, Stadt Springe, wurden im Sommer 2013 Erdarbeiten fUr die grof)flachige Umgestaltung des Markt- und Kirchplatzes St. Alexandri vorgenommen. Dabei wurden archaologische Ausgrabungen durchgefuhrt. Neben knapp 60 Bau- und... more
Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907) – auch das goldene Zeitalter Chinas genannt – war eine blühende Epoche voller faszinierender Kulturphänomene. Das Zentrum des kosmopolitisch ausgerichteten Kaiserreichs bildete die vom heutigen Xi’an... more
Copper alloys from an early-historic period site Kausambi, Uttar Pradesh, India were studied to understand the manufacturing technology and alloying practices through elemental analysis and microstructural examination. Most of the... more
The relation between currency management and mint towns is closely related. One of the most interesting features of the Bengal Sultanate is the presence of various mint towns within its boundaries in time and space. Recent research has... more
A Roman copper ingot recovered from a wreck located in the border region of the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz is presented in the following contribution. With a diameter of 45 to 53 cm and a weight of 75.4 kg it is one of the heavier... more
El yacimiento fenicio de La Fonteta (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante), gracias sobre todo al descubrimiento de numerosos vertederos metalúrgicos, ha proporcionado abundantes materiales relacionados con la producción de hierro, cobre,... more
Alongside the thousands of terracotta warriors discovered in the tomb complex of the first emperor of China, were tens of thousands of bronze weapons, including arrowheads and crossbow triggers, lances, spears, halberds (and the ferrules... more