Economy and Business
Recent papers in Economy and Business
Talent Management is a set of organizational, cultural, and cultural norms in organizations that are designed and applied to attract, develop, disseminate and articulate talent to store strategic goals and meet future business needs.... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat financial literacy dan faktor demografi terhadap keputusan investasi individu pada Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta. Variabel yang... more
Makalah Pembangunan Ekonomi di Indonesia
There is a law called Law Number 8 of 1999 that deals with consumer protection. It says that disputes between consumers and business people can be settled through both litigation and non-litigation channels and that both types of channels... more
Article Globalisasi Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Internasional
Avoidable mistakes happen every day in business, often because executives underestimate the potency of economic forces or because they believe that there is little they can do to predict and manage the impact of these forces. But... more
This study aims to test and analyse the determinants of internal stock returns with annual data observation used from 2014–2015. Following are the types of quantitative research employed in this study. The population of 41 companies with... more