Early Modern Warfare
Most downloaded papers in Early Modern Warfare
This most recent edition of the bibliography contains almost 21,200 titles in English (64%) and French (36%), with an introductory section on historiography. It deals with every aspect of Italian history and culture from the Late... more
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, Gran Capitán de los ejércitos españoles, destacó por mantener la fidelidad a la misión, por la aplicación deliberada de la violencia a gran escala como resorte para mover voluntades propias o del enemigo.... more
The Nine Years War has often been portrayed as a no-holds-barred conflict in which brutality was the norm. The orgy or bloodshed and cataclysmic famine in Ulster which brought the war to its close helped cement this image. That Queen... more
An overview of the medieval background to Early Modern warfare. Published as “The Medieval Legacy,” Early Modern Military History, ed. Geoff Mortimer (London: Palgrave, 2004): 6-24.
Quisiera agradecer en primer lugar la ayuda y el apoyo prestado por el profesor Bernardo García y la Fundación Carlos de Amberes, sin las cuales esta investigación no hubiera sido posible, muchas gracias de todo corazón. Al profesor... more
There is a lot of misinformation circulating about this battle. This is largely based on retrospective accounts of the day, and some particularly partisan accounts. This section challenges these through a forensic study of eye-witness... more
Distinguished Book Award (non-US category), Society for Military History, USA (2018)
Indice / Content: 1. La teoría en los prólogos. 2. Con toda verdad: testigos, documentos, archivos. 3. Cumplir con la poesía. 4. Entender la guerra: épica y artes de la milicia. 5. A leer una épica no se acomoda el vulgo. 6. Faltando... more
Abdullah bin Ibrahim nicknamed Üsküdarî was a participant in the military campaign of grand vizier Mustafa Pasha Köprülü against Serbia in 1690. In his diary, he described one of the largest destructions in the long history of the... more
T HE siege and battle of Kinsale have signified the end of the Gaelic world for the historiography of Ireland and Spain 1 . After the defeat of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell and their Spanish allies, Irish society beyond the English... more
oco a poco, los esfuerzos de avezados editores, así como los riesgos que estos asumen en el desempeño de un trabajo vital para la sociedad, van poniendo a disposición del público castellanoparlante y su comunidad investigadora clásicos... more
French Napoleonic military architecture in Cairo
The ‘Nine Years War’ in Ireland saw violence and upheaval which brought the authority of the English crown to the point of collapse, but also resulted in the completion of the Tudor conquest and the eradication of native Irish laws and... more
Universidad de Alcalá lA cesión de soberanía de los estados de Flandes a los archiduques Alberto e Isabel, que Felipe II efectuó en 1598, no sólo conllevó cambios sustanciales para sus naturales. También los españoles que servían en el... more
This article appeared in Spanish in the popular historical magazine Desperta Ferro. Historia Moderna nr. 1 (2012). In this form it is unpublished. Please do not use without the author's consent.
This talk (which alludes to many authors but contains no notes) suggests how neo-Darwinian theory enriches our understanding of war, which is an important human universal. Passing in review some important studies in anthropology, it... more
Este artigo pretende analisar a estrutura, organização e conteúdo do Armazém de Goa em 1546. Baseam o-nos numa devassa inédita ordenada pelo governador D. João de Castro, aquando da sua chegada à capital do chamado Estado d a ín d ia.... more
People have built walls for thousands of years to protect cities, to divide cities and along the borders of polities. This paper examines this process to place modern walls in a historical context and to ask in what ways is modern wall... more
Uwaga! w PDF błędna paginacja! W druku s. 247-272, nie 249-274/Attention! PDF has wrong pagination. It should be p. 247-272, not 249-274
In his Discorsi Politici (1599) the Venetian Ambassador Paolo Paruta (1540-1598) analyzes several topics from ancient and modern History. Writing during the passage from Late Renaissance to the Age of Raison d’État, Paruta has the... more
En Dauphiné, les guerres d'Italie se rappellent aux souvenirs de tous par la personne du chevalier Bayard mais bien d'autres Dauphinois ont été appelés à participer aux guerres de la couronne au delà des monts: Francs archers,... more
Recibido: 24-01-2015 ▪ Aceptado: 25-05-2105 ▪ demesagallego@yahoo.es * Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto HAR2014-53298-C2-2-P "Nuevas perspectivas de historia social en la ciudad de Madrid y sus áreas de influencia en... more
Aussi abondante que soit l'historiographie relative à Bayard, on ne saurait dire que ses états de service militaires ont fait l'objet d'une étude détaillée, tant les historiens se sont comme résignés de l'épais brouillard qui entoure sa... more
Die rumänischen Provinzen Walachei und Moldau befanden sich im 18. Jahrhundert unter osmanischer Oberhoheit und wurden somit in die Kriege zwischen der Hohen Pforte und den großen europäischen Mächten einbezogen. Die vom Autor gefundenen... more
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Association Revue du Nord. © Association Revue du Nord. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
This communication presents the intervention of Alonso of Aragon, archbishop of Zaragoza (ca. 1469–1520), in the conquest of Navarre. He was the viceroy of Aragon and its commander in chief, because of that he was the main character of... more
Introductory course to the phenomenon of warfare and the populations supporting and enduring it over two centuries. Ranging from Spain to Ottoman Turkey, the course provides a broad chronological framework, into which it inserts the... more
Roumanian military history (Moldavia and Walachia) in XIVth - XVIth centuries
Underestimating the Consequences in the 21st Century of the Middle Ages Jeremy Scahill’s book, Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield, (there is also the film from the book, entitled, “Dirty Wars”, a Sundance Film Festival official... more
Battle of Orsha (Belarus) fought on September 8, 1514 was one of the largest pitched battles in series of wars between Muscovy and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and a brilliant victory of Lithuanian-Polish forces. However, the exact place... more
Between 1477 and 1493, the Burgundian state was confronted with the most serious crisis of its history. Against Louis XI, the successors of Charles the Bold had to defend the territorial integrity of his heritage. Within the Burgundian... more
Questo breve saggio prende abbrivio da una questione che da tempo accompagna le mie riflessioni intorno all'arte della guerra antica e alla storia della sua lunga tradizione nella cultura occidentale, e cioè come e sino a che punto la... more