Recent papers in Engineers
Motivation is one of the factors that influence the productivity of people. Project Managers, Engineers and Laborers, play a vital role in the management of projects in a Qatar Construction Industry success of these projects relies... more
Book published by Cambridge University Press, October, 2016. Engineers and scientists as well as engineering/science students are an immense untapped resource for innovation. This book is for engineers and scientists who have the aptitude... more
The Colección de cuadros y planos sobre de Cerdeña y Sicilia en los anõs 1717, 1720 (Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España MSS 6408) is an archive of military maps complementing the Memorias written by Jaime Miguel de Guzmán-Dávalos,... more
El presente estudio analiza el contexto histórico y la cultura cartográfica de la isla de Cerdeña durante la Guerra de la Cuádruple Alianza (1717-1720) y se presentan datos archivísticos y documentos cartográficos inéditos hasta la fecha.... more
Quality education depends primarily on the quality of teachers. This is particularly true in the case of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Understanding the factors that motivate students and... more
Ένα αμερικάνικο ανέκδοτο λέει πως ο μηχανικός προτιμά να αποσυναρμολογήσει τη συσκευή του τηλεφώνου παρά να τη χρησιμοποιήσει για να μιλήσει στη μητέρα του. Και όμως, πόσο αληθεύει αυτό, όταν ο μηχανικός που θα ασχοληθεί με τη σχεδίαση... more
AutoCAD Plant 3D is speci cation-driven software for creating 3D models of process plant components. You can route pipe, add equipment and other components, and include support structures.
Wie hängen Innovation und Wandel bei den Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen zusammen? Woher kam der Druck zur Veränderung? Wer generierte innovative Ideen generiert und wie konnten sich diese durchsetzen? So lauten einige Kernfragen der... more
The ecological emergency can be described as a combination of four categories: climate change, degradation of biodiversity, increasing pollution and scarcity of natural resources. As a consequence of the industrial revolution, these... more
Au tournant des années 1860-1870, le Japon confronté aux enjeux de la modernité a su trouver, dans les transferts de technologie et l’assistance d’experts étrangers sous contrat, les moyens d’assumer la transformation d’un pays féodal... more
The pressing need of predominance on the Mediterranean Sea during the war between the Quadruple Alliance (England, Holland, Austria and France) and the Spain of Philip V, fomented the creation of an efficient and updated cartographic... more
Pričujoča doktorska disertacija predstavlja razliko med oblikovanjem evropskih nacionalnih držav in ZDA kot razliko med modernizmom in postmodernizmom. Slednji ni predstavljen kot obdobje, ki bi modernizmu kronološko sledilo, temveč kot... more
This course helps prepare attendees with a solid understanding of why we monitor the condition of rotating machinery (and other critical assets), the importance of improved reliability, and how the vibration can be successfully measured... more
Through the construction of the sociological object "engineer", this work aims to shed light on the way in which the political, economic and social stakes were recomposed in the context of the economic liberalisation of the Maghreb in the... more
Alain P. Michel, « Le travail des ingénieurs en entreprises. Formation, socialisation et activités des ingénieurs en perspective européenne de longue durée », pour le dossier « Ingénieurs et entreprises aux XIXe-XXIe siècle », Artefact.... more
This paper starts with a brief on engineering and the goals and visions for it in Kenya. The Engineers Board of Kenya is talked about; the roles and functions together with registration of engineers. There is a conflict between laws... more
"Three levels of axioms matching three levels of disciplines: 1. Multidiscipline: Macro most general where the metaphors and axioms and metaphors used by the widest and diverse disciplines, users and societies. All of society, crossing... more
This article is a proposal to increase cooperation between speech therapists and engineers in the field of speech disfluencies assessment. It provides practical guidance on how to reach an agreement between representatives of the two... more
The Institution of Engineers India, largest Multidisciplinary Professional Body of Engineers deploying Engineering and engaging Engineers in the Country over 96 Years. The document is focusing on achievements and initiatives of IEI in the... more
This study investigated the influence of Petroleum Engineers’ personal characteristics as determinant factor on their utilisation of information resources in Libraries of petroleum industries in south- south, Nigeria. The characteristics... more
The Tunisian state that emerged from independence (1956) set up a system of training for its executives that tends to reproduce the characteristic duality of the French system between "grandes" and "petites" schools or faculties, and... more
Canada, as one of the three Allied nations collaborating on atomic energy development during the Second World War, had an early start in applying its new knowledge and defining a new profession. Owing to postwar secrecy and distinct... more
During the Independent era, and to the present day, the colonization in Mexico has received innumerable studies. Nevertheless, the plans and programs evaluation to establish new towns are still depending on static contexts, determined by... more
El trabajo centra su atención en el análisis de las experiencias de un grupo de egresados de una universidad de la República Argentina. Trabajamos con cuarenta ingenieros(as) que recibieron sus diplomas entre 2008 y 2010. Mediante una... more
When I was a senior in college, I was one of many who felt that four years had been enough, and that even one year more study- ing for a master’s degree would be too much. My parents, unfortu- nately, disagreed. My grades, though decent,... more
Between 1942 and the late 1950s, atomic piles (nuclear chain-reactors) were industrialized, initially to generate plutonium for the first atomic weapons and later to serve as copious sources of neutrons, radioisotopes and electrical... more
This paper examines how work has impacted the political opinions of a small group of nanotechnology engineers. It analyses how political worldviews are developed by members of the upper-middle classes, in this case technological... more
Felieton nawiązywał do odbywającego się w terminie jego publikacji (w czerwcu 2019 roku) XXVI Kongresu Techników Polskich, połączonego z IV Światowym Zjazdem Inżynierów. Hasłem tego Kongresu był "Inżynier Przyszłości". Felieton... more
The indirect heating rice cooker is a kitchen appliance that, since the 1960s, has had an extraordinary impact on the lives of Taiwanese people. Previous studies have investigated how male engineers adapted the mechanical design of... more
The paper analyses factors influencing the destinations chosen by 13 different categories of migrant engineers in the USA between 1994 to 1999. Migration patterns are analysed with the aid of fractional-response regression models. The... more
In this article, the importance of a numerical model for prediction and monitoring the river flow is discussed. In this regard, based to the importance of water flow velocity and the effect of related shear stress on the erosion of the... more
The environmental awareness of Moroccan engineers in charge of industrial projects has become essential to improve environmental performance and, more broadly, to contribute to the environment protection and sustainable development... more
One of the areas of greatest interest to a researcher in the field of the history of technology are studies done on the process of appropriating new scientific theories and technologies in countries that can be classified as peripheral in... more
Frontline managers in power distribution companies play a key role in providing the most essential services to a large section of country's population. Consequent to power sector reforms in India, the job of frontline managers has... more
Les grandes ecoles d’ingenieurs font, depuis les annees 1980, l’objet de critiques annoncant la fin d’un modele en declin, condamne a disparaitre ou a s’adapter aux exigences de la « mondialisation » ; elles sont ainsi amenees a se... more